1940-01-01 00:00:00
The first generation of computer is introduced in 1946. Whereas, the first generation used vacuum tubes as the CPU and magnetic drum for storing the data. The size of the computer in this generation is larger like room size and limited to basic operation
1957-01-01 00:00:00
The Second Generation of Computer uses the transistor in the place of vacuum tubes, also computers use the magnetic tape and magnetic core as the primary storage, and the secondary storage uses the magnetic disks. The Example of this generation computer is IBM 1620, IBM 7094, CDC 1604, CDC 3600, UNIVAC 1108. In this generation of computers, the storage capacity and the use of computer users increased.
1964-01-01 00:00:00
The second generation of computers uses the transistors in but, the transistor produces the big amount of heat which damages sensitive parts in the computers. To eliminate this problem, the Third Generation of Computer introduced in 1965. Whereas, these computers differ from first and generation of computers and it uses the IC (Integrated Circut). The IC is the small circuit which contains the thousands of transistors, resistors to make the computer. By inventing the IC’s in the third generation, it became possible to fit thousands of elements in a small area to create the computer. Additionally, it reduces the size of the computer in a small size.
1972-01-01 00:00:00
The Fourth Generation of Computers are comes with VLSI (Very Large Scale Technology) also we can call it as microprocessors. Whereas, the Intel was the first company to introduce the microprocessor and firstly, design the PC or personal computer in this generation by IBM. Well, the VLSI circuits include 500 transistors on the single chip which performs the high-level of operations and computations.
1981-01-01 00:00:00
It introduces the laptops, notebooks, PC’s, desktops, and many more during this period. Besides, these computers are based on Artificial Intelligence. Well, the fifth generation computers perform the parallel processing which fast results. In this generation of the computers, the new languages are introduced like object-oriented languages like C++, JAVA, etc. The new operating systems are developed MS Window, Linux and Linux based components are developed.