Years of Exposure to Media

The day when everything about me started.

2000-05-24 08:47:21

The Start of Media Exposure

The start of everything about me. 0/10 rate.

2003-05-01 12:21:45

First Simple Media

Exposure to TV and radio through out my life. Newspapers were also introduced . 3/10 rating.

2005-05-07 05:50:53

Nokia 3310

Exposure to first hand phone media. That would be 4/10.

2008-05-14 09:12:33

My first phone.

I got my first phone and eventually destroyed it. 4/10. It wasn't really as immersive as what would happen in the future.

2009-05-02 03:57:03

The First PC

The first exposure to our own personal computer as I played games into it. 6/10 would be the rating.

2012-05-23 07:17:56

My Phone

I obtained my third phone, a red, keypad MyPhone which I used through 7th grade. 5/10.

2013-06-01 10:19:28

Heightened Media

We obtained our very first netbook. During also this time, we have our Computer Education which increased my exposure to media like computers and phone. 7/10 would be definite.

2014-03-06 09:56:32

Anime Times

Watched multiple animes within March and April. Intense exposure. 10/10 is real.

2014-06-10 15:03:13

Posting Galore

The FB posts are somewhat increasing through this year. The room speakers are introduced 7/10.

2015-06-03 18:04:45

Acacia's Times

Through this year, we marvelously connected through posts and images. Speakers are also present. 10/10 rating is the best.

2016-04-03 10:15:54

Continuous Media

April and May months are considered the internet moments' are the longest. 9/10.

2017-04-12 14:08:32

K-drama Mirage

The K-drama fever had started and increased the media exposure through our new personal computer. 12/10 is also real. Weightlifting is real until the mid June finishing the Goblin. Okay 15/10!

2017-06-10 09:15:57

The New League of Legends

As a gamer, I won't just let other players topple over me. Playing League of Legends in the midst of school season. 9/10 rating for this.

Years of Exposure to Media

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