Stake 2017

Saskatoon Saskatchewan Stake History

Here's where we can record our events and experiences that showed the Lord's Hand in our lives.

2017-02-10 17:39:06

Re-activation in Melfort

A Branch without a President

2017-02-25 01:11:40

Stake Conference

Stake Conference for 2 days. Auxiliary Leadership also happened

2017-04-02 01:11:40

Missionary Moment

I was minding my own business when...

2017-05-17 15:19:57


The wrong call was the right call

2017-07-04 07:49:53

Death of Br Sandman

At the age of 93, a long life of service

2017-08-27 01:18:06

Family Discovery Day

4 Hours to learn about how to do your Family History

2017-09-09 17:39:06

Stake Conference

Stake Conference with President Eyring Presiding

2017-10-12 17:39:06

Longer Story

Simple Mishap leads Young woman to the Church

Stake 2017

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