Sky 1 Idents

2009-09-15 15:14:49


The ident is positioned in the centre of the screen, with the number 1 which is blue and it quickly morphs into a blue christmas tree.This has been used to use the design the very first ident which Sky 1 has created for the seasonal christmas ident, this includes using segmentation is a purpose which is about seasonal ident,mutli channels(BBC 1,bbc 2,bbc3 etc.) If any ident is up to date to 30 seconds, the logo will be seen on screen for up to 15 seconds with the use of animation or real life imagery behind, this is used for the design which called space and time ,this is the length of the ident.

2009-12-31 04:10:03

sky one

sky1 used to represented in word format in which over time shows that they had ditched that look and change the 'one' to numerical format. this is shown in the video on how sky1 sed to look but have resulted to rebranding due to audiences and what's trending.

2010-04-05 23:07:17

sky christmas ident

This is a seasonal-led ident that would only be appropriate to use at christmas time as it advertises this time of year along with the channel. The music used emphasise this theme as it sounds magically and glittering (adjectives usually associated with christmas). The duration and tempo are appropriate as they give a relaxed amount of time that doesn't drag on too long but allows the information to be shown effectively.

2011-01-12 16:35:30


2008 - 2011 sky1 gained a new look making use of a solid blue colour to now represent them and allow audiences to now recognise their new them. consumers will adapt as they are loyal to what this brand has to offer.

2011-07-23 10:02:23


Sky 1's current logo was adapted in February 2011. For New Year's Day 2014, Sky1 was temporarily renamed to Sky Onesie "to encourage viewers to snuggle up in front of the television wearing onesies, in a bid to recover from the previous night's celebrations".

2011-12-25 18:47:48


The typography in this ident is used is a simple way of showing the seasonal segmentation and how you can see the logo is created brand identify.

2013-12-25 08:29:56

simpspns ident

This ident is entertainment-led as it uses a flagship programme to advertise the channel. This offers a great opportunity as when viewers see The Simpsons they will begin to automatically associate it with Channel 4, allowing advertisement for their channel.

2014-12-14 01:21:29


As this is seasonal ident, they have used an penguin with snow because it reflect that christmas is coming up.

2015-12-14 01:21:29


This ident is only 3 seconds because they want the viewer to focus on the sparks and it shows what channel name.

2016-03-16 17:21:38

re brand

When re branding a channel,this has to be done over time because their target audience is aging with the changing the content or features, for example E4 has re branded thenselves and started to create ident. If you understand your audience,you can create loyalty by keeping up with trends. Sky 1 capture the character of the ‘one’ in a way that reflects it’s energy and optimism without becoming too childish. As Sky’s flagship channel the music for Sky 1 was crafted to convey quality whilst remaining true to it’s family entertainment focus

Sky 1 Idents

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