Classical Studies

Main events studied in Classical Studies

0000-01-01 17:03:21



0001-01-01 17:03:21

Theatre of Leptis Magna

Theatre of Leptis Magna in Libya

0002 BC-01-01 17:03:21

Forum of Augustus

Forum of Augustus finished

0009 BC-01-01 17:03:21

Ara Pacis

Ara pacis is completed

0014-08-19 17:03:21

Res Gestae; Death of Augustus

Res Gestae finished. Augustus dies.

0014-08-19 17:03:21


Reign of Tiberius

0019 BC-09-21 17:03:21

Virgil dies

Aeneid is unfinished

0029 BC-01-01 17:03:21

Virgil begins the Aeneid

Virgil begins writing Rome's epic.

0031 BC-09-02 17:03:21

Battle of Actium

The Battle of Actium was a naval battle in the last war of the Roman Republic, fought between the fleet of Octavian and the combined forces of Mark Antony and Queen Cleopatra of Egypt.

0037-01-01 17:03:21


Reign of Caligula

0041-01-01 17:03:21


Reign of Claudius

0042 BC-01-01 17:03:21

Battle of Philippi

The Battle of Philippi was the final battle in the Wars of the Second Triumvirate between the forces of Mark Antony and Octavian (of the Second Triumvirate) and the leaders of Julius Caesar's assassination, Brutus and Cassius in 42 BC, at Philippi in Macedonia.

0046 BC-01-01 14:40:25

Julius Caesar Rules

Julius Caesar reigns in Rome

0054-01-01 17:03:21


Reign of Nero

0063 BC-09-23 14:40:25

Augustus Born

Enter story info here

0069-01-01 17:03:21


Reign of Vespasian

0070 BC-10-15 14:40:25

Virgil Born

Virgil was born

0079-01-01 17:03:21


Reign of Titus

0080-01-01 17:03:21


Colosseum finished

0081-01-01 17:03:21

Arch of Titus

Arch of Titus built

0081-01-01 17:03:21


Reign of Domitian

0117-01-01 17:03:21


Reign of Hadrian

0118-01-01 17:03:21


Pantheon built

0126-01-01 17:03:21

Baths at Leptis Magna

Baths at Leptis Magna built in Libya

0146 BC-01-01 14:40:25

Greece Falls to Rome

After a series of wars, Rome overtakes Greece

0246 BC-01-01 14:40:25

Punic Wars

Punic Wars between Carthage and Rome

0312-01-01 00:00:00

Basilica of Constantine and Maxentius

Basilica of Constantine and Maxentius built

0323 BC-06-01 14:40:25

Alexander the Great Dies

Alexander the Great dies in Babylon

0324 BC-01-01 14:40:25

Susa, Opis, Hephaestion

Weddings in Susa, Mutiny at Opis, Hephaestion's Death

0327 BC-01-01 14:40:25

Alexander takes India

Alexander takes India and marries Roxanne in Bactria

0331 BC-01-01 14:40:25

Battle of Gaugamela

Battle of Gaugamela and visit to the Temple of Ammon

0332 BC-01-01 14:40:25

Sieges of Tyre and Gaza

Alexander takes Tyre and Gaza

0333 BC-01-01 14:40:25

Battle of Issus & Gordian Knot

Battle of Issus against Darius and Gordian Knot

0334 BC-01-01 14:40:25

Battle of Granicus

Battle of Granicus - first major victory

0356 BC-07-01 14:40:25

Alexander the Great born

Birth of Alexander the Great

0399 BC-01-01 14:40:25

Socrates' Trial and Death

Socrates is tried and put to death.

0404 BC-01-01 14:40:25

Peloponnesian War ends

Athens falls to Sparta

0414 BC-01-01 14:40:25

Battle of Syracuse

Battle of Syracuse is a final blow to Athenian strength in the Peloponnesian War

0425 BC-01-01 14:40:25

The Acharnians Performed

Acharnians, by Aristophanes, is performed making fun of the Peloponnesian War.

0431 BC-01-01 14:40:25

Peloponnesian War begins

Peloponnesian War begins

0432 BC-01-01 14:40:25

Parthenon Finished

Parthenon in Athens is finished

0450 BC-01-01 14:40:25

Aristophanes Born

Aristophanes is born

0470 BC-01-01 14:40:25

Socrates Born

Socrates is born

0478 BC-01-01 14:40:25

Delian League Established

Athens and Greek city-states form the Delian League.

0479 BC-08-01 14:40:25

Battle of Plataea

Battle of Plataea - end of Greco-Persian War

0480 BC-08-01 14:40:25

Battle of Thermopylae/Salamis

Battles of Thermopylae and Salamis.

0490 BC-01-01 14:40:25

Battle of Marathon

Athens is attacked by Persia, but wins victory at the Battle of Marathon. Beginning of the Greco-Persian War.

0505 BC-01-01 14:40:25

Democracy in Athens

Democracy is established in Athens under Cleisthenes.

0525 BC-01-01 14:40:25

Red Figure Vases

Red Figure pottery dominates the Greek World.

0625 BC-01-01 14:40:25

Black Figure Vases

Black-Figure pottery dominates the Greek World.

Classical Studies

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