Acceptable Dishonesties

A timeline of falsehoods and other misbehaviors that the mainstream news media (MSNM) would have covered more diligently and antagonistically if they'd been Donald Trump's instead of Barack Obama's. (Read the related Medium article at:

1995-07-18 00:00:00


Obama's memoir — "Dreams from My Father" — falsely claims that Obama learned "Indonesia’s language, its customs, and its legends“ in less than six months.;;

1995-07-18 00:00:00


Obama's memoir — "Dreams from My Father" — includes fictional, composite characters who are an amalgam of several real people, though the memoir does not admit this fiction. LINKS:;;;

1995-07-18 00:00:00


Obama's memoir — "Dreams from My Father" — references a Life Magazine story (about a man who lightened his skin color) that does not seem to exist. LINKS:;;

1995-07-18 00:00:00


Obama's memoir — "Dreams from My Father" — references discussions with his school friends about race that his friends do not recall having. LINKS:;;

1996-02-15 00:00:00

Pledge made

Obama says: "I favor legalizing same-sex marriages, and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages." (Note that this information from 1996 was released after the 2008 election, despite being 12 years old.) Later, Obama will oppose legalizing same-sex marriages, and then go back to supporting their legalization. LINKS:

2003-06-19 00:00:03

Incomplete / misleading

Obama removes his October 2002 anti-war speech from his Senate campaign website, dismissing it as "dated". But it's a historical record of what his position was at the time (which could be indicated by attaching a date to it), and he could easily link it to more recent policy statements regarding Iraq. To remove the speech obscures how strong his opposition to the Iraq War was prior to becoming a senator, when he expressed more ambiguity in his opposition. LINKS:

2003-10-01 04:11:51

Pledge made

Obama supports single-payer health care, saying "I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program. I see no reason why the United States of America, the wealthiest country in the history of the world, spending 14 percent of its Gross National Product on health care cannot provide basic health insurance to everybody. And that’s what Jim is talking about when he says everybody in, nobody out. A single payer health care plan, a universal health care plan. And that’s what I’d like to see. But as all of you know, we may not get there immediately. Because first we have to take back the White House, we have to take back the Senate, and we have to take back the House." Obama will later reject single-payer plans, but without acknowledging that he has changed his position. [Exact day of month uncertain.] LINKS:;;;

2003-11-06 03:14:49

Pledge made

Obama says: "I think we have no choice unfortunately but to stay for some period of time. I’ve indicated that I was opposed to the war at the outset, but I do think that if we removed our troops immediately we would see an enormous power vacuum and chaos in an area that's already destabilized." Later, Obama will call for an immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq.

2003-12-31 00:00:03


Despite Obama's frequent calls for civil debate, throughout the presidency of George W. Bush, I find no record of Obama denouncing any of the (often violent) invective expressed at the protests against Bush, such as: "Kill Him", "We don’t need to impeach Bush. We need to execute him!" and "Death to worlds #1 terrorist. Pig Bush & his sheep", to name a few. The MSNM never asked Obama to denounce this invective, either. LINKS:;;

2004-02-29 03:14:49

Pledge made

According to the Associated Press: "Obama says he supports the idea of universal health care but does not think a single-payer government system is feasible. He says the government should be the health care provider of last resort for the uninsured." [Obama's position is summarized as] "Support, but 'probably not at this stage,' a single-payer government system." [Exact day of month uncertain.] LINKS:

2004-02-29 03:14:49

Call for civility

In his keynote address for the 2004 Democratic Party Convention, Obama emphasizes the importance of ending America’s bitter and divisive politics and "red state" versus "blue state" animosity, and promoting cooperation and bipartisanship. LINKS:;;

2004-07-24 03:14:49

Pledge made

Obama promises to defy America’s bitter and divisive politics, to promote cooperation and bipartisanship and lessen "red state" versus "blue state" animosity. LINKS:;;

2004-07-25 02:31:46

Pledge made

Asked whether US troops can be withdrawn from Iraq immediately, Obama says "I don't think so". LINKS:

2004-07-25 03:14:49


Obama states that he would not have voted to authorize President George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq. But, when asked whether that means he disagrees with Sens. John Kerry and John Edwards — the presidential and vice presidential nominees for the Democratic Party, who voted in favor of that authorization — Obama says he disagreed with them "at that time, but, as I said, I wasn't there". This is an evasion. If he disagreed with them then, does he still disagree with them now? LINKS:

2004-07-25 03:14:49


Obama evades answering a question about how Sens. John Kerry and John Edwards — the presidential and vice presidential nominees for the Democratic Party — were wrong to call Iraqi President Saddam Hussein an imminent threat in the lead-up to the Iraq War. Obama says: "Well, I think they have access to information that I did not have." Obama does not explain how this added information led to Kerry and Edwards being wrong. LINKS:

2004-07-25 03:14:49


Asked about Obama's opposition to big donor fundraising at the 1996 Democratic Party Convention, and given even greater amounts of such fundraising at the 2004 convention, Obama says: "I think that politics and money are a problem in this country for both parties." Obama does not (as he did in 1996) criticize the fundraising as limiting voters' access to candidates. LINKS:

2004-07-27 05:34:56


Obama says: "There's not much of a difference between my position and George Bush's position at this stage." Prior to this date, and afterwards, Obama would often cite stark differences between his position on Iraq and that of President George W. Bush. Obama disagreed with the 2003 invasion, and the 2007 surge, but in 2004 Obama is essentially in sync with Bush? LINKS:;;

2004-10-18 05:34:56

Incomplete / misleading

Obama says: "Iraq was a preemptive war based on faulty evidence — and I say that not in hindsight, or Monday-morning quarterbacking. Six months before the war was launched, I questioned the evidence that would lead to us being there." However, in his 2002 October 2 speech (roughly 6 months before the 2003 March 19 invasion of Iraq), the most Obama said about evidence was: "I also know that Saddam poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States, or to his neighbors, that the Iraqi economy is in shambles, that the Iraqi military a fraction of its former strength, and that in concert with the international community he can be contained until, in the way of all petty dictators, he falls away into the dustbin of history." What concrete points of evidence did Obama dispute in 2002? LINKS:;

2004-11-04 05:34:56

Pledge made

In a press conference after being elected Senator from Illinois, and asked about a presidential run in 2008, Obama says: "Guys, I'm a state senator. I was elected yesterday. I have never set foot in the U.S. Senate. I've never worked in Washington. And the notion that somehow I'm immediately going to start running for higher office just doesn't make sense. So look, I can unequivocally say I will not be running for national office in four years, and my entire focus is making sure that I'm the best possible senator on behalf of the people of Illinois. … I am not running for president in 2008 … I mean, come on guys. The only reason I'm being definitive is because until I'm definitive you will keep asking me this question, but it's a silly question." In February 2007, Obama will reverse his unequivocal, definite answer of "no" to this allegedly silly question by announcing a run for the presidency. The MSNM avoids bringing this flip-flop up when Obama takes "definitive" stands on other issues ("silly" and otherwise) later on. LINKS:

2005-04-13 05:34:56

Pledge made

Obama opposes getting rid of the Senate filibuster, saying: "What [the American people] don't expect is for one party, be it Republican or Democrat, to change the rules in the middle of the game so they can make all the decisions while the other party is told to sit down and keep quiet." Not only will Obama later switch positions on the filibuster (November 21, 2013), but on October 25, 2010, he will explicitly say, regarding economic policy, "we don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they got to sit in back". LINKS:

2005-04-26 05:34:56


Obama opposes getting rid of the Senate filibuster, saying: "What I worry about would be that you essentially have still two chambers, the House and the Senate, but you have simply majoritarian absolute power on either side. And that's just not what the Founders intended. You know, the Founders designed this system, as frustrating it is, to make sure that there's a broad consensus before the country moves forward. ... I mean, there are all sorts of counter-majoritarian impulses in our system of government, and that's why this government has worked so well. And I think that's why we should try to back off the brink on this one." On November 21, 2013, Obama will support ending the filibuster. LINKS:

2005-06-02 05:34:56


Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, says: "You think people can work all day and then pick up their kids at child care or wherever and get home and then have a — still manage to sandwich in an eight-hour vote? Well, Republicans, I guess, can do that, because a lot of them have never made an honest living in their lives." Obama doesn't criticize Dean's demonizing rhetoric. LINKS:;

2005-06-04 05:34:56


Obama caricatures Republican policies, saying: "In Washington, they call this the Ownership Society. But in our past there has been another term for it — Social Darwinism — every man or woman for him or herself." This is demonizing, just as much as calling Obama a Marxist. While Republicans don't support as much social support spending as Democrats, they support far more than no social support spending (both private and public), and are not leaving each individual to fend entirely for themselves. (The MSNM does little or nothing to challenge Obama's rhetoric.) LINKS:;;;

2005-06-04 05:34:56


Obama caricatures Republican policies, saying: "In Washington, they call this the Ownership Society. But in our past there has been another term for it — Social Darwinism — every man or woman for him or herself." While Republicans don't support as much social support spending as Democrats, they support far more than no social support spending, and are not leaving each individual to fend entirely for themselves.LINKS:;;;

2005-07-25 05:34:56


Obama caricatures Republican policies, saying: "The Bush Administration's philosophy says we can't do much about the new challenges we face as a nation. ... the best that can be done is to give everyone one big refund on their government — divvy it up into individual portions, hand it out, and encourage everyone to use their share to go buy their own health care, their own retirement plan, their own child care, education, and so forth. In Washington, they call this the Ownership Society. But in our past there has been another term for it — Social Darwinism, every man and woman for him or herself." While Republicans don't support as much social support spending as Democrats, they support far more than no social support spending, and are not leaving each individual to fend entirely for themselves. LINKS:;;;

2005-07-25 05:34:56


Obama caricatures Republican policies, saying: "The Bush Administration's philosophy says we can't do much about the new challenges we face as a nation. ... the best that can be done is to give everyone one big refund on their government — divvy it up into individual portions, hand it out, and encourage everyone to use their share to go buy their own health care, their own retirement plan, their own child care, education, and so forth. In Washington, they call this the Ownership Society. But in our past there has been another term for it — Social Darwinism, every man and woman for him or herself." This is demonizing, just as much as calling Obama a Marxist. While Republicans don't support as much social support spending as Democrats, they support far more than no social support spending (both private and public), and are not leaving each individual to fend entirely for themselves. (The MSNM does little or nothing to challenge Obama's rhetoric.) LINKS:;;;

2005-12-05 05:34:56

Pledge made

In an interview with the editorial board of the Chicago Tribune, Obama opposes a quick withdrawal of troops from Iraq, saying: "It is arguable that the best politics going into '06 would be a clear succinct message: "Let's bring our troops home". It's certainly easier to communicate and I think would probably have some pretty strong resonance with the American people right now, but whether that's the best policy right now, I don't feel comfortable saying it is." LINKS:;

2005-12-31 00:00:00

Incomplete / misleading

At a meeting of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) in 2005 [exact day of year uncertain], Obama is photographed with Louis Farrakhan by journalist Askia Muhammad. The CBC asks that the photo be surrendered to them so that it cannot be released to the public (publicizing the photo would associate Obama with the controversial — e.g., anti-Semitic — Farrakhan, which could damage Obama’s political future). Muhammad keeps a copy of the photo, but it is not released to the public until 2018, over 12 years later, after Obama is no longer in public office. During the 2008 presidential election, Obama will deny seeking support from Farrakhan, but will not admit to meeting with Farrakhan in 2005. LINKS:;

2006-01-07 20:13:10

Pledge made

According to the Chicago Sun-Times: "Obama said "if we don’t see significant political progress" over the next six months or so, "we can pour money and troops in here until the cows come home but we are not going to be successful." It is important, Obama said, "to start phasing down the troops" and "to give the Iraqis more ownership."" Effectively, Obama is making a new pledge — to pull troops out if political progress isn't made — that is opposed to the pledge he had earlier made regarding troops in Iraq. LINKS:;

2006-01-07 20:13:10


According to the Chicago Sun-Times: "Obama said "if we don’t see significant political progress" over the next six months or so, "we can pour money and troops in here until the cows come home but we are not going to be successful." It is important, Obama said, "to start phasing down the troops" and "to give the Iraqis more ownership."" One month earlier, Obama had expressed opposition to bringing troops home. LINKS:;

2006-01-08 20:13:10


Harry Belafonte describes President George W. Bush as "the greatest tyrant in the world, the greatest terrorist in the world". Obama will criticize Belafonte's rhetoric, without using evasions (e.g., saying he didn't hear the rhetoric first-hand) that his administration will later use when asked to condemn other invective (e.g., Teamsters leader Teamsters leader James "Jimmy" Hoffa, Jr.'s September 5, 2011, Labor Day rhetoric). LINKS:

2006-01-22 04:21:46


Obama denounces Harry Belafonte's January 8, 2006, remarks describing President George W. Bush as "the greatest tyrant in the world, the greatest terrorist in the world". Note that Obama doesn't resort to evasions that he and his presidential administration will later use to avoid criticizing political allies (e.g., Teamsters leader James "Jimmy" Hoffa, Jr.'s September 5, 2011, Labor Day rhetoric). That is, Obama doesn't say "I wasn't at the event where Belafonte said this," or "he has a right to his opinion". LINKS:

2006-01-22 04:21:46

Pledge made

Regarding US troops in Iraq, Obama says: "My position has been that it would not be responsible for us to unilaterally and precipitously draw troops down regardless of the politics, because I think that all of us have a stake in seeing Iraq succeed." Earlier in the month, Obama had expressed support for "phasing down the troops", though that was in turn a contrast to his stated position in December 2005. LINKS:

2006-01-22 04:21:46


Regarding US troops in Iraq, Obama says: "My position has been that it would not be responsible for us to unilaterally and precipitously draw troops down regardless of the politics, because I think that all of us have a stake in seeing Iraq succeed." This is undoing his position from earlier in the month, when he said troops should be phased down if political progress is not made. LINKS:

2006-03-16 04:21:46

Pledge made

Obama says: "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. Leadership means that 'the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt." Obama would later denounce those who opposed increasing the debt limit. LINKS:;

2006-03-30 04:21:46


Obama describes Republicans as supporting "Social Darwinism." This is false, as Republicans are in favor of private charity to help the needy, as well as government spending (even if they don't support as much of the latter as Democrats), which is in direct opposition to Social Darwinism. It's just as much of a caricature as when Obama was accused of Marxism or communism. LINKS:;

2006-03-30 04:21:46


Obama caricatures Republican policies as "Social Darwinism". This is demonizing, just as much as calling Obama a Marxist. While Republicans don't support as much social support spending as Democrats, they support far more than no social support spending (both private and public), and are not leaving each individual to fend entirely for themselves. (The MSNM does little or nothing to challenge Obama's rhetoric.) LINKS:;

2006-06-21 04:21:46

Pledge made

Obama refuses to support the Kerry Amendment, which calls for US troops to be mostly withdrawn from Iraq by July 2007, saying: "a precipitous withdrawal of our troops, driven by Congressional edict rather than the realities on the ground, will not undo the mistakes made by this Administration. It could compound them. ... I do not believe that setting a date certain for the total withdrawal of U.S. troops is the best approach to achieving, in a methodical and responsible way, the three basic goals that should drive our Iraq policy: that is, 1) stabilizing Iraq and giving the factions within Iraq the space they need to forge a political settlement; 2) containing and ultimately defeating the insurgency in Iraq; and 3) bringing our troops safely home." Later, as Senator and as President, Obama will set a date certain — actually, more than one — for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq. LINKS:;

2006-06-26 04:21:46


Obama recounts how a pro-life doctor contacted him, supportive of Obama but offended by language on Obama's website declaring Obama would fight "right-wing ideologues who want to take away a woman's right to choose." Obama had the text — which he claims was written by his staff, not by himself — removed from his website. (Despite this, as president in April 26, 2013, Obama will demonize opponents of Planned Parenthood as attempting to "roll back basic rights when it comes to women’s health". The MSNM makes no mention of the hypocrisy.) LINKS:

2006-08-07 04:21:46


Obama caricatures Republican policies as "Social Darwinism". This is demonizing, just as much as calling Obama a Marxist. While Republicans don't support as much social support spending as Democrats, they support far more than no social support spending (both private and public), and are not leaving each individual to fend entirely for themselves. (The MSNM does little or nothing to challenge Obama's rhetoric.) LINKS:;;;

2006-08-07 04:21:46


Obama describes Republicans as supporting "Social Darwinism." This is false, as Republicans are in favor of private charity to help the needy, as well as government spending (even if they don't support as much of the latter as Democrats), which is in direct opposition to Social Darwinism. It's just as much of a caricature as when Obama was accused of Marxism or communism. LINKS:;;;

2006-09-12 04:21:46


Sean Penn calls President George W. Bush "a Beelzebub — and a dumb one." Obama says nothing to denounce this demonizing. LINKS:

2006-09-17 04:21:46


Sunni tribes in Iraq's Anbar Province ally with US forces to combat Al Qaeda in Iraq. Obama will later credit this switch in allegiance to Democratic victories in the 2006 midterm elections, despite the fact that the switch occurred well over a month prior to the midterms. LINKS:

2006-10-17 01:24:57

Pledge made

Writing in his memoir, "The Audacity of Hope", Obama pledges not to describe opponents of abortion as "ideologues driven by perverse desires to inflict suffering on women". He will later do precisely this at an event for Planned Parenthood in April 2013. Despite this, as president in April 26, 2013, Obama will demonize opponents of Planned Parenthood as attempting to "roll back basic rights when it comes to women’s health". The MSNM makes no mention of the hypocrisy. LINKS:,9171,1546298,00.html;

2006-10-17 01:24:57

Pledge broken

Discussing potential health care reform, Obama refuses to support a single-payer system that achieves universal coverage, though he had previously done so. LINKS:;

2006-10-17 04:21:46

Call for civility

Obama recounts how a pro-life doctor contacted him, supportive of Obama but offended by language on Obama's website declaring Obama would fight "right-wing ideologues who want to take away a woman's right to choose." Obama had the text — which he claims was written by his staff, not by himself — removed from his website. Obama said Americans should make a "presumption of good faith" with respect to political opponents. (Despite this, as president in April 26, 2013, Obama will demonize opponents of Planned Parenthood as attempting to "roll back basic rights when it comes to women’s health". The MSNM makes no mention of the hypocrisy.) LINKS:,9171,1546298,00.html;;

2006-10-17 04:21:46


Obama recounts how a pro-life doctor contacted him, supportive of Obama but offended by language on Obama's website declaring Obama would fight "right-wing ideologues who want to take away a woman's right to choose." Obama had the text — which he claims was written by his staff, not by himself — removed from his website. (Despite this, as president in April 26, 2013, Obama will demonize opponents of Planned Parenthood as attempting to "roll back basic rights when it comes to women’s health". The MSNM makes no mention of the hypocrisy.) LINKS:,9171,1546298,00.html;

2006-10-22 01:24:57


Obama asserts that, because the situation in Iraq is deteriorating, the US should withdraw troops right away, beginning before the end of 2006. Earlier, in September 2004, Obama asserted that, because the situation in Iraq is deteriorating, the US should withdraw troops more slowly. LINKS:;;

2006-12-13 01:24:57


Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-TX) makes erroneous statements about al Qaeda, Iran and their religious affiliation as Sunni and Shiite (respectively). Nonetheless, Obama says nothing to chastise Reyes becoming chair of the intelligence committee. When McCain makes a similar error in 2008, Obama says McCain has shown why he doesn’t understand Iraq. The MSNM makes no note of the hypocrisy. LINKS:

2007-01-10 01:24:57

Prediction made

In response to President George W. Bush’s announcement of the Iraq Surge, Obama says: ”I am not persuaded that 20,000 additional troops in Iraq is going to solve the sectarian violence there. In fact, I think it will do the reverse.” Obama's prediction is eventually proven incorrect: after US and coalition forces forced Moqtada Sadr’s Mahdi Army into hiding in August 2007, civilian deaths were reduced by half. LINKS:;;;;

Acceptable Dishonesties

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