events that led to declaring independence

1765-03-22 09:29:41

Stamp Act

Tax introduced on legal documents to pay for defense of colonies. Americans boycotted British goods, they were angry as they were the only colonies who needed to pay for taxes. Tax collectors were threatened to leave their jobs and protest the stamp act.

1767-06-15 06:59:29

Townsend Acts

Tax on products colonies needed- glass, lead, paints. paper. and tea. The Americans boycotted, and British eventually repealed all take except the one on tea. British sent more troops to American in response to violent protests.

1770-03-05 06:59:29

Boston Massacre

5 colonists killed after mob on one lone guard, the guard had called for help, someone shouted “fire” and British men shot down 5 colonists. This event was used as propaganda as an example of British cruelty.

1773-05-10 01:02:12

Tea Act

British lowered the price of tea extremely. Led to the Boston tea party.

1773-12-16 01:02:12

Boston Tea Party

Colonists dressed as indians stormed into the Boston Harbor and dumped 23 thousand pounds of tea into the harbor. Also the British ships where burned. Americans believed that the British were trying to steal their independence and freedom.

1774-03-24 01:02:12

The Intolerable Acts

King George closed Boston harbor to everything but British ships. He sent lots of British troops to Boston, the colonists had to house and feed the troops.

1774-06-09 01:02:12

Gasp Affair

A British warship, named the Gaspee, burned and the captain was terribly wounded.

1774-09-05 01:02:12

First Continental Congress

Brought together representatives from each colony, except Georgia, to discuss their response to the British “Intolerable Acts”.

1775-04-19 01:02:12

Battle of Lexington and Concord

Colonist send troops to Boston. 1st shots were fired for the revolution. Paul Revere, Silversmith, rides to warn Sam Adams and Hancock of the British arriving in Lexingtkon to find hidden arms caches.

1775-05-05 20:05:21

Second Continental Congress

Delegates of the 13 colonies gathered in Philadelphia and sent an olive branch to King George. King George refused and proclaimed the colonies in rebellion.

1775-06-17 20:24:27

Battle of Bunker Hill

Am. General Patna was good in combat. He was going to steal canon and set up a fortress which would destroy all the British ships in the B. Harbour. British troops sent to the fort where killed, even though the Americans had close to no powder, and the British were down by half their men.

1776-01-10 23:37:48

Tom Paine's "Common Sense"

Book published about republicanism and independence.

1776-07-04 23:37:48

Declaration of Independence

50 men signed the declaration ofnfreedom from Britain.

events that led to declaring independence

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