Symbols of our country and state

This timeline is to help 1st graders identify national symbols and Utah state symbols.

1753-03-10 00:00:00

Liberty Bell

The Liberty Bell was made in England. It arrived in Philadelphia in 1753 and shortly after it broke when it was rung.

1777-06-14 06:00:15

American Flg

Also known as "The Stars and Stripes", represents the United States.

1782-06-13 00:00:00

Great Seal

The Great Seal was designed by Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson. It was approved in 1782. Olive branch represents peace and the arrows represent war.

1782-06-20 00:00:00

Bald Eagle

The national bird. The Bald Eagle was chosen in 1782 as the emblem of the United States.

1787-09-17 00:00:00

Constitution of the United States

The Constitution of the United States was written in 1787. It defines the powers of the government and rights of the American people.

1789-04-30 00:00:00

George Washington

Our first President.

1800-10-01 01:28:36

White House

Home to every President except Georg Washington. It was first used by John Adams in 1800

1800-10-01 01:28:36

United States Capitol

Home for the United States Congress and the seat of the legislative branch.

1886-10-28 00:00:00

Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty is made of copper. It was given to the American people by the people of France to symbolize friendship and liberty. It opened 1886.

1888-10-09 00:00:00

Washington Monument

This monument is 555 feet tall. It was opened in 1888 and honors the first President of the United States.

1911-03-18 00:24:44

Utah State Flower

The Sego Lily was approved to be the state floral emblem on March 18, 1911.

1913-01-01 14:13:10

State Flag

The original Utah State Flag was adopted by the State Legislature in 1896 and revised in 1913.

1922-05-30 00:00:00

Lincoln Memorial

The Lincoln Memorial honors our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln. It opened 1922.

1935-10-01 00:24:44

Supreme Court

This is where the nine Supreme court Justices meet. First used in 1935.

1955-02-14 00:24:44

The Sea Gull

The Sea Gull became Utah's State Bird in 1955.

1959-03-04 14:13:10

The Beehive

The Beehive became Utah States Emblem on March 4, 1959.

Symbols of our country and state

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