0000-10-13 04:34:28
Anointment of first Saltrindian Emperor
Official origin of the Saltrindian Empire.
0460-10-13 04:34:28
Saltrindian Conquest of Carjedona
0480-09-03 14:32:41
Saltrindian Rule in the Sparãnian Peninsula
0490-12-22 10:43:55
Castrã is built
The Saltrindians consolidate their power on the margins of their Empire, by building a stronghold in the western edge of the continent: Castrã. The city is meant as a military outpost, but attracts people who start to live around the structure.
0512-09-13 00:48:21
Saltrindian Conquest of Southern Hildradon and Dastradon
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0563-10-30 18:31:56
War of the Dastrã
Hildradon, Dastradon and Falabia join forces against the Saltrindian invaders and force them to live on the end of the continent. This protects the rest of the region against conquest. Saltrindians decide to focus their attention on islands.
0614-07-12 12:13:22
Founding of Thurboscaj
A small Saltrindian merchant harbour develops along the southern coast.
0684-02-21 10:34:51
Saltrindians lose control in Sparãnian Peninsula
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0690-09-11 05:52:55
Succesion War
A war on the Sparãnian Peninsula to become the new hegemon in the region. In the end five kingdoms take control: Hildradon, Dastradon, Caedon, Casteridon and Paladon.
0720-01-01 00:00:00
Rise of Casteridon
Casteridon emerges as the dominant power in the peninsula.
0728-01-17 08:28:42
Development of the Casterian Council System
The Casterian monarchs, the Marishon family, changes the Saltrindian system of local autonomy into a more centralised council system. Important land lords are encouraged to come live in Castrã and participate directly in the politics of the kingdom. Although effective in centralising power and lowering dissent, this leads to a decreased authority of the monarchy.
0735-05-13 03:08:20
War for the Stactons
A war caused by the discovery of a bloodsteel mine in the Stactons. Both Casteridon and Hildradon spend a lot of their resources on the war in order to dominate the region. There are small attempts by locals to revolt against both powers by involving the Falabians.
0744-07-27 10:57:11
Castrian Conquest of Paladon
Castrians conquer the island nation of Paladon to assure a safe passage for their ships.Some whisper this had something to do with gaining access to beast blood.
0777-11-16 16:08:24
Paldonian War of Independance
The island nations revolt against the weakening Casterian monarchy in order to create the nation of Paladon. Initially the revolts are unsuccesfull, until they are supported by Hildradon who attack Casteridon from the north.
0798-03-05 01:27:21
The Pirate Pact
A coallition emerges between the Hildrian lords and Paldonian petty kings, called the Pirate Pact. The islands are given permission to raid all ships, except the Hildrian ones. This makes trade on sea between the north and south or west and east basically impossible.
0800-10-24 22:19:01
Destruction of Agõcãn
According to legend Sitriãn was slain by the old Gods, who were supported by greedy humans. With his blood he blessed the Espetõl family.
0825-01-01 00:00:00
Trãnsian Landing
The Trãnsian fleet, led by Kritoj Espetõl, lands in Nofthacãn. Most Trãnsians quickly flee from Aregona.
0830-09-08 22:55:18
First Ijastrian Blast Furnace
The first blast furnace on Ijastrian soil is built in Erecon by Trãnsian migrants.
0836-04-09 03:55:58
Azãnian War
Trãnsians arrive in the Azãn forest and wage a long war with the local lords.
0850-09-22 13:51:57
'Iapiapxãn Krãtoj'
The first chapters of the Iapiapxãn Krãtoj are written.
0853-09-21 00:00:00
Founding of Sparãn
Kritoj I is crowned in the unfinished Sparadon in the small town of Erecon. Eight local Trãnsian lords swear loyalty to him.
0853-09-21 00:00:00
Kritoj I Espetõl 'The Founder'
0860-10-04 07:54:15
Pirate War I
The Hildrian King has been blocking Castrian ships. In retaliation, the Castrian king has sent a fleet to open the blockade. This leads to a war between Casteridon and Hildradon. Sparãn ends up choosing the Castrian side of the conflict.
0864-10-04 07:54:15
Sparãnian Independance
Casteridon recognizes Sparãnian independance.
0865-09-05 05:42:53
Calamor I Espetõl 'The Stom King'
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0866-02-27 01:55:05
'The Blood of Sitriãn'
A veteran of the Azãnian War writes the founding document of the Houlomodventamã movement.
0868-10-04 07:54:15
Pirate War II
Paladonian pirates dominate the power vacuum left by the Hildrian ships. Again, the Castrian king asks for help. King Calamor, who recently inhereted his father's thron, uses this as an excuse to annex the islands.
0872-10-01 00:00:00
Conquest of Hajfoj
0875-10-01 00:00:00
Conquest of Calaj
0880-10-01 00:00:00
Conquest of Fajacãn & Elejacãn
0881-10-01 00:00:00
Annexation of Casteridon
The Castrian crown has no heirs and is in disarray due to the war. Calamor marries his son, Sivion, to the the daughter of the last Castrian king: Elis Marishon. When he ascends the throne, Sivion unifies the kingdoms.
0894-08-16 11:55:38
Sivion I Espetõl 'The Dreamer'
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0895-10-01 00:00:00
The Castra Regime
Sparãn adopts a system very similar to the Castrian way of ruling. The center of power is a council of important landlords. They have to accept most important policies in order for them to be adopted and are often in control of essential parts of the day-to-day politics in Sparãn.
0898-08-15 13:58:08
Codification of Lasacturan
Sivion I asks his priests the write down the lives of his father and grandfather and gather their rulings in a book. These would become the two holy books: the Iapiapxãn Krãtoj and the Erospamã Krãtoj.
0900-01-24 15:02:34
Rise of Lasacturãn Faith
The faith is spread across the peninsula and becomes the dominant religion amongst the commoners.
0904-02-16 18:23:34
Sivion II Espetõl 'The Unfaithful'
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0910-11-01 00:09:02
Worker's Flu
A flu that spreads from Dastradon via workers.
0911-09-13 14:29:10
Famine of Castrã
Largespread famine caused by a failed harvest due to a lack of workers.
0936-12-30 04:21:58
Scravian War I
A Scravian prince comes to the court of Sivion II to seduce him to help him win back his throne. Sivion complies, but later annexes the islands into Sparãn.
0938-07-13 11:30:47
The Long War
The Hildrian king and Sivion II both accuse the other of encroaching on their terrain. The direct cause was Hildrian soldiers killing Aregonian hunters that supposedly were on Hildrian land. This was a long war with small battles and few victories.
0940-07-13 11:30:47
Annexation of Scra
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0941-06-01 00:38:11
Trãnsian migration to Scra
The islands lack people, so many Trãnsians, desatisfied with the life on the land, go to the islands to gain more autonomy. This leads to the spread of Scravian theater, obsidian weapons, surgery and Scravian sexual liberation.
0947-04-23 03:09:21
The Whisper War
Sivion II did not have any legitimate heir, but did have a bastard son: Adalor. When Sivion II became ill in 947 this led to a complex political contest between two sides: the Adalorians, who supported the legitimation of Adalor, and the Jonists, who supported the brother of Sivion II and lord of Erecon Joan I Espetõl. The Jonists were heavily involved in the long war and first Scravian War. Furthermore, the Adalorians tended to be less Trãnsian.
0951-02-20 00:00:00
Adalor I Espetõl 'The Whisperer'
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0968-09-16 01:42:44
Pirate War III
Pirates from Leisa block Scravian and Sparãnian ships from travelling east. This leads to a short maritime war, which Sparãn is forced to stop without any big victories.
0995-02-20 00:00:00
Alserias I Espetõl 'The Unlucky'
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0995-11-23 02:19:17
Trãnsian War
After the death of Adalor I, the factions again rise against each other. However, the situation has become more tense and this leads to war. Joan's eldest son, Ristofor, first declares Aregonian independance. However, in 998 he is forced to flee to Scra. He declares himself king of Scra.
1002-01-01 06:13:43
Scravian Independance
Ristofor I Espetõl is crowned the first king of Scra.
1012-02-20 00:00:00
Lucion I Espetõl 'The Calm'
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1030-01-23 22:55:03
'Stories of Agõcãn'
Joana Alatõl writes a book based on the things her husband, king Lucion, says in his sleep. The book is filled with weird stories that don't make any sense. It is popular amongst cults.