History of Einherjar

Einherjar has had a long and storied history dating back to Mythic Entertainments, Dark Age of Camelot. Over the course of our 11 years together, Einherjar has grown to swallow several guilds into its ranks.

2001-10-04 10:56:10

Dark Age of Camelot

Einherjar's first game together albeit as different guilds.

2001-12-19 18:40:11

Consilio et Armis

Consilio et Armis led by Armis and Sir Perro was one of the original guilds on Albion Iseult.

2002-01-05 18:40:11

Knighthood of the Red Dragon

Someone needs to type up a description for this guild :)

2002-06-05 17:51:56

Lost Cause

Lost Cause was the original Albion gank squad, comprised of a unique group build that incorporated Mercenaries and Clerics to their fullest extent. Due to personal conflicts between founding members, Lost Cause would eventually disband.

2002-08-22 10:56:10

Bitaken joins KOTRD

Bitaken, known then as Friedchicken, joins Knighthood of the Red Dragon

2002-08-27 18:40:11

CEA merges with KofRD

Consilio et Armis had experienced a reduction in numbers and merged into KotRD

2002-10-15 10:56:10

Gunter leaves Lost Cause

Due to a falling out between the founders of Lost Cause, Gunter leaves Dark Age of Camelot to presue a competitve career in First Person Shooters.

2003-10-28 10:56:10

Venor Ultimus

Albion's premiere tactical gank squad is formed from top tier players from around the realm. Venor Ultimus would become known as the scalpel that was wielded by Phoenix Ascension leader Bitaken during large scale RvR combat. After much political strife between future Furia Evolutio members (Guri, Keleroy, Gunter, Jeralin and Adrobaen) and the leadership of Venor Ultimus (Kruk, Boomur, Sooner, Glanowyn and Falconan), Venor is split in half.

2003-11-13 15:42:20

Guri Joins VU

Guri joined Venor Ultimus as the top rated Reaver on our server. Guri would later go on to lead the entire realm through their master levels during the Trials of Atlantis.

2003-11-28 18:40:11

Keleroy joins Venor Ultimus

Enter story info here

2003-12-03 18:40:11

Phoenix Ascension

Phoenix Ascension was founded when Bitaken returned to Dark Age of Camelot after a long hiatus. Seeing that KotRD was in a poor state, he left the guild. Seemingly, everyone followed and Phoenix Ascension was born

2003-12-08 10:56:10

Gunter returns to DAOC and joins Venor Ultimus

After becoming a top tier FPS player in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six series of games, Gunter returned to Dark Age of Camelot ready to kick some ass.

2004-05-13 10:56:10

VU/PA Moves off Iseult

Venor Ultimus and Phoenix Ascension took a small break to play on Midgard Pellinor

2005-02-10 10:56:10

PA moves to WOW

Phoenix Ascension moves to World of Warcraft along side Venor Ultimus on the Garona server

2005-02-13 18:40:11

World of Warcaft

Einherjar has never had its own presence in World of Warcraft, instead it was presented on many occasions by Venor Ultimus, Phoenix Ascension and Furia Evolutio.

2005-04-13 23:25:19


Squirrel was a short lived guild that the founders of Furia Evolutio called themselves.

2007-07-13 18:40:11

WOW Revival for PA

Phoenix Ascension experiences a large World of Warcraft revival and raid Karazhan.

2008-01-08 10:56:10

Furia Evolutio

After a falling out with forming Phoenix Ascension members, Furia Evolutio was founded as an elite small guild.

2008-04-02 23:25:19


Einherjar is the culmination of several guilds that spanned over a decade. Members from Knighthood of the Red Dragon, Consilio et Armis, Phoenix Ascension, Venor Ultimus, Squirrel, Furia Evolutio and LBT can all be found here.

2008-09-18 23:25:19

Warhammer Online

Both Einherjar and Furia Evolutio begin playing Warhammer Online

2011-03-01 23:25:19

Rift: Planes of Telara

Einherjar and Furia Evolutio both begin playing Rift in Mar 2011. This would be the last game we played as separate guilds as within two weeks, the two guilds merged.

2011-03-20 17:48:54

FE Merges into EHJ

Furia Evolutio having realized that it couldn't compete in Trion Worlds Rift with smaller numbers, merged into Einherjar. This merger reunited longtime friends and guildmates from Venor Ultimus and Phoenix Ascension

2011-12-20 23:25:19

Star Wars - The Old Republic

Einherjar briefly played SWTOR however the lack of an endgame quickly prevented us from sticking around

2012-08-28 23:25:19

Guild Wars 2

Einherjar switched to Guild Wars 2 upon its release however with the mechanics limited and the end game a little lacking, Guild Wars 2 is now just a casual game until The Elder Scrolls Online is released.

2012-12-28 10:56:10

World of Warcaft Revival

Einherjar returned to World of Warcraft upon Bitaken's return.

History of Einherjar

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