Old West Timeline

The Old West was one of America's crazier time periods.

Often the Wild West is thought of as a period of gunslinging outlaws and bounty hunters.

1803-01-01 14:47:03

Louisiana Purchase

The Louisiana Purchase allowed the US to suddenly expand its territory by a whopping 500+ million acres.

1806-09-25 14:59:06

Lewis and Clark Expedition Ends

On Sep 25, 1806, the 3 year-long expedition of Meriwhether Lewis and William Clark came to an end.

1827-03-29 14:47:03

Independence, Missouri is founded

Independence Missouri later would prove to be an important city during westward expansion.

1831-05-27 14:47:03

Jedidiah Smith is killed

Smith, during his excursion with a trading party, went mysteriously missing in southwest Kansas.

1848-02-02 14:47:03

Treaty of Gaudalupe-Hidalgo

The Treaty of Gaudalupe Hidalgo was a peace treaty between the United States and the Republic of Mexico. It resulted in the acquisition of even more land for the US.

1862-01-01 00:00:00

Homestead Act

The Homestead Act was a step toward developing the west.

1865-04-09 00:00:00

End of Civil War

In 1865 the Civil War ended. This time is widely considered the beginning of the Wild West. As many people left their war-torn areas to start a new life elsewhere.

1876-06-25 00:00:00

Custer's Last Stand

Also known as the Battle of Little Bighorn, it was a crushing defeat for the US Army.

1881-10-26 15:47:03

Gunfight at the OK Corral

Despite only lasting 30 seconds, the gunfight at the OK Corral is perhaps one of the most infamous shootouts of the Wild West.

1890-12-19 15:52:18

Wounded Knee Massacre

The Wounded Knee Massacre is one of the bleaker moments in the US Army's history.

Old West Timeline

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