History of Avier

Avier began humble beginnings as a technical publisher of computer journals, magazines and books.

As it grew from two employees, the magazines and books found markets all over the world establishing the need for a multi lingual base.;xNLx;Articles became magazines, magazines became books, books became conferences and technical seminars. Seminars became exhibitions. ;xNLx;The company grew to $3 Million per year turnover and then sold all assets other than the company to a USA publisher. ;xNLx;Today the company is owned by iC Digital Assets Ltd, the original founder in 1986.

1986-07-01 10:06:37

Technical Publishing Company Formed

Following nine years as Electronic Weapons Engineer in the UK military and six years a Production designer in Scientific Instrument Organic Mass Spectrometry the founder formed a technical marketing and publishing company

1987-01-01 04:41:47

IBM Computers

The company focused on marketing information for the IBM Mid Range and Mainframe Computers

1987-05-24 04:41:47

US Embassy Conferences

With the launch of the new IBM AS/400 the company developed technical seminars and conferences held in the UK and Netherlands

History of Avier

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