The Life of Enid Lyons

Key points in the life of Dame Enid Lyons, Australia's first female cabinet minister.

1914-04-24 12:21:48

Joesph Lyons becomes State Treasurer

Need exact date. Joe Lyons is State Treasurer and Minister for Education and Railways in the John Earle government.

1914-07-28 10:25:44

World War I starts

1915-04-28 08:47:51

Enid Burnell and Joseph Lyons Marry

Enid is 17, Joe is 35

1915-04-28 08:47:51

Enid meets error Flynn

Enid in parade

1916-04-15 07:55:16

Tasmanian Nationalist Party win election

Enid is unsuccessful in her election bid?

1916-04-30 07:55:16

Joseph Lyons becomes Leader of Tasmanian Labor Party

Need Exact date. After the Tasmanian Labor party split over conscription Joe Lyons becomes leader.

1917-04-21 15:13:21

Elsie Needham Marries John Curtin

Elsie is 26, John is 32.

1918-11-11 11:38:34

World War I ends

1929-10-22 02:33:13

Scullin Government takes office

Joseph Lyons becomes Postmaster-General and Minister for Works and Railways.

1929-10-24 02:33:13

Wall Street Market Crash

The Great Depression kicks off big time.

1931-12-19 07:46:13

Joseph Lyons Elected as Prime Minister

1932-12-19 07:46:13

Australia recovering from The Depression

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1933-04-08 02:49:42

WA Seccession Referendum

Majority of WA residents vote to split from the rest of Australia. British Government refuses to dissolve the Australian Federation.

1934-09-15 03:32:22

1934 Federal Election

Curtin regains his seat of Fremantle. Joe Lyons remains as Prime Minister. Holt runs for office against James Scullin but is unsuccessful.

1934-12-19 23:21:42

Unemployment rates decrease

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1935-08-17 03:32:22

Harold Holt Wins By-Election

Wins seat of Fawkner (Prahran/St Kilda/Toorak). At age 27 he is one of the youngest federal members in Australian history.

1937-11-29 01:15:14

Lyons Fourth Ministry starts

1938-01-26 08:03:25

Day of Mourning Protest Meeting

Gathering of Aboriginal activists, one of the first major civil rights gatherings in the world. Australian government rejected their petitions because it required a change to the constitution.

1938-09-27 19:15:14

Joe rings enid

7 pm in Melbourne. page 34, My Life, thrilling illustrated biography of Dame Enid Lyons.

1938-09-28 01:15:14

Joe telegrams Chamberlain

At this late hour I venture to suggest that there may be some possibility of averting war...

1938-09-28 01:15:14

Enid arrives back in Tasmania

But heads back to Canberra on the 30th

1938-09-28 11:00:00

Joe provides details to House of Reps

Mercury, 29 Sept 1939 See also the article from The Argus attached

1938-09-28 11:50:00

Dominion Reps Meet

Bruce reads out Joe's telegram to Chamberlain. Chamberlain has telegramed Hitler and Mussoolini in early hours of the morning.

1938-09-28 20:50:14

Bruce telegrams Joe

20:50pm 28th Canberra, 11:50am 28th London. Bruce telegrams notes from Dominion Reps Meeting

1938-09-28 22:42:00

Bruce telegrams Joe

22:42 28th Canberra, 13:42 28th London. Bruce sends Joe copies of Chamberlain's correspondence with Hitler and Mussolini

1938-09-29 01:15:14

Munich Agreement

Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France sign the Munich agreement which forces the Czechoslovak Republic to cede the Sudetenland, including the key Czechoslovak military defense positions, to Nazi Germany.

1938-09-30 03:36:53

Munich Agreement Cartoon by Will Mahony

1938-09-30 03:40:00

Dominion Reps await Munich conference outcome

3:40 30th Canberra, 18:40 29th London. Bruce sends Joe notes from Dominion rep meeting. At meeting Bruce reported to Dominion reps that Joe had made a speech re:situration

1938-09-30 11:47:00

Telegram re:Agreement signed

11:47am Canberra, 02:47am London. Lord Stanley to Commonwealth govts "Agreement has been signed at Munich by representatives of the four Governments."

1938-09-30 20:30:00

Joe telegrams Chamberlain

20:30 Canberra, 11:30 London. 2 telegrams, one formal, one personal. Telegram/s arrive during Dominion Rep meeting.

1938-10-24 13:36:53

Menzies' speech about Leadership

At the Constitutional Club of Sydney. Reported in SMH, 25/10/1938. Cited in Earle Page's controversial speech of the 20th April, 1939.

1938-10-25 03:36:53

Charles Hawker, influential UAP backbencher, dies in plane crash.

Frank Green claims that Charles Hawker was a contender for the leadership, and had support in the press of the time. p 111 of "Servant of the House".

1938-11-08 01:15:14

Thomas White Resigns from Cabinet

On 8 November 1938, White resigned his portfolio, having discovered that Joseph Lyons had established an inner Cabinet from which he was excluded

1938-12-26 03:36:53

Letter from Lee Archer to Joe

"Well old boy you have had a rotten time with the party and came through well and I do trust 1939 you will have a much happier time than you had in 1938" NAA, CP 167/1, Personal Papers PM Lyons, Correspondence 'L'

1939-01-05 03:36:53

Letter to Cecil Lee Archer from Joe

"I will not be in Melbourne until end of February", "We are holding cabinet meetings over here early February". NAA, CP 167/1. Personal Papers of PM Lyons, Correspondence L

1939-01-10 03:36:53

Pope Pius XI dies

1939-01-13 03:36:53

Black Friday Bushfires

3/4 of Victoria burns. One of the worst bushfires since white settlement.

1939-01-25 02:12:27

Alarming Telegram from London re:Hitler

Addressed to Joe. On 27th this telegram was circulated to all Ministers and to each of the State Premiers and to the Leader of the Opposition. The telegram was not discussed at the cabinet meeting. This was due to the difficulty of reconciling conflicting reports.

1939-01-30 17:09:25

Letter to Mary Lett from Joe

"we had been menaced by a bushfire. Fortunately no harm was done." NAA, CP 167/1, Personal Papers of PM Lyons, Correspondence 'L'.

1939-01-30 17:09:25

Curtin Telegrams Joe

Curtin requests that Parliament is recalled early. NAA, Barcode:350187

1939-02-06 02:12:27

Cabinet Meets in Hobart

1939-02-15 17:09:25

Holt joins 4th Field Brigade Artillery, Prahran

1939-02-20 02:12:27

Page Reveals Insurance Bill to be Postoned

Page reveals to the press that the majority of Cabinet favor postponing Insurance Bill. Page's unauthorised disclosure suggests he plans to withdraw from the coalition. p74 Black Jack McEwen

1939-02-20 03:36:53

Cabinet about to postpone Insurance Bill

Page discloses to Country Party meeting in Kempsey NSW that majority of cabinet support postponing Insurance Bill implementation. p74 Black Jack McEwen: Political Gladiator By Peter Golding

1939-03-02 10:00:00

Coronation of Pope_Pius_XII

Souvenirs of coronation posted to Dame Enid. NLA Enid Lyons papers, Box 2.

1939-03-07 17:09:25

Letter to Enid from F.X.Schneider, per EGL

"Very pleased to hear that you are so much better" NAA, CP167/3 Barcode 350267

1939-03-10 22:23:06

Great Britian Guarantees Poland's Intergrity

France and Great Britain guarantee the integrity of the borders of the Polish state.

1939-03-15 03:54:05

Germany invades Czechoslovakia

1939-03-27 02:33:13

Menzies Resigns from Lyons Government

Enid had been angry at Menzies' behavior and is relieved by his resignation "the first decent thing he's done in months" This period holds a lot of pain related to Menzies.

1939-03-31 22:23:06

Germany Breaks Munich Agreement

Under German pressure, the Slovaks declare their independence and form a Slovak Republic. The Germans occupy the rump Czech lands in violation of the Munich agreement, forming a Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.

The Life of Enid Lyons

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