Our monetary timeline

How the past shapes our future

visit us at: www.monetarymadness.world ;xNLx;and subscribe to our FREE substack and YouTube channel!;xNLx;;xNLx;It may sound strange, but studying the monetary timeline can be a revealing experience. That may sound a bit exaggerated right? Maybe not, because the monetary and economic systems are driving forces behind the rise and fall of nations, empires, and hegemonies. But their role in geopolitical events is often underexposed and not well understood. ;xNLx;;xNLx;Why? First, media focus is often on the “what” of events and less on the hidden “why’s”. Second, events are often presented as independent events and not in relation.;xNLx;;xNLx;So, knowledge of historic events in their broader context can provide a comprehensive understanding of past and present. Even helps us to understand what’s coming. Fascinating!;xNLx;;xNLx;In the “Our monetary timeline” we will dwell on the key moments in time from a holistic and contemporary perspective. ;xNLx;;xNLx;Subscribe to our Substack newsletter and the YouTube channel and join the time travel when new events and videos are added to the timeline.;xNLx;;xNLx;Join us in learning to understand how past events shape our future!

1839-09-04 00:00:00

The opium wars - how trade deficits can lead to immoral behavior and wars

Coming up. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and/or Substack to be notified. https://monetarymadness.world

1944-07-01 22:08:11

Bretton Woods Agreement - mankind's ongoing fight for an (un)fair monetary system

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1965-02-04 10:30:12

De Gaulle announces to redeem US dollars for gold

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1971-08-05 09:28:50

The Nixon shock - the unilateral power of a hegemony

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2007-08-01 00:00:00

The Global Financial Crisis

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2018-05-23 23:13:00

Valéry Giscard d'Estaing's: "exorbitant privilege"

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2023-08-22 03:11:29

The BRICS summit - rivalry for the new hegemony

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Our monetary timeline

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