CnC Tiberium/Generals Universe Timeline
The timeline for a CnC Generals/Tiberium fusion setting
1990-08-02 00:00:00
Gulf War (Desert Shield and Desert Storm)
After increasing tensions between Kuwait and Iraq due to oil price and oil field claim disputes, Iraq quickly invaded and conquered Kuwait.
1993-03-17 15:30:00
Intelligence Services Discover Uknown High-Tech Independent Group Involvement
Various intelligence services discover the extermination of a Serbian motor rifle brigade by unknown but high-tech forces.
1993-03-24 12:00:00
UN Security Council Secret Session on Unknown High-Tech Independent Group
The People's Republic of China calls for a secret session of the UN Security Council to talk about the unknown group operating in Serbia.
1993-10-22 12:00:00
Task Force Chimeric Talon is Created
With much negotiation and convincing the public of the cover of Task Force Chimeric Talon's creation, the "Permanent Peacekeeper Resolution" passes.
1994-04-06 07:00:00
Jonas Savimbi Accepts Vice Presidency
Jonas Savimbi, acting on unknown intelligence, accepts the spot of Vice Presidency of Angola, helping to end the Angolan Civil War.
1996-12-20 04:00:00
Future Russian Oligarchs Plan to Return Russia to it's Former Glory
In what would be known as the 'Christmas Talks', several powerful Russian Oligarchs -or their proxies- met in secret to discuss how to return Russia to its former glory.
1997-04-01 00:00:00
Russia Creates and Builds the Global Liberation Army
After preparations within Russia, the Oligarchs begin the training and supply of what would become the Global Liberation Army (GLA).
2001-09-11 08:00:00
September 11th Attacks
Al-Qaeda Operatives hijack 4 airliners and manage to ram 3 into the Pentagon and the World Trade Center, with the 4th crashing in a field.
2001-09-12 08:00:00
War on Terror
In the aftermath of the September 11th Attacks, George W. H. Bush would declare a 'War on Terror'.
2002-03-12 21:00:00
GLA Begins Overt Operations [CAMPAIGN Alaintifadat Alkubraa]
Mohmar "Deathstrike" al-Doud -leader of the GLA at this time- and his subordinates begin overt operations against various Middle Eastern Nations.
2003-03-08 12:45:00
Saddam Pleads for help against the GLA
After fighting against the Global Liberation Army for almost a year, Saddam makes a secret communique to George W.H. Bush for assistance against the GLA.
2003-03-08 12:45:00
GLA Invades Iraq [CAMPAIGN: Baghdad REBIRTH]
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2003-03-09 08:00:00
Iraqi Shield Campaign
In response to the GLA's advances in Iraq, NATO -led by the US- begrudgingly aids Iraq against the GLA onslaught. This leads to a 17-year campaign in the Middle East, leading it to be reshaped.
2005-11-18 10:25:00
Global Defense Initiative Revealed [Operation Desert Crane]
As the Battle of Fallujah raged on, the GLA managed to get a devastating upper hand thanks to General Rodall Juhziz's unexpected suicide assault. The assault forced GDI to reveal itself to the world.
2005-11-18 10:25:00
Operation Hidden Mantis
The Brotherhood of Nod, still operating in the shadows, sends in the predecessor of the Marked of Kane (the Brotherhood's cybernetic branch that would be best described as the 'honorable transhumans') managed to disrupt the GLA's operations enough to allow GDI and the Coalition to mount a proper counter attack.
2005-12-06 10:00:00
GDI Peacekeeping Operation: Palestinian Setinel
As the world continued to be rocked by the GLA, Israel asked GDI to ensure that the various Palestinian groups play kosher.
2011-03-11 11:00:00
Syrian Civil War
As the living expenses vastly surpassed wages, discontent steadily rose to outright civil war after a series of disastrous crackdowns.
2011-05-12 21:00:00
GDI Peacekeeping Operation: Damascus Sentinel
Due to a combination of the GLA becoming a force within Syria, Russia's seemingly incapability of stopping the GLA and their operations apparently making things worse, and numerous failures of the Syrian government (including whole brigades and cities siding with either various rebel forces or the GLA), the Syrian Government concedes that it needs assistance from GDI to survive.
2014-02-18 08:00:00
Revolution of Dignity [Ukrainian Popular Revolution]
As the Pro-Russian Ukranian President Viktor Yanukovych attempted to void Ukraine's admission to the European Union, the entire nation (outside of certain paramilitary units and what would be future successionists) practically went up in revolt, leading to Viktor Yanukovych and key leaders of his government to escape to Russia.
2014-02-20 08:00:00
Operation Novaya Russia
As Pro-Russian government officials get hunted down by the Pro-Ukrainian Government, Russia begins an intelligence -and later military- operation to ensure Ukraine stays within its sphere of influence.
2014-02-26 08:00:00
2nd Russo-Ukrainian War
As Ukraine moves out of Russia's geopolitical orbit, Pro-Russian Separatists begin causing problems with assistance of the Russian military, leading to what is termed as the 2nd Russo-Ukrainian War.
2015-07-01 03:26:43
Operation Deep Fifty
Operation Deep Fifty is a military intelligence operation aimed at the western world, with its explicit goals to disrupt or turn as many western governments to Russia's sphere of influence as possible.
2015-09-10 08:00:00
GDI Training Mission "National Restoration"
After talks between the Pro-West Government and GDI, GDI agrees to train Ukranian military forces to improve combat performance and capability. In addition, GDI bases would be installed in Ukraine to house the training units. NATO will follow suit a week after.
2018-08-10 08:55:00
Nod Infiltrates Tiber River Valley Cordon
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2018-08-10 08:55:00
First Tiberium-Laden Asteroid Lands in Italy's Tiber River Valley
The first of many Tiberium-laden asteroids lands on Earth, specifically the Tiber River Valley.
2018-08-10 09:00:00
GDI Initiates Operation River Watcher
Fearing a possible GLA bioweapon, GDI sends a CBRN team to the landing site. Fitted with then-radical 'Multiscanner' sensors developed by a science team led by Doctor Rudolf Hinrich Ignatio Mobius, the CBRN team quickly confirmed that the situation was not a GLA attack but something else entirely. The site was quickly contained and the Mobius Team -GDI's premier material and quantum analysis science team- set up what would become Mobius Lab Prime.
2018-08-12 08:55:00
UN Initiates Project Star Harbor
As information from the Mobius Team come in and Tiberium's destructive nature revealed, the UN begins the creation of an initiative to create space habitats. NASA and the ESA begin joint operations to make the initiative feasible.
2018-10-20 22:00:00
Further Tiberium-Laden Asteroids Land on Earth
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2018-10-20 22:00:00
O'Neill Program [Stage 1]
As information about Tiberium begins to flow into the halls of the United States government, it becomes clear that Tiberium is an ecological disaster that puts global warming to shame. Overriding the President, the Democrat-dominated Congress starts the O'Neill Program, named after Gerard O'Neill. Stage 1 was specifically for the infrastructure to maximize efficiency on the later stages.
2018-10-25 17:00:00
Doctor Thrax Unleashes 'Thrax Flu'
Doctor Thrax -head of the GLA's biowarfare division- unleashes what would be known as 'Thrax Flu', a reconstructed and improved variant of Spanish Flu.
2018-10-26 12:00:00
Joint NATO/GDI Campaign against Thrax [Thrax Destroyer Campaign]
In response to Thrax's bio-terrorism attack, NATO and GDI begin operations to eliminate Doctor Thrax and his cell from the planet, leading to Baikonur being nuked.
2019-12-04 12:00:00
O'Neill Program [Stage 2]
After the development of the core infrastructure, Stage 2 of the O'Neill Program began in earnest with the creation of the first 'Island 1' habitats at Lagrange 1 (L1) to serve as the facilities to construct 'Island 2' (industrial-focused versions of 'Island 1' type habitats) and 'Island 3' (also known as "O'Neill Cylinders" and the first thing that comes to mind when the words 'space habitat' or 'space colony' are mentioned) habitats.
2021-01-06 12:53:00
1st Confirmation Insurrection
After Trump -at this point considered 'Asset 1' by US and GDI intelligence agencies- lost the 2020 elections, he instigated a mob of right-wing extremists to stop the confirmation of Joe Biden as President. While the mob was driven by purely ideological grounds, Trump was driven by purely self-preservation, as the various investigations by US and GDI intelligence agencies were homing in on his various illegal activities including money laundering for Russian oligarchs, the Iranian Republican Guard, and the GLA. The insurrection would be quickly broken up by the National Guard.
2022-02-24 04:00:00
GDI Enters the 2nd Russo-Ukrainian War
On the morning of February 24th, Russia begins its invasion of Ukraine. Russian special forces assumes that GDI wouldn't intervene in the conflict and would simply turn over their bases... this assumption would prove to be completely false.
2022-02-24 08:00:00
Special Military Operation "Restoration"
After much preparation, the Russian Federation invades Ukraine on the morning of February 24th, 2022. The battle plan is built upon several assumptions, assumptions that would be proven to be disastrously false.
2023-08-02 10:45:00
China Attempts to Stop 2nd Korean War
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2023-08-02 10:45:00
2nd Korean War
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2023-12-25 12:00:00
O'Neill Program [Stage 3]
After the initial Island 1 and Island 2 habitats were developed, the Island 3s began to take shape. This also caused some political problems as the population at L1 swelled from a few hundred to just over 75 thousand.
2025-07-16 05:48:00
Putin Unleashes General Nikita Ivanovich Aleksandr
As the situation in Ukraine continued to deteriorate, Putin allows the secretive leader of the Advanced Weapons and Warfare Division to reverse Russia's fortunes.
2028-05-18 00:00:00
First Tiberium War
As the world continues to devolve into conflict, the alien material Tiberium would kick off a multi-polar world war.
2028-07-04 10:00:00
GDI Takes over Project Star Harbor
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2033-07-15 00:00:00
Genocide Wars
A series of conflicts corralled together into one grouping, ala the 100 Years War. While primarily waged between GDI and various ethno-nationalists and ethnic supremacy groups, the Brotherhood of Nod fought on GDI's side.
2034-04-13 08:30:00
Project Upgrade
Due to the ever-increasing workload of modern combat, GDI implements an upgrade program that would take the EVA system from advanced expert system to full-blown AGI.
2034-09-30 00:00:00
Vladimir Putin Found Dead
After the immense failure of Russia's operations in the 1st Tiberium War, Putin is found dead with a 0.22LR hole in his head.
2035-03-01 05:00:00
As Russia feels the aftereffects of their defeat (leading to the loss of some territory) of the 1st Tiberium War, Russia secretly lashes out via their intelligence apparatus.
2035-05-10 12:30:00
GDI Defacto Replaces UN
As the world increasingly becomes more horrific and chaotic, GDI becomes increasingly saddled with governmental functions. This leads to GDI effectively becoming the nucleus of a world government.
2037-01-06 08:00:00
2nd Confirmation Insurrection
Following the 2036 election that led to the 2nd term of Democrat President John Brown, Washington DC became besieged by Right-Wing extremists who disputed the election on purely ideological grounds. It must be noted that an unknown third party tipped off the federal government, allowing for Marine and National Guard units to be deployed ahead of the insurrection.
2038-04-15 12:00:00
2nd American Civil War
After a year into John Brown's 2nd term as President (much of it spent on fighting home-grown militant groups), Texas secedes from the union, beginning a chain of events that leads to the 2nd American Civil War.
2041-04-15 12:00:00
GDI Intervenes in 2nd American Civil War
While the Federal Government of the US manages to make massive gains despite the initial setbacks, the 2nd American Civil War's third year showed that the war was nowhere near over. With intense insurgencies in the liberated areas, the US government asks for assistance from GDI.
2058-11-19 05:29:43
GDI Scientists Develop FAFNER Disruptor
After decades of research and development (and some scattered data from a Tacitus fragment), GDI scientists developed a 'FAFNER Disruptor' which disrupts the FAFNER properties of Tiberium, though it makes an immense proton and gamma radiation burst in the process.