A Brief Overview of British Literature
0478-09-11 17:51:33
The anglos and the saxons came from Germanic tribes
0731-09-11 17:51:33
The venerable bade in his monastery at jarrow, completes his history of the English church and people.
0959-01-05 08:08:32
The material of eddas, taking shape in iceland, derives from earlier sources in Norway, Britain and burgundy
0975-09-01 17:51:33
Great work
Beouwulf, the first great work of germanic literature, mingles the legend of scandinavia with the experience in England of angles and saxons.
1066-06-01 14:23:01
In this time much of the writing were relligious
1367-06-19 14:23:01
A narrator who call himself will, and whose name may be Langland, begins the epic poem of piers plowman
1387-06-15 14:23:01
Canterbury Tales
Chauser begins an ambitious scheme for 100 canterbury tales, of which he completes 24 by the time of his death
1469-06-11 14:23:01
Thomas Malory
Thomas Malory, in a gaol somewhere in England, complies Morte d'Arthur an English account of the French tales king Arthur
1500-09-20 18:00:08
Has poets such as sir wolle, Edmund spenser and willian shakespeare
1500-10-18 15:33:37
Is divided in three parts Jacobean, Elizabeth and Carollina in tihis time the biible has been translated tto the kiing james version
1510-10-21 15:33:37
Erasmus and Thomas More take northern Renaissance in the direction of christian humanism
1590-11-15 17:18:14
Edmund Spennser
English poet Edmund spenser celebrates the protestan Elizabeth I as the faerie Qeene
1601-11-15 17:18:14
Willian Shakespeare
Shakespeare central character in hamlet expresses both the ideas of renaissance and the dillusion of a less confident age
1605-09-30 18:00:08
In this time the translation of the Bible has been made by the king James
1625-09-19 18:00:08
In this time has poets such as including Thomas Carew, Richard Lovelace, and John Suckling
1653-09-11 18:00:08
This time has poets such as Anne Bradstreet, Edward Taylor and John Dryden
1660-01-01 00:00:00
Restoration age
Has poets such ass willian Congreve and John Dixden
1660-09-11 18:00:08
Is divided in two parts restoration age and 18 century
1667-08-16 19:33:09
Annus Mirabilis
Poet who writes abouth the war agains Holland and the grea fire of London
1667-09-01 18:00:08
Paradise Lost
Paradise lost is published, earning its author John Milton 10 E
1700-01-01 00:00:00
18 Century
Has poets such ass
1700-01-01 21:02:57
Has poets such ass Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swift
1700-01-01 21:02:57
Age of Sensibility
Age of Johnson Edmund and Edward Gibbon
1726-01-01 00:00:00
Jonathan Swif
Jonathan swift send his hero on a series of bitterly satrical travels in gullivers travels
1755-01-01 00:00:00
Samuel johnson
Samuel johnson publishes his magisterial dictionary of English langague
1785-11-01 21:46:33
Some people say that start with the French revolution, thiss era made works of coleridge Willian blackey Lord Bryant
1792-12-26 06:41:29
Mary Wolllstone
English author Mary Wolllstone publishes a personalety feminnist worrk a vindication of the right of women
1813-12-09 05:14:01
Pride and prejuice
Pride and prejuice based on a youthful work f 17 aledd fiirst impresion is he second of the austen novels o be published
1831-11-15 11:35:23
Oliver Wonndell Holmes
Oliver Wonndell Holmes's poems the last is inspired by an agedd soinnvur of he Boston tea party
1832-09-19 15:01:50
Is named for the name of the Queen Victoria who ascend to the throne, it was time of great social relligious inetelectuall issues has poets such as Robert, Christiina Rossetti and Walker Patter
1843-11-04 10:25:05
Ebenzer Scrooge
Ebenzer Scrooge mends his way just in the time in charles Dikens a cristmas carol
1847-11-08 02:11:41
Bram Stoker
Poet important who wrote the famus novel dracula
1849-11-04 10:25:05
Time Machine
H.G. well published the time machine a history abouth the time traveler whose first stop in the jurney is the year 802701
1894-10-14 11:35:23
Edward Estlin Cummings
Ameerricaan poeet wwhho wrote approximately 2,900 poems
1900-05-05 09:22:05
Wonderfull Wizard
Frank Baum introduces children to Oz in his book the wonderfull wizard of Oz
1901-05-05 09:22:05
Tale of Petter
Beatriz Potter introduces in her own Expense the tale of Petter Rabbitt
1901-05-05 09:22:05
Is named for the king Edward VII in the outbreak of the world war 1, include novelist as Josep cunrad and Ford Madox
1908-09-02 20:58:06
Lucy Moud Montgomery
Lucy Moud Montgomery's first novel Ame of green gobles instant fame and fortune
1910-09-02 20:58:06
Mr polly
H.G.wells publishes the history of Mr polly a novel abouth an scape from drab everyday existance
1914-08-16 19:33:09
Is named for the king George 5 has poets such as Ralph Edgon Jhon Musefield and Ruper Brook
1925-07-30 02:11:41
Virginia woolf Publlishes her novel Mrs Dalloway in which the actions is limited to a single day
1928-07-30 02:11:41
Frank Harris
Irish author Frank Harris publishes the foutrth and final volume off my life
1936-01-12 03:17:13
Gone with the wind
Author margaret Mitchel publlishes her one book Which becomees probably the best seellling novel of all time Gone witth the winnd
1936-08-21 16:14:19
Begins with the world war I some of the poets are Virginia Woolf and Aldous Huxley
1940-01-12 03:17:13
Hernest Heming
Ernest Heming Way publishes the novel for whom the bell tollls set in the spanish ciivil war
1945-01-12 03:17:13
In george Orwells fabble animal farm a rutthles pig napoleon contras the farm yard using the tecniquues of stalings
1950-08-10 23:46:00
Has poeets such as Michel Foucault, Roland Barthes, Jacques Derrida, Jean Baudrillard, and Jean-François Lyotard.
1959-08-27 19:33:09
Jeanette Winterson
Important writer who wrote the famus novel Frankissstein
1979-12-20 08:05:28
The Caged birds
US authhor Maya Angelou publishes her autobiographhical first novel i know why the caged birds sing
1983-02-15 04:42:09
Lewis gives the first gllimpset of Narrnia in the lion the witch and he wardrobe