Timeline of Ancient Rome

0027 BC-01-01 16:39:15

The First Roman Emperor, Agustus Comes to Power

0043-01-01 16:39:15

Romans Invade Britain Under Emperor Claudius

0044 BC-01-01 16:39:15

Julius Caesar is Assassinated

0061-01-01 16:39:15

Queen Boudicca Leads Revolt Against the Romans

0122-01-01 16:39:15

122 Soliders Built Hadrian's Wall

0410-01-01 16:39:15

The End of Roman Rule in Britain

0476-01-01 16:39:15

The End of the Western Roman Empire

0509 BC-01-01 16:39:15

Rome Becomes a Republic

0753 BC-01-01 16:39:15

Building of the City of Rome Begins

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Timeline of Ancient Rome

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