Media and Me Throughout the Years

2002-01-01 00:00:00

Dora, Tom and Jerry, and More

At the young age I was exposed to television. My mother would let me watch children shows like Dora, Teletubbies, Tom and Jerry, ang videos of nursery rhymes because they believe it can help me to develope my knowledge.

2003-01-25 01:09:33


By this time my mother would let me borrow her phone and play the games in it.

2004-01-25 01:09:33


By the age of 3 I started to get close to my cousin and learn how to operate the TV and DVD player. Our parents let us watch different movies like BARBIE

2006-05-17 13:23:13


I have completely learn how to operate the DVD player and play Disney Movies all by myself.

2012-06-02 00:00:00


My Aunt helped me to make my own account on facebook and thought me how to use it.

2013-06-02 00:00:00


When I was grade 7 I learned how to use computer and its software by the help of our Computer Education

2015-11-16 06:30:45

More Social Media

I Started to make more social media account like Youtube and Twitter account since I started to be a Fan-girl.

2016-06-16 22:14:11


In our Computer Programming on grade 10 I learned how to make HTMLs trough the notepad by the use of different HTML codes.

Media and Me Throughout the Years

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