Jed Bitcoin


2007-01-06 16:18:11 Registered by Jed

By Jed and "Code Collective". Used for Magic: The Gathering Online Exchange . (Linked to first known image)

2007-05-01 13:19:55

Bitcoin coding started

In a mail on Nov 2008 Satoshi says he had been coding for about a year and a half. That puts the Start of coding around here

2008-08-18 13:19:55

Registers domains, and registered by satoshi (time in UTC)

2008-08-18 13:19:55



2008-09-21 13:19:55

IP=awardspace free hosting

2008-10-29 13:19:55 Game shows The Far Wilds game, some time around here. Jed moved on to creating a Card trading game with "Code Collective" titled The Far Wilds. First press release was on this date

2008-11-01 16:16:33

Bitcoin whitepaper

First release, message to mailinglist, by satoshi. (time in -0700. Note, a message on the list the next day has offset -0800 and remains this way for all of his messages. If he was using anonymousspeach webmail service they default to PST -0800. But they also provide the option to set a time which may explain the 0700. The timestamp is actually 16:16:33 which might indicate it was scheduled)

2009-01-09 17:05:49

Bitcoin v0.1 released (windows only)

Until then code was available upon request. (Time -0800)

2009-02-11 22:27:49

Satoshi on P2P forum

Announced bitcoin on P2p forum site and mailing list. Noteworthy as the only other place Satoshi Nakamoto appears.

2009-02-11 22:27:49

Bitcoin 0.2 with Linux support released

On the source forge mailing list. Adds linux support. First record of linux work in the SVN is end of October 2009

2009-10-29 16:18:11

Tibanne Co Registered by Mark in Japan

Tibanne company registered in Japan by Mark Karpeles

2009-11-26 13:19:55

DNS Changed to ZoneEdit

2009-11-26 13:19:55

IP=Rackspace (sf/github?)

2010-07-11 19:34:23

Jed learns of bitcoin?

claims he first heard of Bitcoin ~11 July 2010 when he read

2010-07-18 01:57:19

MTGox Exchng anouncd by Jed

User MTgox on bitcointalk (known to be Jed) announces. Note, on the blog for the site (see He asks for donations. Not indicative of a Satoshi

2010-09-10 00:00:00


A crowd funding platform that has bitcoin support (eventually or upon start I cannot tell). The design of the site is identical to the initial Mtgox Exchange design.

2010-12-27 10:41:57

Bitcoin domains +5y renewal

Whois records archived on Jan 2011 show a change from 27 dec 2010 to renew for +5 years. Also whois changes from Anonymousspeech+Digirock to Anonymousspeech+Anonymousspeech for some reason

2011-03-06 00:00:00

Jed leaves, MTGox now owned by Mark

Jed/MTgox announces sale to MagicalTux/Mark. In message Jed claims he learned of bitcoin in sumer 2010

2011-04-15 16:16:33

Satoshi "moved on to other things"

Some time in April Satoshi tells a developer he had "moved on to other things."

2011-05-18 16:21:42 to Sirius transfered

Whois changed to Helsinki. In the process +1y added.

2012-11-28 16:16:33

Jed joins founder announces to ripple mailing list that Jed has joined

2013-11-04 16:16:33

Bitcoin[.net][] to Theymos

Whois shows ownership changed to Michael Marquardt (aka Theymos) from Anonymousspeech+Anonymousspeech. In process +1y added to domains

Jed Bitcoin

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