The Stewart Manor House and surrounding events

1898-01-01 19:16:33

Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company

The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company was founded by F.E. Seiberling in 1898, and continues to manufacture rubber goods today.

1914-01-01 19:16:33

H.B Stewart Manor House

The H. B. Stewart Manor House was built in what is now Hartville, Ohio, between the years 1914 and 1929. The house was built on the site of a farmhouse that belonged to original settler Conrad Brumbaugh. The Stewarts, a family who gained fortune in the railroad business, occupied the area until donated to the state park system in the 1970s.

1929-11-01 19:16:33

The Great Depression

The Great Depression was an economic downturn occurring during the 1930s.

The Stewart Manor House and surrounding events

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