19th century main European revolutions

After the Congress of Vienna, liberal and nationalist ideas spread easily in the new European context. Uprisings were common, especially where there were also socio-economic problems.

1808-03-01 08:02:13

South America, Spanish and Portuguese colonies.

Nationalist movements in Spanish and Portuguese colonies in South American in favour of their independence that they achieved.

1820-03-01 08:02:13


Some social groups wanted a liberal constitution, but Fernando VII ignored them. French soldiers came to restore Ferdinand’s authority.

1821-06-01 02:54:57


Greece, uprising against the Ottoman Turks, for independence. The war lasted until 1829 when the independence of Greece was recognised

1830-05-01 00:00:00


Belgium part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands since the Congress of Vienna 1815, including two different parts. There was a rebellion in Brussels that ended in a Belgian independence 1831, with a new constitutional monarchy

1830-06-01 02:54:57


France . The new king wanted to be an Absolute ruler,and that started a revolution pushed by the Bourgoisie with liberal willings, France became a constitutional monarchy.

1831-09-01 13:40:21


Poland, annexed to Russian Empire in 1815, rose up against Russia but the rebellion was supresed.

1833-05-01 00:00:00

First Carlist war

In Spain the Sucession of Isabella II began the first Carlist War between traditionalists and liberals.. The Carlists defended ‘God, Country and King’ (and foruak in the Basque Country ) "

1834-05-01 00:00:00


Germany belonged to Prussia and Austria in 1815, divided into 39 states. It started with economic union,and there were some wars between Austria and Prusia. In 1871, German was united under King Wilhelm I of Prussia, Kaiser of Germany. It was a Constitutional Monarchy organised as a federal state.

1848-05-01 00:00:00

“The spring of nations “.

Most of the Western and Central European countries (France, Poland, Austria, Hungary, Prussia, Saxony, Venice-Lombardy, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, Ireland, Denmark..). All these countries had liberal uprisings against absolutist monarchs or in favour of more democratic changes ( universal suffrage ) in countries that already had a constitutional monarchy . It was the beginning of proletarian ideologies such as Socialism ( 1848 The Communist manifesto of Marx and Engels ). In German and Italian states the uprisings also had nationalist ideas. Most of them were crushed .

1859-05-01 00:00:00


Italian unification. Italy was organised in seven separate states under different governments ( Austria-Hungary, Piedmont-Sardinia), and after many wars, proclaimed a constitutional monarchy in 1861. Italy became a completed unified state in 1871 when Rome was incorporated

1868-05-01 00:00:00

Spanish six revolutionary years

The Sexenio Democrático starts with the overthrow of Queen Isabella II of Spain after the Glorious Revolution, and ends with the Bourbon Restoration, when Isabella's son Alfonso XII became King after a coup d'état by Martínez-Campos.Three phases can be distinguished in Sexenio Democrático The Provisional Government (1868-1871) ; The rule of King Amadeo I of Spain ( 1871 - 1873); The First Spanish Republic ( 1873 - 1874). The Sexenio Democrático was a politically very unstable period.

1873-11-01 03:29:20

Third Carlist War

Spain suffered another Carlist War (third in Spàin, second in the Basque Country) as the traditionalists wanted to recover the crown,taking advantage of the convulsed political situation. It ended with a liberal victory..

1880-11-01 03:29:20

Centre Catalá

Creation of the Centre Catalá organised by Catalan bourgoisie to pull initiatives towards more autonomy

1895-11-01 03:29:20

Euzko Alderdi Jeltzailea

Sabino Arana founded the Euzko Alderdi Jeltzailea based on Asociacion Euskara de Navarra and La Sociedad Euskalerria de Bilbao, with the aim of the restoration of the foruak.

19th century main European revolutions

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