Buddha Maitreya Timeline

Overview of Buddha Maitreya's Dharma Activities, Enthronements & Charitable Projects

1960-12-21 04:10:09

High Lamas come for the Child Jesus

When Buddha Maitreya was 9 years old, high lamas came out of the blue to His family house one night. They explained to His parents that this Child was the Messiah, the reincarnation of Buddha and Jesus, and with some force, tried to persuade them to let Jesus go with them back to His Monasteries from previous lives. His brother Rick tells the story in the video that is linked.

1987-08-16 16:53:10

Jesus speaks at the Harmonic Convergence blessing the Church for the Coming of Christ

The Harmonic Convergence is the name given to the world's first synchronized global peace meditation, which occurred on August 16–17, 1987. This event also closely coincided with an exceptional alignment of planets in the Solar System. Jesus speaks at the Harmonic Convergence, at a Church in London, and blesses the Church for the Coming of Christ... a comment on the lack of preparedness for the Event.

1987-08-16 22:12:39

Jesus speaks at the Harmonic Convergence blessing the Church for the Coming of Christ

The Harmonic Convergence is the name given to the world's first synchronized global peace meditation, which occurred on August 16–17, 1987. This event also closely coincided with an exceptional alignment of planets in the Solar System. Jesus speaks at the Harmonic Convergence, at a Church in London, and blesses the Church for the Coming of Christ... a comment on the lack of preparedness for the Event.

1992-07-17 20:20:33

Prince Charles and Jesus plan to Co-operate on a project in Glastonbury

Prince Charles and Jesus plan to Co-operate on a project in Glastonbury, using Prince Charles' architect to design a Holy Centre based on Jesus' design of sacred geomancy, the six-pointed Star. The Center was to be built at the foot of Glastonbury Tor and named "The Avalon Center"

1993-12-18 11:46:13

The movie Little Buddha was released

The theme for the movie Little Buddha was drawn from Buddha Maitreya's own life story, after the producer and Director heard His teachings in the early 1990s.

1994-01-01 00:00:00

Sanatan Dharma Center Kathmandu

Buddha Maitreya opens Sanatan Dharma Center in Kathmandu, Nepal as a teaching center and to support exiled Tibetan refugee Rinpoches and Tibetan Monasteries

1994-03-20 21:34:03

Jesus attends Karmapa Enthronement and Blesses the Child

Jesus attends the Enthronement of Thaye Dorje, 17th Karmapa, in New Delhi. He is received with reverence, offers the Child a Vajra for his blessing and protection, and in the following days meets with both H.E. Shamar Rinpoche and the Karmapa Child and offers them teachings. Shamar Rinpoche asks Jesus to place a Soul Therapy Pyramid on the roof of the Karmapa Institute above the Karmapa's room, for the child's blessing and protection.

1995-01-01 06:26:43

Pharping Anis (Nuns) Lama Retreat

Sponsorship of Tibetan Refugee Anis for a 3 year, 3 month, 3 day Lama Retreat by the Holy cave of Padmasambhava - Guru Rinpoche (Buddha Maitreya's previous incarnation) at the sacred site of Pharping, Nepal

1995-02-01 00:00:00

Archangel Michael Soul Therapy Centre UK

Buddha Maitreya opens Archangel Michael’s Soul Therapy Center in Glastonbury, UK as a place of sanctuary and education offering meditation, healing and retreats at this sacred pilgrimage site of Jesus Christ, where Joseph of Arimithea is said to have visited and built the Abbey

1995-04-15 13:14:25

Sanatan Dharma Center Relocated to Boudha Stupa

Sanatan Dharma Center relocated to larger premises close to Boudha Stupa, Kathmandu as a refuge for Tulkus, Rinpoches, Lamas, Monks and Nuns with residential facilities.

1995-08-01 00:00:00

Meeting with H.E. Sharmar Rinpoche

In 1995, Buddha Maitreya met with Sharmar Rinpoche at the Karmapa Institute in New Delhi, bestowing Vajra blessings to both Sharmar Rinpoche and the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa.

1996-01-01 00:44:18

Karma Raj Maha Vihar Monastery, Swyambhu

Buddha Maitreya begins monthly sponsorship of Karma Raj Maha Vihar Monastery at Swyambhu Stupa in Kathmandu, Nepal - the second Karmapa monastery to be built outside of Tibet after the occupation.

1996-03-10 12:00:00

Buddha’s Birthplace Located in Nepal after 1,600 years

KATHMANDU, Mar 10 1996 (IPS) - Details of legend surrounding the birth of Buddha some 1,600 years ago have been well documented by followers of the Buddhist faith. His mother, Queen Mayadevi, gave birth under a tree in Lumbini while she was travelling to the home of her father. The exact location of that tree, however, has been the subject of debate down through the centuries. Now, a team of archaeologists from Nepal and Japan say they have found the exact spot of Buddha’s birth – in the pilgrim town of Lumbini, about 250 kms west of Kathmandu. They have uncovered a marker of sand conglomerate stone, allegedly placed by Emperor Ashok in the third century B.C, underneath a temple in a garden sacred to Buddhists. Archaeologists have hunted the marker for years as Buddhist writings tell of the inscription on a stone pillar erected by the emperor in Lumbini, which states: “Hide budhe jateti Sakyamuniti sila bigadbichha kalapeet” translated as: Here Sakyamuni (Buddha) was born: Here a stone marker was provided on a platform. The earliest reference to the inscription is in the writings of the great Chinese scholar and traveller Fa Hsein, who visited Lumbini in the seventh century A.D. At an official function recently to unveil the finding, Nepali Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba said, “It is a matter of pride for all of us that the sacred place of the nativity of Sakyamuni Buddha in Lumbini has been discovered”. For the dedicated archaeologists from the Lumbini Development Trust and the Japan Buddhist Federation, the discovery of the marker has been well worth the nearly three years of toil that began in 1993. Ancient Buddhist manuscripts record Buddha’s birth and tell how his mother allegedly bathed at a spring and walked 25 steps northeast before beginning labour – according to one text in Pali, the court language of the sixth century. “The queen was on her way to Ram Gram or Dewadaha (33 kms east of Lumbini) to deliver her first child at her father’s home as was the custom,” explains Lok Darshan Bajracharya, the 79-year-old former chairman of the Lumbini Development Trust. The spring at which she bathed was determined by archaeologists in 1978-79. They then roughly mapped out the place of the delivery using a technique of measuring employed by local carpenters. “A 24-year-old woman and a 50 year old were asked to walk northeast from the spring. The former took 27 steps and the latter 31 steps to reach the recently discovered spot, confirming the distance mentioned in the texts,” says an official. Archaeologists say they have no doubt that the marker was placed by Emperor Ashok. Babu Krishna Rijal, who was part of the team, points out that the marker is made of a stone not found locally, but available in abundance in the Shivalik Hills, a range of mountains which lie on the plains north of Lumbini. The emperor, a staunch Buddhist who sent missions abroad to spread the religion in South-east Asia and Sri Lanka, is known to have made a pilgrimage to Lumbini in 249 B.C. and erected three pillars in the area. Excavations around the spring over the last three years have brought to light ruins of ancient temples from the Ashokan period (300 B.C.), Sunga period (200-100 B.C.) and the late Gupta period (sixth to eight century A.D.). Archaeologists have also unearthed a panel in terra-cotta that belongs to the Kushan school of Prince Siddhartha and his wife Yashodhara. It shows her asleep on a bed, and the prince preparing to walk away from the palace to seek enlightenment as the Buddha. According to legend, the prince slipped away one night while Yashodhara slept. Other artifacts excavated include Kushan era coins, including one of King Wima Khadphises, shards of pottery and some pieces of Ashokan era pillars. A conference in the Nepali capital of Kathmandu in January this year considered the archaeologists discovery and verified their finding that the stone marked the supposed place of Buddha’s birth. Buddhist scholars and archaeologists now want to locate Kapilvastu, the capital of the Buddha’s father’s kingdom, which has been the source of considerable controversy. Nepali archaeologists claim that the palace in which the Buddha grew to manhood is in Tilurakot close to the India-Nepal border. Indian archaeologists, however, insist the palace is on their side of the frontier, at Piprahawa or Ganwaria. Both countries recognise the tremendous tourism potential of the finding. Hundreds of thousands of foreigners visit India and Nepal every year to travel to the four holiest shrines of Buddhism. While the town of Lumbini, Buddha’s birth place, is in Nepal, Sarnath where he first preached his message, Kushinagar where he died and Bodhgaya where he attained enlightenment are in India. In 1978, Nepal finalised an ambitious master plan for the conservation of Lumbini that is backed by the United Nations, but today the plan, designed by world-renowned Japanese architect, Kenzo Tange, has still to be completed. Press Release by Inter Press Service Correspondents - Ramyata Limbu

1996-06-10 00:44:18

Travel Sponsorship for Tibetan Refugee Rinpoches

A travel Sponsorship program was established by Buddha Maitreya for Tibetan Buddhist Refugee Rinpoches to come and teach in the West. Tulku Jigme Wangyal Dorje of Bhutan - who in a previous life was one of the 25 disciples of Padmasambhava - was the first Rinpoche sponsored to come to Glastonbury Dharma Center in England.

1996-11-05 23:28:27

Church of Shambhala Incorporated in California

The Church of Shambhala Vajradhara Maitreya Sangha established and incorporated in State of California as a 501c3 non-profit religious organization. Founded & directed by his Holiness Buddha Maitreya and staffed by western buddhist monks and nuns.

1996-11-05 23:28:27

Kitchen Refurbished at Karma Raj Monastery

Buddha Maitreya sponsors a Kitchen refurbishment project to improve the health of the monks as well as a garbage cleaning project for Swyambhu Stupa

1997-01-01 22:24:40

Homeopathic Clinic Established at Karma Raj

During 1997, Buddha Maitreya established a clinic for the monks of Karma Raj with a voluntary homeopathic doctor visiting once a week. All of the young monks received cholera incoluations and treatments for parasites.

1997-04-01 22:24:40

Mount Shasta, California - Dharma Center

The Church's first public meditation dharma center in the US was established in Mt Shasta. Like Glastonbury, the Archangel Michael's Soul Therapy Center was established as a planetary healing center aligned to the sacred vibration of the area - in this case the sacred mountain of the Shasta Native American Indians

1997-06-01 22:17:02

Khenpo Karma Chochok

In 1997, Buddha Maitreya sponsored Khenpo Karma Chochok, teacher at the Karmapa Institute in New Delhi to travel to the Mt Shasta Dharma Center and also to Hawaii to participate in Dharshan teachings given by Buddha Maitreya to western students at Nechung Dorje Drayang Ling Temple.

1998-01-01 22:17:02

Young Monks of Karma Raj

A monthly salary was established for a teacher of the young monks a Karma Raj. They were also provided with new clothes and bedding. Weekly visits were arranged for the monks to come to the Sanatan Dharma Center to play a variety of sports, watch movies, learn English, eat wholesome meals, have their clothes washed and learn good hygiene practices. Outings were also provided such as to the local botanical gardens.

1998-06-01 12:37:12

New Glastonbury Center - The Old Chapel

Archangel Michael Soul Therapy Center in Glastonbury moves to larger premises at The Old Chapel. The New Group of World Servers Trust which operates the Uk center is granted registered charity status 1069944.

1998-08-01 03:50:22

Khenpo Khenrab Gyatso

In 1998, Buddha Maitreya sponsored Khenpo Khenrab Gyatso and Lama Tandi Wangchuk from Bhutan to travel to the United States and spend time at the Dharma Centers, work with the western monks and nuns, share traditional Tibetan Buddhist practices and study English. After 6 months Khenpo Khenrab Gyatso accompanied Buddha Maitreya to Drepung Loseling Buddhist University in India and Lama Tandi Wangchuk remained for a further year. Both lamas attended Dharshan Teachings given by Buddha Maitreya in the US.

1999-01-01 18:27:39

Support for Karma Raj Maha Vihar monastery

Monthly food sponsorship for the monastery continued throughout the year. The young monks received new shoes, socks, towels, school books and materias. The Clinic received new equipment. The Monastery was given a freezer for safe storage of meat and dairy products to help reduce sickness and the cleaning project was maintained to improve health and safety conditions. The Abbot of the Monastery, Sabchu Rinpoche was sponsored to help go on a 3 year retreat.

1999-04-01 23:12:59

Mt Shasta Residential Retreat Opens

Following, the success of the Mt Shasta Dharma Center opened in 1997, Buddha Maitreya establishes a new Spiritual Retreat Center with accommodation facilities for residential retreats. The Center also provided space for production of the Shambhala Healing Tools.

1999-09-01 23:12:58

Relocation of Shasta Dharma Center

In addition to the new retreat center, the existing Archangel Michael Soul Therapy Center was relocated to new premises that offered separate meditation rooms for visitors to experience Soul Therapy. Mt Shasta became the central point for Monks and Nuns serving in the US

1999-11-01 23:12:59

First Enthronement & Official Recognition of Buddha Maitreya

In 1999, Buddha Maitreya received his first enthronement and official ceremony of recognition in Kathmandu, Nepal offered by the Venerable Khenpo Khenrab Gyatso of Bhutan

1999-11-20 23:12:59

Drepung Loseling Buddhist University

Buddha Maitreya was invited to Nyagre Khamtsen of Drepung Loseling Buddhist University in South India by Tulku Tenzin Tsongrab - Logon Tulku who met Buddha Maitreya in Kathmandu several years before.

2000-01-01 23:12:59

Indviidual Grants

From 1994 onwards and throughout this period, regular monthly sponsorships for monks and nuns were made available as well as one time grants for retreats, pilgrimages and medical expenses. A one time grant was given to the Tulku of Tashi Gegye Thartenling Bonpo Monastery in Dhorpatan, India to assist with its construction. A number of Tibetan families were assisted - including monthly sponsorship for a single mother who left Tibet with her 2 week old baby. $12,900 was offering in individual sponsorships in 2000.

2000-02-01 23:12:59

Improving Monastery Facilities

In February, monthly sponsorships were increased to an average of $2000 a month to provide a healthy and more balanced diet to all the Lamas and Monks of the Monastery. Weekly they received fresh meat, vegetables, fruit, water, milk and eggs. New furniture was provided for the Clinic and dental treatment provided for the monks. Building work was sponsored to provide toilet and shower facilities for one of the elderly Lamas who was having difficulty using the general monastery facilities due to poor health.

2000-04-01 23:48:55

Nyagre Khamtsen, India

In 2000, funds were given and work began on construction of the Khamtsen's new Administration Office and Teaching Center. This 2 story building would also provide living quarters for members of the Khamtsen and for visitors. Necessary road work leading to the Khamtsen was also laid down.

2000-04-01 23:48:55

Gyaepa Khamtsen - Drepung, India

Buddha Maitreya though the Church provided funds to second Khamtsen (college) at Drepung Buddhist university in Mungod, India to enable work to begin on building a residence for all the Monks along with an Assembley hall for prayer and study.

2000-05-01 23:12:59

Dharshan in Kathmandu

In May 2000, Buddha Maitreya gave Dharshan Teachings to students from the East and West at the Sanatan Dharma Center, Kathmandu. Karma Raj Maha Vihar Monastery offered a Long Life Puja Ceremony for Buddha Maitreya and many meeting took place with Lamas, Rinpoches and Tulkus. Through His Holiness, the Church accepted responsibility to assist individuals and monasteries throughout Nepal, India and Tibet.

2000-05-15 20:46:47

Dolpo Monastery

Funding was offered to the Tarching Fuchokling Monastery in Dolpa one of the isolated high Himalayan Valleys in Northern Nepal to purchase 1000 statues for the monastery.

2000-06-01 23:12:59

Dhokya Tulku

Tulku Nawang Gurmay Chogyi Gyamcho - a young 7th incarnation Nyingmapa Tulku who in a previous life was one of the 25 disciples of Guru Rinpoche was supported with monthly grants to cover his education and living expenses for him and his family close to Boudha Stupa in Kathmandu. In 2000, the Tulku received additional funding to purchase furniture and pay travel expenses to travel to Bhutan where he has lived in previous incarnations and is known as a great Saint and meditator.

2000-06-15 20:46:47

Western Dharma Centers

The Glastonbury dharma center received His Holiness Buddha Maitreya for a series of dharshan teachings during 2000, attracting students from across the United Kingdom and Europe. Work with a central London drop rehabilitation center continued, with both staff and patients attending the Glastonbury center for meditations and using the Shambhala Healing Tools during their own daily activities. Testimonials from residents and staff indicated an increase in clarity, sense of wellbeing and reduction in stress. Residential retreats offered in Mt Shasta allowed retreat guests the opportunity to experience prolonged periods of intensive meditation and transformational healing with the forms and music created by His Holiness.

2000-08-01 09:15:11

Lhopa Khamtsen

Construction began to build a residence for all of the Monks of Lhopa Khamtsen - one of the colleges at Drepung Buddhist University in South India. The facilities include hot showers, flushing toilets, a kitchen and large Assembley Hall for prayer and education.

2000-09-01 09:15:11

Logon Tulku

Buddha Maitreya provided sponsorship for Tulku Tenzin Tsongrab - the Logon Tulku - including funds to build a residence for the now 19 year old tulku at Nyagre Khamtsen in Drepung and funds to help with living expenses and educational needs.

2000-10-01 09:15:11

Drepung Tulkus

Ven Dagyab Chungtsang Tulku, a high Rinpoche from the Tyab region of Tibet was supported to help with education and living needs and towards the cost of his Geshe Ceremony. Geshe Nawang Tharchin, the youngest Geshe to receive his degree at Drepung received sponsorship from Buddha Maitreya to start construction of a new residence and to assist with tuition fees, travel and living expenses. Tulku Shenpen of Drepung Rato Khamtsen was given financial assistance to help with living and educational needs, kitchen equipment and a puja table for his room. He was also given a set of language videos to further his study of English.

2000-11-01 03:46:54

Dema Monastery, Tibet

In May 2000, Tulku Dema Choktul Jiangyan Shengen Rinpoche - 'Dema Tulku' - the reincarnation of one of the 25 disciples of the great Buddhist Saint Padmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche) recognized Buddha Maitreya to be the reincarnation of this, his teacher. In November 2000, Dema Tulku invited Buddha Maitreya for an official enthronement at the 1200 year old Dema Monastery in Tibet. Following the enthronement, where responsibility for the Monastery was passed back to his recognized teacher, Buddha Maitreya laid out plans for rebuilding the monastery to support the local community both spiritually and economically.

2000-11-01 09:15:11

Yangon Tulku

Buddha Maitreya sponsored Tulku Ngawang Mipham Choeki Dawa - the 19th Gyalwa Yangon Tulku to enable the young tulku to be enthroned and formally enrolled into Drepung Monastery as a tulku, together with additional funds for food and living expenses.

2000-12-01 21:22:44

Palden Zhiwa, Tibet

Buddha Maitreya supported Ven Thubten Lama of Palden Zhiwa at The Sanatan Dharma Center in Nepal since 1998. In 2000, Buddha Maitreya provided initial funding to assist this monastery in Nyagchu, Kham, Tibet to help with rebuilding and refurbishment work.

2000-12-15 21:22:44

Neneng Shrotut, Tibet

Buddha Maitreya provided sponsorship to Tulku Karma Sherpa Dorje, the 7th Pamthangwa Rinpoche to start rebuilding work on the statue of Guru Rinpoche and Stupas destroyed during the Cultural Revolution and the construction of a small retreat Gompa. The statues and stupas were located at the holy meditation caves of Guru Rinpoche called Neneng Shrotut. The monastery to be built close to the cave will house up to 10 monks studying the teachings of Naropa. Funding continued for this project throughout 2001.

2001-03-01 07:21:49

Dema Tulku visits US

During 2001, the Church was honored to receive Dema Tulku Choktrul Jinag Yang Shen Gen Rinpoche from Tibet at the Church's residence in Calfiornia. At the same time, the Church was pleased to host High Lama Chewang Dhandu from Nyagre Khamtsen in India, together with an interpreter from Jewel Heart Center in Michigan. In late 2001, the Church received 2 Tibetan Refugee Lamas who had been resident at the Sanatan Dharma Center in Nepal.

2001-06-01 20:46:47

Karma Raj

Regularly monthly sponsorship continued throughout the year for food for the monks, wages for monastery employees including cleaning staff, cook, teachers and doctor. The monks were given school bags and the clinic expanded the number of patients seen. In June, Buddha Maitreya sponsored a clean water program which now provides enough water for cooking, cleaning and showering.

2001-06-15 11:49:44

Omaha, Nebraska

Archangel Michael's Soul Therapy Center in Omaha, Nebraska was established in June 2001 at the request of local students of Buddha Maitreya who wanted to be able to experience and share the meditations, healings and teachings of His Holiness on an ongoing basis. The center was run by a single nun in residence, assisted by a strong volunteer base. Situated in the heart of America, the center is accessible to many surrounding states allowing a large number of people to receive the blessings of His Holiness' work. Regular Dharshans with Buddha Maitreya and visiting Rinpoches were held in Omaha, helping generate funds for the monastery projects

2001-07-01 00:24:54

San Francisco & Berkeley

After being featured on radio shows and giving Dharshan teachings in the bay area for a number of years, Buddha Maitreya's work there was consolidated with the opening of the first meditation dharma center in San Francisco in July 2001, moving to larger premises in Berkeley in September 2001. In Summer 2001, Buddha Maitreya also began a weekly radio show teaching and talking about his work with the monastery projects and US based meditation centers.

2001-07-01 20:46:47

Maitri Vihar

Buddha Maitreya began sponsorship of Maitri Vihar, the Ganded Sambling Monastery in Swyambhu with food support for over 60 monks - including daily deliveries of fruit, vegetables, meat and water. Prior to this, the monastery monks lived on a basic diet of rice, tsampa and Tibetan tea. A weekly homeopathic clinic was established along similar lines to Karma Raj Maha Vihar Clinic, giving much needed medical assistance to the Monks who had been without sponsorship prior to this point

2001-07-19 18:46:39

Bellingham, WA

Opening in July 2001, the Bellingham Center located between Vancouver and Seattle received visitors worldwide due to its natural beauty and as a gateway to Canada. The Center became an active part of the local community with a resident nun participating in many different local groups introducing the benefits of the Shambhala Healing Tools of Buddha Maitreya to an ever expanding number of people.

2001-07-30 20:46:47

Kumari Devi

Buddha Maitreya established a monthly grant for the Kumari Devi, the 'living goddess' of Nepal who despite her spiritual standing was living in poor conditions. She received sponsorship for education, clothing and food. In addition over $19,000 was given in grants to individuals and families, including a large number to monks and nuns in need of funds to help with food, water, medical care, education and support while on retreat.

2001-08-01 11:35:25

Nyagre Khamtsen, India

Over $13,000 was given in 2001 in sponsorship for food, electricity, gas, a well and water pump. The Khamtsen had recently drilled a well and installed a water pump and power generator to provide consistent water and power supply. Additional grants were given to a number of lamas to enable them to travel to Bodhgaya, the site of Buddha's enlightenment.

Buddha Maitreya Timeline

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