Unveiling the Mystery of Dark Energy: A Timeline Simulation

Welcome to a journey through time and space, exploring the mysteries of the universe and the enigmatic force that shapes it. Join us as we travel back billions of years to the moment of the Big Bang and witness the birth of the cosmos. We will follow the trail of discovery left by astronomers and physicists, piecing together the puzzle of the universe's expansion and the strange force that drives it. From the first observations of redshift to the latest satellite missions, this timeline will guide you through the key events and discoveries in the history of dark energy, revealing the awe-inspiring complexity and beauty of the universe.

1927-04-22 09:12:05

13.8 billion years ago

The Big Bang occurs, creating the universe. *This was the year the big bang was theorized. *

1929-04-22 09:07:58

Expanding Universe?

Astronomer Edwin Hubble discovers that galaxies are moving away from each other, suggesting that the universe is expanding.

1965-04-22 09:07:58

Left Overs

Scientists discover the cosmic microwave background radiation, the residual heat left over from the Big Bang.

1980-04-22 09:07:58

Not Everything is Even

Astronomers begin to study the distribution of matter in the universe using redshift surveys and discover that galaxies are not evenly distributed but form large-scale structures such as filaments and voids.

1998-04-22 09:07:58

It's Accelerating!

Two independent teams of astronomers observe distant supernovae and find that they are dimmer than expected, indicating that the expansion of the universe is accelerating.

1999-04-22 09:07:58

A New Name

The term "dark energy" is coined to describe the mysterious force responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe.

2001-04-22 09:07:58


NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) is launched, measuring the cosmic microwave background radiation in great detail and confirming the overall structure of the universe.

2003-04-22 09:07:58

3D map of universe

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) releases the largest 3D map of the universe ever created, revealing the distribution of galaxies and dark matter.

2011-04-22 09:07:58


The European Space Agency's Planck satellite is launched, providing even more precise measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation and confirming the existence of dark energy.

2015-04-22 09:07:58

Studying Dark Energy

The Dark Energy Survey (DES) begins mapping a portion of the southern sky to study dark energy and dark matter.

2018-04-22 09:07:58


The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) begins observations of the universe, aiming to create a 3D map of galaxies and measure the effects of dark energy.

2023-04-22 09:07:58

Present Day!

Scientists continue to study dark energy through a variety of techniques, including supernova observations, galaxy surveys, and gravitational lensing.

Unveiling the Mystery of Dark Energy: A Timeline Simulation

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