The different media that I used

2002-06-01 00:00:00


Books can be a source of entertainment and to gain some knowledge.

2003-06-01 00:00:00

Second media:BIBLE

This type of media is a short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious principle, or moral lesson.When I was 3 years old my parents enrolled me to a baptist nursery school. Everyday my teacher will tell us a story about JESUS CHRIST and different parables everyday. They even taught us how to read bible.

2005-06-01 00:00:00

Third media: BOOKS

When I was 5 years old , I was already exposed of different kind of books because at the very young age I started to enter to school and books can give you legit information.

2008-06-01 00:00:00


I love watching TV especially in cartoon network and movies like Barbie and Tom and Jerry cartoon and i also love listening to music using radio. These two types of media can be a source of entertainment and also I can get some information, updates and some latest news.

2010-06-01 00:00:00

Fifth media: FACEBOOK

I started using Facebook when I was 10 years until now.This media helps me to communicate easier with my other relatives and to socialize other people or to have to new friends through Facebook.

2011-03-27 00:52:55

6th media: MAGAZINE

It can give some me information, latest trends and latest news and it can be a source of entertainment.

2012-12-28 11:18:37

7th media: y8 online game

This online game can be a source of entertainment.

2013-10-23 12:11:32

8th media: ANDROID PHONE

This android phone helps me a lot when it comes to academic purposes like when we have to define that particular word and all I have to do is to search it on my android phone through free online app like dictionary and it also helps me to communicate easier to my parents when I have some emergency cases.

2014-10-23 12:11:32

9th media: WATTPAD

It can be a source of entertainment

2015-06-01 00:00:00

10th media: YOUTUBE

This media helps me to research some information and through youtube I can watch movies or even dance video or music video of my favorite Korean Pop idols.

2016-06-01 00:00:00

11th media: MESSENGER

It helps me to communicate easier with my relatives and my love ones and help me to gain more friends through this chatting them using his messenger app.


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