Stop Motion Timeline

1897-07-12 06:33:12

First Time

The First time stop motion was used In The Humpty Dumpty Circus. A show where toys come to life and become acrobats created By Alber E.Smith

1902-12-21 02:47:53

Second Time

Second time someone used stop motion was in a film called Fun in Bakery Shop, they even used a new technique called lightning sculpting.

1904-12-28 14:17:12

Special Effects

A French movie was released in 1903 called Georges M'elics used stop motion in the start with title letter cards which inspired most special effects to be based on stop motion.

1912-11-16 14:00:22

Clay comes In!!!

First ever clay animation stop motion movie was released in a movie called Modelling Extraordinary which inspired other stop motion artists to use clay such as in Wallace and Grommet

1916-10-22 16:12:26

The First Woman

The first ever woman animator Helena Smith Dayton started to experiment with clay stop motion and released her own stop motion movie deticated to Romeo and Juliet.

1925-08-05 06:53:40


A well known Animator artist Willis O'Brien used some stop motion in his movie The Lost World to promote stop motion.

1933-09-25 08:40:31

Most rememberable movie

Wills O'Brien carried on to to make another stop motion movie but this was the most rememberable movie called King Kong which was Willis O'Brien most successful movie.

1940-12-23 15:25:39

Stop Motion Advertisment

For the first time stop motion was used in a advertisement. Auto-life created a promotional film with tools walking through a factory as they manufactured automotive parts.

1949-12-30 07:14:30

Wills O'Brien Strikes Again

Wills O'Brien made another successful stop motion movie called Mighty Joe Young.

1950-12-20 06:58:36

Stop Motion Revolution

This was the period where stop motion gained a wider audience, it started to come on T.V as in commercials and cartoon like 'Gumby'.

1965-04-09 16:10:38

Free Form

Independent clay animator Eliot Noyes Jr refined the technique of free form clay animation(Freeform is animation when it doesn't have an internal structure skeletal structure) He is using this technique in his new film 'Clay"

1975-03-31 08:16:35

Oscar Time

A filmmaker and clay animation experimenter Will Vinton joined with Bob Gardener to make a stop motion movie called a stop motion movie called 'Closed Mondays', this was the first stop motion movie to get an Oscar.

1977-10-21 18:50:31

Disney uses Stop Motion

Disney starts to experiment with stop motion to and hired their own stop motion experiment Mike Jittlov to make the stop motion animate Mickey Mouse. Then they continued with Mickey Mouse series.

1980-10-27 02:23:01

Star Wars

In 1980 they often used stop motion in Star Wars Trilogy when the AT-AT walkers are moving and the AT-ST walker in Return of the Jedi.

1987-10-16 11:45:23


The technique stop motion was used in Robocop because some scenes to do were humanity possible to do.

1990-09-03 08:30:58

Increasing numbers

There has been a increasing number of stop motion movies but one feature film is 'The Night before Christmas'

1998-10-04 06:13:16

Series of stop Motion First Time

Will Vonton released the first prime stop animation series called 'The PJ's

2005-03-21 02:05:46

Wallace and Gromet

Nick Park created the characters and stop motion series Wallace and Gromit and films such as 'Wallace and Gromit :Curse of the the Were Rabbit and Chicken Run.

2009-05-11 19:47:07

Mr Fox

In 2009 two unforgetable movies were made which really made stop motion popular Fantastic Mr Fox and $9.99

2010-08-01 00:00:00


Stop motion. (2014, July 28). Retrieved August 14, 2014.

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