Maine's Plastic Regulations: A History

Based on The World That Was Made By Plastics: A Chronological Encyclopedia of the Modern Era by James Kences

2014-04-15 16:21:36

Portland’s 5 Cent Surcharge on Plastic and Paper Bags Goes into Effect

2014-05-01 16:21:36

Two Freeport, Maine High School Seniors Begin the Process to Ban Plastic Bags

To start the process they conducted a survey which found 67% of residents supported a plastic bag ban.

2014-06-06 16:21:36

Portland, Maine’s City Council Approves an Ordinance for a City-Wide Polystyrene Ban

Portland, Maine's City Council approved an ordinance for a city-wide polystyrene ban which will go into effect in 2015.

2015-05-25 15:29:05

State Wide Ban on Polystyrene Defeated in Maine Legislature

The bill was titled LD 468.

2015-09-01 12:53:07

Public Hearing Held by Falmouth, Maine Town Council for Ordinance to Ban Plastic Bags

The ordinance was drafted by the Falmouth Recycling Committee.

2015-11-03 12:53:07

York Restriction on Plastic Bags Passed

The ban was article 7 on the public ballot and passed with 1,469 in favor and 1,151 opposed.

2016-03-01 02:08:09

South Portland, Maine Polystyrene Ban Goes Into Effect

A 5 cent surcharge on paper bags also goes into effect.

2016-03-22 14:19:54

Brunswick, Maine Town Council Voted to Ban Polystyrene Foam Containers

The ban will go into effect the following October.

2016-06-14 13:29:06

Freeport, Maine Voters Decide to Ban Plastic Bags

The ordinance passed with a vote of 804 to 501. The ordinance would also implement a 5 cent charge on paper bags.

2016-06-14 14:19:54

Kennebunk, Maine Voters Decide to Ban Plastic Bags

Kennebunk voters pass an ordinance banning plastic bags.

2016-11-08 13:35:56

Topsham, Maine Votes on Restriction of Plastic Bags and Polystyrene

The plastic bag ban passed 3,062 to 2,876, and the foam ban passed 3,928 to 1,989.

2017-04-03 13:35:56

Saco City Council Approved Ban on Plastic Bags

2017-08-15 12:12:25

Belfast, Maine City Council Approved Ban Plastic Bags and Polystyrene

2017-11-06 12:12:25

Cape Elizabeth, Maine Town Council Approved 5 Cent Surcharge on Plastic Bags and a Ban on Foam Containers

Councilors voted 4-1 to institute the bag fee.

2017-11-08 12:12:25

Bath, Maine Banned Plastic Bags and Polystyrene

The new ordinance, effective April 22 2018, increases the fee for paper bags from 5 to 15 cents over 3 years.

2018-03-12 13:29:06

Rockland Bans Plastic Bags

Rockland, Maine's City Council unanimously approved a ban on plastic bags and polystyrene. They approved for reusable bags to be distributed free to residents, to go into effect January 1, 2019.

2018-11-05 13:29:06

Camden Voters Ban Plastic Bags

Camden, Maine's voters approved a ban on plastic bags and polystyrene, with 5 cent surcharge on paper bags.

2019-04-04 13:29:06

Maine State House Passes Polystyrene Ban

The Maine State House of Representatives passes a polystyrene ban with a vote of 87-51.

2019-04-25 13:29:06

Maine State Senate Passes Polystyrene Ban

The Maine State Senate passes the polystyrene ban with a vote of 23-10

2019-04-30 13:29:06

Maine Governor Signs Polystyrene Ban

Maine's governor Janet Mills signed the polystyrene ban; it is 38 MRSA Chapt 15-A.

2019-06-17 13:29:06

Maine Governor Signs An Act to Eliminate Single-Use Plastic Carry Out Bags

Maine's governor Janet Mills signed L.D. 1532: An Act to Eliminate Single-Use Plastic Carry Out Bags, into law.

2019-10-22 13:29:06

Portland, Maine City Council Votes to Ban Plastic Straws

Portland, Maine's City Council voted unanimously upon ban on plastic straws, stirrers, and splash sticks. They are to be made available to customers only upon request.

2020-05-01 09:50:18

York's Town Wide Ban on Polystyrene Scheduled to Begin

The ban on polystyrene enacted by the town of York is set to take effect.

2021-03-01 09:50:18

Three Bills proposed in Maine Senate to Repeal Plastic Bag Restrictions

Three bills were proposed in the Maine state legislature for repeal of plastic bag restrictions: LD 39, LD 108, LD 244

2021-06-07 23:25:52

An Act to Prevent Pollution from Single-Use Plastic Straws, Splash Sticks, and Beverage Lid Plugs, defeated in Maine state legislature

An Act to Prevent Pollution from Single-Use Plastic Straws, Splash Sticks, and Beverage Lid Plugs, (LD 602) was defeated in the Maine state legislature.

2021-07-01 23:25:52

Maine's Statewide Ban on Single Use Plastic Bags Went into Effect for Foam Containers

Maine's statewide ban on single use plastic bags section on foam containers went into effect.

2023-03-30 08:15:43

An Act to Lower the Environmental Impact of Consumers, Increase Food Safety and Strengthen Consumer Choice by Ending the Ban on Single-Use Plastic Shopping Bags Is Defeated in the Maine House

The legislation, also known as LD 425, which was a bill to repeal plastic bag restriction, is defeated in Maine's House 80 to 64.

2023-04-05 08:15:43

An Act to Lower the Environmental Impact of Consumers, Increase Food Safety and Strengthen Consumer Choice by Ending the Ban on Single-Use Plastic Shopping Bags Is Defeated in the Maine Senate

The legislation, also known as LD 425, which was a bill to repeal plastic bag restriction,is defeated in Maine's Senate 24 to 9.

2023-07-24 09:17:10

York's First Public Hearing for a Single Use Plastic Ordinance

York's first public hearing for a single use plastic ordinance took place. It is decided that a committee is to be formed and it will include business input.

2024-01-22 09:17:10

York’s Single Use Plastic Ordinance under Discussion at Select Board Meeting

York's single use plastic ordinance is discussed at the town's select board meeting. Representatives from committee addressed the board.

2024-01-23 09:17:10

First of Two Information Sessions Held for Local Businesses to Discuss the Plastic Ordinance at York Public Library

2024-01-25 09:17:10

Second of Two Information Sessions Held for Local Businesses to Discuss the Plastic Ordinance at York Public Library

2024-01-31 09:17:10

Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Gives Unanimous Approval for an Act regarding Businesses and Consumers Use of Returnable, Reusable and Refillable Containers for Food, Beverages and Nonfood Items

In Maine legislature, the Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry gave unanimous approval for LD 2091, which was sponsored by Senator Nicole Grohoski.

2024-02-26 02:08:09

York’s Select Board Approves the Single Use Plastic Ordinance with a Unanimous Vote

York's Select Board approved the single use plastic ordinance with a unanimous vote after a public hearing. It will go on May's ballot for the town's voters to decide.

2024-05-18 06:35:34

York Bans the Sale and Distribution of Single Use Plastics

York voters pass a ban on disposable plastic utensils with 2,192 votes in favor of the ordinance and 1,556 opposed.

Maine's Plastic Regulations: A History

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