My media exposure through the years

This timeline shows my exposure and development in media and technology from when I was little until today.

2002-01-01 17:05:39

Barney and Teletubbies

I was first exposed to television and children shows like Teletubbies and Barney when I was about 2 years old since I was told that only TV shows can make me behave

2004-05-20 11:21:51

Britney Spears

By this point I have been taught by my father about the basic operations on the computer. This was the time when I became an avid fan of Britney Spears, to the point where my father brought me her concert CDs, and I always watch in my TV and computer.

2004-06-17 11:21:51


I was introduced to the world of Disney and became one with the Princesses in the age of 3 up to 6. At that age I learned how to operate the TV by myself, and record the Disney songs by myself with the use of CD and tapes

2007-06-01 11:21:51

TV Patrol

By this point I have been exposed to the issues and news of the world. Every morning and night we always tune up to our radio and television to be updated about the news

2009-08-19 11:21:51

Social Media

At this time my father made me my account in facebook. And the next year I learned how to surf the internet and made my own accounts in Youtube, Google, Yahoo and Gmail

2012-06-05 12:48:44


When I was in Grade 6, we learned the parts of the computer and its functions, how to operate the internet and the computer's software, and as well as how to properly use the computer

2012-07-12 11:21:51

Ebooks and Wattpad

I have been introduced to electronic books and the wattpad app when I was graduating in elementary. By this time I already own my own laptop and smart phone, so I made my own account in Wattpad, and learned how to download ebooks in the internet. I became a bookworm up until junior high school

2013-05-17 08:05:26

Play Store

When I was introduced to different apps that can help me entertain myself, as well as educational apps, I learned how to download applications and manage my phone security.

2013-05-18 08:23:43

Pinterest and Instagram

When I discovered my love for aesthetic photos I downloaded and created my account in these apps since I always find myself searching for cute photos and wallpaper

2013-06-03 03:33:16

Microsoft office and Adobe photoshop

We were taught how to properly use the MS applications like Word, Powerpoint, and Excel, as well as edit photos in Adobe photoshop back when we were in Grade 7

2015-08-19 08:05:26

Youtube tutorials

I learned how to save offline videos in youtube because of our Advanced Statistics subject. I always search youtube tutorials since it takes time for me to completely understand our lessons

2015-08-20 11:21:51


I created my Twitter account when I was in grade 9 since I can interact with my friends there more, and I find it fun reading my classmates' tweets

2016-06-30 03:33:16

Notepad ++

We had our Computer Programming project on our tenth grade, and I learned how to make HTMLs and memorize the codes

2016-09-14 11:21:51

Google Scholar

I became more exposed in researching and referencing when I was in grade 10 since it was necessary for us for our Research paper and analyzation. I was also introduced in Google Scholar which was a pretty much helpful search engine for researches

My media exposure through the years

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