Zamfara HPN Multi-Activity Evaluation

2016-07-01 03:44:05

Global Health Supply Chain Program – Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM)

2017-07-01 10:15:06

Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria (BA-N)

2019-01-08 10:15:06

ACT Consumption Presented

2019-10-09 10:15:06

Mass Distribution of LLIN

2020-01-01 10:15:06

The President’s Malaria Initiative for States (PMI-S)

2020-06-09 07:00:30

Albishirin Ku! Radio Program

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2020-06-16 20:42:41

Vaccination Coverage

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2020-06-17 19:48:59

Modern FP Use and Intention among Non-Pregnant Respondents

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2020-06-23 10:35:17

Persistent Contraceptive Myths

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2020-06-24 05:34:49

Attendance to Antenatal Care

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2020-06-24 10:47:00

Seeking Malaria Care and Treatment

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2020-06-24 11:08:00

LLIN Ownership and Malaria Prevention Awareness

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2020-06-27 07:43:59

Facility Delivery Practice

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2020-07-08 23:59:13

Low Early and Exclusive Breastfeeding Rates

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2020-09-01 18:23:39

Low LLIN Availability and Use for Malaria Prevention

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2020-09-16 23:53:50

Low Availability of Sufficient LLINs

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2020-10-01 01:58:46

Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention Campaigns Implemented

2020-10-05 10:15:06

SPAQ Dosage Increased

2020-10-06 22:03:22

PSM Supports Efforts in Malaria Prevention and Treatment

2020-11-15 14:22:57

Identified SP Needs

2020-11-16 23:27:23

National Malaria Diagnostic and Treatment Guidelines Disseminated

2020-11-23 10:15:06

DRF Systems Review Meeting

2020-12-01 03:44:05

BA-N Engaged Providers on Provider Behavior Change

2020-12-02 23:45:03

BA-N & PMI Coordinate Package of Malaria SBC

2020-12-15 10:28:03

Nigeria Supply Chain Strategic Plan Finalized

2020-12-31 17:57:50

PSM Continues TA on MNCH in Zamfara

2021-01-01 14:22:57

Assessment of Malaria Case Load Completed

2021-01-01 23:05:46

State's Malaria Diagnosis Capacity Strenghthened

2021-01-06 07:11:48

PSM Supports Malaria Quantification Training Workshop

2021-01-06 08:10:06

PSM Connects State with Medicine Manufacturers to Procure ACTs

2021-01-07 14:22:57

Training PHC Health Workers

2021-03-22 16:43:21

PMI-S Trains Providers on Malaria Case Management

2021-04-01 02:28:10

MOH Approves BA-N Support IPCC Training Manual

2021-04-08 10:15:06

BA-N Reached OICs to Address Referral Issues

2021-04-27 10:15:06

PMI-S Project Launched in Zamfara

2021-05-01 17:38:17

National Malaria M&E Plan Finalized

2021-06-06 02:58:46

PMI-S Supports Trainings on Data Use and data quality

2021-06-16 03:47:07

Coordination among HPN Activities

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2021-06-17 18:15:30

Coordination with the Zamfara State

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2021-06-24 14:22:57

NMEP National Data Review Meeting Held

2021-06-25 12:18:50

Coordination: Challenges

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2021-07-01 06:50:47

PSM Holds Supply Chain Master Plan Workshop

2021-10-01 14:51:26

Counseling Training Manual Developed

2021-10-01 16:39:32

PMI Continues Its Support to SMEPs

2021-10-05 17:53:16

BA-N Continues Its Partnership with Media Stations to Promote SBC Messages

2021-11-01 07:54:30

PSM Supports Zamfara with DRF Activities

2022-01-01 08:44:23

Zamfara Malaria Operational Plan Developed

2022-01-03 15:20:16

PMI-S Facilitates SMC Mass Drug Administration Campaign

2022-01-10 07:35:15

Zamfara's Capacity on Procurement & Contract Management Strenghthening

2022-04-01 03:38:41

PSM & IHP Co-develop Monitoring System for HPN

Zamfara HPN Multi-Activity Evaluation

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