Mathematics education timeline
Welcome to the timeline of mathematics education. The timeline shows events in mathematics education in England and the USA to allow easy comparisons of what has happened over time in the two countries. They will be useful if you are conducting research, teaching or if you are simply interested in mathematics education.
1788-01-01 00:00:00
Traditional Teaching
In New and Complete System of Arithmetic – Composed for the Use of the Citizens of the United States, Nicolas Pike provides a scripted set of teaching protocols: first, state the arithmetic rule, then exemplify the rule, before finally encouraging students to complete a set of practice exercises.
1820-01-01 00:00:00
Discovery Learning
Warren Colburn’s First Lessons in Arithmetic – was one of the first attempts to change the teaching approach from the traditionalist to more progressive (“new mathematics”), encouraging pupils to discover rules themselves.
1831-01-01 11:30:22
Mathematics education
The Southern and Western Calculator (Bridge) declares that rules are needed, and pupils cannot invent them.
1832-01-01 11:30:22
Mathematics education
The Common School Arithmetic (Bates Botham) emphasises direct instruction, memorisation, and skill practice. Other publications at the time strengthened this popular perception.
1845-01-01 11:30:22
Activity Movement
The Activity Movement (drawing on the writings of Kilpatrick) encourages integration of subjects in elementary schools and argues against separate instruction in mathematics and other subjects.
1845-01-01 11:30:22
Mathematics education
Societal hope in progress through scientific method applied to classrooms through streamlining mathematics education.
1861-01-01 11:44:52
The Newcastle report
The Newcastle committee was asked to investigate how to extend cheap elementary education to all children. The report states that a significant number of children weren’t in school at all, many other children attended for fewer than 100 days per year and that those attending did not achieve a high level of education. The committee found that arithmetic was not taught to the majority of pupils in elementary schools and that the teaching was usually ineffective in schools where it was taught.
1862-01-01 11:44:52
Government code
The government implemented a new code where schools were paid by results. They got a grant for each child attending regularly who could pass an exam in reading, writing and arithmetic.
1862-03-01 21:04:09
National curriculum
The first national curriculum was introduced. It listed the knowledge children should display at three stages of education: standard 1 (aged 7-8), standard 2 (aged 8-10) and standard 3 (aged 10+). It contained content similar to the modern curriculum, such as adding and subtracting figures up to 10 at standard 1.
1870-03-01 21:04:09
Elementary Education Act
The Elementary Education Act guaranteed all children to receive an education between the ages of 5 and 13.
1871-05-11 00:40:09
Mathematical Association
The Mathematical Association (MA) was formed to lobby government for alternative ways of teaching geometry.
1892-01-01 11:30:22
Committee of Ten
National Education Association (NEA) appoints the Committee on Secondary School Studies. The Committee of Ten produce a report that establishes the traditional high school sequence of algebra, geometry, and advanced algebra as separate courses.
1898-05-09 11:10:58
National curriculum
The first national curriculum was discontinued for financial reasons. There was no national curriculum in England from 1898 until 1989.
1899-01-01 11:30:22
Education reform
The School and Society: Being Three Lectures (1899) by Father of Progressivism John Dewey promulgates many key precepts of later education reform.
1917-05-09 00:19:22
School leaving examinations
Two new examinations were introduced: the School (leaving) Certificate (SC) for students aged 16 and the High School Leaving Certificate (HSC) for students aged 18. Mathematics was one of the subjects students were required to take.
1920-01-01 11:30:22
Mathematics education
Kilpatrick (protégé of John Dewey) publishes The Problem of Mathematics in Secondary Education (one of the most influential documents for education in 20th Century).
1920-01-01 11:30:22
First National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) president (C. M. Austin) promises that NCTM would “keep the values and interests of mathematics before the educational world” and urges that “curriculum studies and reforms and adjustments come from the teachers of mathematics rather than from the educational reformers.”
1920-01-01 11:30:22
Reacting to Progressivism
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) founded, mostly through the instigation of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA).
1922-01-01 11:30:22
Mathematics education
Edward L. Thorndike’s The Psychology of Arithmetic emphasises extensive practice of isolated skills.
1923-01-01 11:30:22
NCTM publishes Report of the National Committee on Mathematical Requirements - exerts some influence on public education. It proposes curricula for schools, documents the training of mathematics teachers in other countries, explores issues related to the psychology of learning mathematics, and justifies the study of mathematics in terms of its applications as well as its inherent value. NCTM play an important role in disseminating what becomes the 1923 Report.
1923-01-01 21:29:18
The Hadow report
The Hadow report suggested that boys and girls should be taught the same curriculum, although it stated that girls should be given an extra year to study the content.
1925-01-01 11:30:22
Teacher education
Foundations of Method (Kilpatrick) becomes a standard text for teacher education courses across the country.
1928-01-01 00:00:00
School Certificate
The passing requirements were changed for the School Certificate so that students had to pass five subjects: one English subject, a language, a mathematics or science subject, plus two other subjects.
1935-01-01 11:30:22
Mathematics education
William Brownell’s chapter titled 'Psychological considerations in the learning and the teaching of arithmetic' appears in NCTM’s 'The Teaching of Arithmetic' book.
1937-01-01 21:29:18
Geometry teaching
The Board of Education recommended that practical work should be included in geometry teaching.
1938-01-01 00:00:00
Teaching to the test
Increased concern over “teaching to the test” rather than teaching for understanding.
1938-01-01 00:00:00
Mathematical Association
Creation of new committee by the Mathematical Association (MA) to look at mathematics teaching.
1940-01-01 00:00:00
Mathematics education
Remarkable scientific and engineering advances prompting greater recognition of the importance of mathematics education in schools.
1940-01-01 00:00:00
Norwood report
The Norwood report. Changes to exams and school system proposed.
1942-01-01 11:30:22
Mathematics education
US government’s interest in mathematics education as a matter of national defence during the Second World War. Number of committees concerned about poor mathematical skills of officers joining armed forces.
1944-01-01 00:00:00
Education Act
The Education Act established a new system of separate primary and secondary education. Free secondary education for all.
1944-01-01 11:30:22
NCTM Commission on Post-War Plans report provides recommendations aimed at achieving “functional competence” in mathematics.
1945-01-01 11:30:22
Life Adjustment Movement
New educational programme - Life Adjustment Movement, emerges from within education community. The Movement aims to provide a curriculum that would teach “life skills” that would be particularly valuable for students who did not plan to continue on to college or other types of postsecondary training after high school. The Movement gains traction throughout the 1940s, is touted by several federal and state education agencies, and criticised by academics.
1946-01-01 11:30:22
Life Adjustment Movement
The public-school system is met with criticism and the Life Adjustment Movement fizzles out.
1947-01-01 11:30:22
Mathematics education
Steelman’s presidential report 'Manpower for Research', argues that the requirement for successful high school mathematics programmes would lead to an increased number of scientists/engineers.
1949-01-01 11:30:22
Life Adjustment Movement
Life Adjustment Movement gains substantial support among educators.
1951-01-01 00:00:00
O Levels and A Levels
O Levels and A Levels replaced the School Certificate (SC) and the Higher School Certificate (HSC).
1951-01-01 11:30:22
New Math
University of Illinois Committee on School Mathematics is the first major project linked with the New Math era.
1951-01-01 11:30:22
New Math
New Math focuses on instruction in abstract mathematical concepts at elementary grades, curricula that emphasises coherent logical explanations for mathematical procedures and a move away from anti-intellectualism of the previous half-century. Led by mathematicians, seeks to emphasise conceptual understanding rather than learning of isolated skills.
1952-01-01 00:00:00
The Association for Teaching Aids in Mathematics (ATAM) established.
1955-01-01 00:00:00
College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) establishes a Commission on Mathematics to investigate the needs of the American youth.
1955-01-01 00:00:00
MA published the Teaching of Mathematics in Primary School report.
1955-01-01 00:00:00
ATAM first journal Mathematics Teaching appears.
1955-03-01 00:00:00
University interest in secondary education finds its voice in CEEB Commission on Mathematics – 1st national proposal for reorganisation of secondary mathematics curriculum to include “modern mathematics”.
1957-01-01 00:00:00
Advances of Soviet technology exemplified by Sputnik foster an environment constructive for the reform of mathematics education in the US America’s scientific community.
1958-01-01 00:00:00
Mathematics education
Congress passes the National Defense Education Act to increase the number of science, mathematics and foreign language majors as a response to the Sputnik launch.
1958-01-01 00:00:00
American Mathematical Society sets up the School Mathematics Study Group (SMSG), led by Edward G. Begle (Yale), to develop new high school curriculum.
1958-01-01 00:00:00
Reform of the School Mathematics Study Group created by the National Science Foundation (NSF).
1958-01-01 09:46:59
Reform of the National Defense Education Act (NDEA).
1959-01-01 00:00:00
NCTM sets up its own curriculum committee – Secondary School Curriculum Committee.