Computer Timeline

This is a digital timeline about the history of computers.

1939-01-01 12:00:00

Hewlett-Packard was founded

David Packard and Bill Hewlett

1940-01-08 12:00:00


The Complex Number Calculator was completed by George Stibitz.

1940-11-18 09:12:01

Turing Machine

Alan Turing invented a machine that could simulate an algorithm.

1942-12-08 00:00:00

Atanasoff-Berry Computer

The ABC was made at the Iowa State College.

1946-02-01 00:00:00


Built by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert.

1947-07-01 07:49:07


University of Pennsylvania´s Moore School of Electrical Engineering constructed stored program computers called AVIDAC.

1948-01-01 22:54:34

IBM´s Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator

Manhattan's headquarters had IBM´s Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator. This computed scientific data in a public display.

1949-01-01 22:54:34


EDSAC, the first practical stored-program computer, was assembled by Maurice Wilkes at Cambridge University.

1953-01-01 12:09:37

IBM 701

The 701 was shipped by the IBM.

1962-01-01 13:48:33


The Laboratory Instrumentation Computer had the first real time laboratory data processing. It was created by Wesley Clark.

1964-01-01 20:29:40

CDC 6600

Believed to be the first computer designated as a supercomputer with the fastest speed at the time (100 nanoseconds). This "supercomputer" was designed by Seymour Cray.

1965-01-01 09:00:32


Digital Equipment Corp. created the PDP-8. It was the first commercially successful minicomputer.

1965-09-10 10:21:18

IBM System/360

IBM announced a family of six computers that were compatible with each other.

1966-06-25 01:29:14

Illiac IV

The Department of Defense Advanced Research wanted to build a large-scale array computer with the University of Illinois. This computer didn't function completely until 1972. The Illiac IV is considered to be the first large-scale computer.

1968-05-21 22:30:47


A company founded by engineers from a different company call Data General Corp. brought Nova, a minicomputer with 32 kilobytes of memory, to the market with a cost of 8,000$.

1968-06-21 22:30:47

Apollo Guidance Computer

The first computer to exit the stratosphere. Orbited the Earth on the Apollo 7 and steered Apollo 11 to the Moon.

1970-06-21 22:30:47

Shakey, first mobile robot with AI

Shakey, made by SRI, was the first mobile robot controlled by artificial intelligence.

1971-06-21 22:30:47


Kenbak-1 was the first personal computer with a cost of 750$.

1974-01-25 09:18:05

Pong, first "video game"

Ralph Bear designed Pong, for his game console. It made its debut at bars and was overwhelmingly successful.

1975-04-04 02:18:43


The successful computer company Microsoft was founded by bill Gates and Paul Allen.

1977-02-17 18:00:21


Earliest commercial microprocessor based computer.

1977-06-10 14:52:32

Apple II

The Apple II was released with a printed circuit motherboard, case assembly and a cassette tape with the computer game "Breakout". It was the first personal computer to produce color graphics.

1977-06-15 14:52:32

Commodore PET

First of many computers released in 1977. The Commodore was a straightforward product, it came fully assembled and with a "chiclet" keyboard.

1977-09-11 14:52:32

Atari VCS

Later named Atari 2600, it was the first video game console to emerge. It used an 8-bit MOS microprocessor.

1979-12-21 22:30:47

Atari 400 and 800

Both were released in tandem and had commercial success. The 400 was intended to be more of a game console and the 800, a game computer.

1981-04-03 03:00:16

Osborne I

The Osborne I was the first portable computer.

1981-08-12 22:30:47


IBM's PC increased the growth of personal computers.

1982-01-03 03:00:16

Commodore 64

The Commodore 64 was released, it was personal computer meant for games. It featured impressive graphics.

1983-05-23 03:57:33


The first personal computer with a graphical user interface, released by Apple.

1984-01-24 03:57:33


Apple released the Macintosh with a mouse and a graphical user interface. It included a lot of features and various applications like MacPaint and MacWrite.

1984-03-01 03:57:33


The IBM PC Jr. launched with notable increases in power.

1985-07-23 10:22:20

Commodore Amiga 1000

Commodore launched the Amiga 1000 with audio and video capabilities never before seen on a personal computer.

1986-02-03 18:23:14


Pixar is founded. Pixar was originally a group part of Lucasfilm.

1986-07-23 10:22:20

Connection Machine

Thinking Machines Corp. developed a concept of processors asking for help to complete something process, a brainlike associative recall. The machine used 65,536 processors and could complete several billion operations per second.

1988-04-11 10:22:20

Pixar's "Tin Toy"

"Tin Toy", a computer-animated film became the first to win an academy award.

1991-02-01 02:38:10

The First Memory Card

The world's first memory card is produced in a Japanese electronics company.

1991-04-20 15:05:25

First Webcam

The world's first webcam comes into existence at Cambridge University. It was created to monitor a coffee pot.

1991-05-11 22:18:16


The video games company: Bungie was founded. They became popular and successful thanks to the Myth and Halo franchises.

1993-12-16 22:18:16


iD Software launches the controversial video game Doom. It was an extreme success. The violence present in this game was a concern for parents, people going as far as to believe the game being the cause of various school shootings. "Doom" inspired various other titles.

2000-01-06 00:00:00

The 2000 Glitch

Glitch in a computer in the Washington D.C. air traffic control causes a shutdown of air traffic across the U.S. East Coast January 6, 2000.

2000-02-17 00:00:00

Microsoft Windows 2000

Microsoft introduces their new windows 2000 program to the public.

2001-03-24 00:00:00

Mac Os X 10.0

Apple introduces their new program of Mac Os X 10.0 to the public,

2001-07-01 00:00:00

Google Images

Google images is introduced with over 250 million pictures ready for consumer use.

2001-10-25 00:06:02

Microsoft Windows XP

Microsoft introduces their new windows Xp program to the public.

2003-04-28 01:23:16


Apple opens iTunes in Apr. 28, 2003.

2004-02-04 01:23:16


Mark Zuckerberg launches Thefacebook which later becomes Facebook.

2004-04-01 01:23:16


Google announces Gmail, but many people treat it as an April fools joke.

2005-02-15 01:23:16


YouTube is Funded and comes online.

2006-04-22 20:02:15

Intel Core Processor

Intel releases it's core processor 2 Duo Processor E6320.

2007-01-09 20:02:15


Apple introduces the IPhone, at the MacWorld conference and Expo.

Computer Timeline

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