This timeline shows different monarchs from the fifteenth through eighteenth centuries. Through this timeline, you can become familiar with the monarchs and how they gained power.

1469-02-17 20:43:41

Ferdinand and Isabella

Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile married in 1469, uniting their two states. This strengthened Spain and helped them to religiously and politically unify their people.

1491-02-17 20:43:41

Henry VIII

In attempts to bear and heir, Henry VIII wanted to annul his marriage with his wife. When the Pope did not approve, Henry VIII passed the Act of Supremacy and became extremely powerful.

1519-03-01 00:00:00

Charles V

Charles V was the grandson of Ferdinand and Isabella. He inherited the crown of Spain and was also the heir to the Austria Hapsbrug thrown.

1556-03-01 00:00:00

Philip II

Philip II of Spain was an absolute monarch and ruled with divine right. His goals were to spread the Spanish influence throughout Europe and to gain more power for the Catholic Church.

1558-02-17 20:43:41

Queen Elizabeth I

Queen Elizabeth I, the daughter of Henry VIII, is known for compromising. She allowed religious toleration within England and helped to unify England during her forty-five year reign.

1589-03-01 00:00:00

Henry IV

Huguenot Prince, Henry IV inherited the french throne. He had later converted to Christainity knowing that it would be better to rule under that title. He kept the idea of religious toleration and opened up an era of indrustal reconstruction.

1603-03-01 00:00:00

James I

He was a tought ruler, many people had lost faith in him to bring England to a better state. Yet he kept it together and brought a fairly equal rule.

1610-03-01 00:00:00

Louis XIII

Louis had taken the throne at a very young age. But that didnt stop him from appointing one of the most power cheif ministers France has ever seen.

1619-02-17 20:43:41

Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand

Before becoming the Holy Roman Emperor in 1619, Ferdinand was the Hapsburg king of Bohemia. He aimed to stop the Protestant religion and to gain power for himself.

1624-03-01 00:00:00

Armand Richelieu

Richelieu was know as one of the best french successors of his time. He created a stable goverment, while at the same maintaining power equally. His methods have inspired many other rulers in Europe.

1625-03-01 00:00:00

Charles I

Charles was not seen as a very balanced king. Some days he would have great ideas, and others he just caused a huge mess. His argumentative ways soon brought him to his death snetence.

1643-03-01 00:00:00

Louis XIV

Louis XIV was a young boy when e found out that he was the one to take the throne when is father had died. Roits began to break out in the land of France. But soon, Louis was able to take the throne on his own with the help of Jules Mazarin.

1647-03-01 00:00:00

Olivier Cromwell

Even though he was not a ruler he was able to keep the power in England. He was a strong successor of English Rule.

1653-03-01 00:00:00

Charles II

Charles II was a rule who was banned and sent away. But when he returned he had been favored by everyone. And continued his rule of king.

1685-02-17 20:43:41

James II

James II ruled England for just three years. Because of his firm Catholicism, he was overthrown in the Glorious Revolution and was not very powerful.

1689-02-17 20:43:41

Peter The Great

Peter the Great was a Russian ruler who westernized Russia. He brought new technologies and cultural aspects into Russia, and also re-introduced serfdom.

1689-02-17 20:43:41

William and Mary of Orange

William and Mary of Orange took over the throne after James II was overthrown in the Glorious Revolution. They signed the English Bill of Rights which set down the laws for every day life in England. It also straightened out disputes about where power lied.

1713-02-17 20:43:41

Frederick William I

Frederick William I was a bold leader of Prussia. He utilized his military and gained power that way.

1717-02-17 20:43:41

Maria Theresa

Maria Theresa was the daughter of Charles VI. Because Charles VI had no son, he wished that her rights to the thrown would be recognized upon his death.

1740-02-17 20:43:41

Frederick II

Frederick II was the son of Frederick William II and, although his childhood was rough, he turned into perhaps one of the most powerful leaders in Prussia.

1762-02-17 20:43:41

Catherine The Great

Catherine The Great assumed the throne after her husband died. She was an assertive leader and helped improve the government, economy, and education in Russia.


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