Psychosis and Return

WORKS BEST ON DESKTOP. My years as a full time looney...

Over a year in Bins, and what it taught me.

2015-06-15 09:52:09

Vegan phase

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2015-06-15 10:23:19

Trying to get mom to hear the voices.

I put a hair curler in my vagina, while crying. I told my mom to listen.

2015-06-15 19:52:09

Bin #1

2015-06-29 09:52:09

Plastic gloves

How far I went from the bullying.

2015-07-20 10:43:54

Dog by summer mansion

I experienced a bark, as I went to the plumpskloh in the middle of the night. I had heard a forest rave on the way there, thought it was celebrating me.

2015-08-30 10:43:54

In contact with the Kennel Alliance

About getting my own fart dog. They say the nose of a pug is very short for this. But that it is possible.

2015-09-04 10:43:54


"Think about all at the amusement park!" I thought the sudden rain was my fault.

2015-09-08 10:43:54


Because of first starving for a while, then bingeing. Went to hospital for it.

2015-09-25 09:52:09

Ibiza #3

Still super socially weird. I was processing this huge cloud of I-don't-know-what. But I had more fun than I've had in a long time!

2016-01-03 15:36:32


Snorted it. Fantastic second, then horrible. Never again, we agreed. But I can't remember what was so terrible. Maybe I must refresh my memory, by asking my friend, alternatively trying it one more time.

2016-01-06 09:52:09


With mom <3

2016-01-25 06:27:33

Playing with light #2

With my Audrey painting. I thought it was some code.

2016-01-30 06:27:33

Knife video

2016-01-30 06:27:33

"Retina" reading

They said they were seeing my retina.

2016-01-31 06:27:33


Posted about how you get good if you shine good. Karma, whatever you call it, pure logics.

2016-01-31 06:27:33

Pills in a bowl

I gathered all my pills and played with the thought of eating them, so the spirits would have to rescue me.

2016-02-02 06:27:33

Lemon installation

By my nose. To cope with the terrible fart smell hallucination (?).

2016-02-06 06:27:33

Discussion through loudspeaker

With my dear bro. I heard him speak to me through the loudspeaker, and also other voices, saying nobody wants to have sex with their bro, and that they understood that I didn't. So stupid this whole thing, starting from the stupid Empathy Game in my loneliness.

2016-02-06 06:27:33

Sex with spirits

Here actively. Also by the times of Bin #3.

2016-02-13 06:27:33

Witch painting

I played with something white in the air.

2016-02-13 06:27:33

Smell hallucination

Like they'd have put fart spray all over the bar. I took soap on my hand and breathed through it.

2016-02-13 06:27:33

Bin #2

2016-02-15 06:27:33

Pams on the wall

I wrote this. If they take my freedom, I thought I at least should get of their mindbender offer. I do prefer to sm*ke, this is not the same, but it's the best they have given me.

2016-02-20 06:27:33

Experienced dog show

Hosted by Nikkos voice.

2016-02-27 06:27:33

Pespa to Finland-plans

I was checking all options, he wanted to stay in an igloo hotel, but they're crazy expensive.

2016-03-13 06:27:33

Shock from Lex's hand

Date not certain.

2016-03-27 06:27:33

World Peace and Hannaland

Started on these books.

2016-04-04 06:27:33

Nervous for bin morning meeting

2016-04-18 06:27:33

Terrible low

Mostly alone smoking weed. Too stupid for conversations. Trying to compensate lack of life with food.

2016-06-03 09:52:09

Hitchhiking in Estonia

With Knut. Row dancing in Pärnu and medieval festival in Viljandi. Saved William from sleeping on the street in Tallinn.

2016-06-06 09:52:09

Pinkie heart


2016-06-18 09:52:09

Speech about my handwriting

Aina's bachelorette party!

2016-08-01 06:27:33

Training month

Worst month of my life. Ate under 500 kcal/day, trained 1200-1800 kcal/day. Spent the evenings high and alone.

2016-08-28 06:47:44

Amsterdam layover

2016-08-28 19:54:22

Ibiza #4

With Ísindaell. I was retarded.Rielle got pissed as I wouldn't kiss him, and wanted to send me home. Then he promised to get me a new ticket, later, which he never did. Mom bought my ticket home.

2016-08-29 19:54:22

"I wouldn't do that"

Ísindaell, to that I've had sex with spirits.

2016-08-30 19:54:22

Four "spirit guides"

Said Ísindaell.

2016-08-30 19:54:22

Aura purple

Seen by Ísindaell. Not my brightest period. It's bad, they say. (Jaanie).

2016-09-01 19:54:22

Refused to kiss one of the main dudes

He wanted me home because of that. Later, he told me to stay, as he wanted Ísindaell. He told me he'd book my return ticket, which was a lie for Ísindaell to stay.

2016-09-02 19:54:22

"Just play with it"

Ísindaell, when I had a "it's all a game"-realization. I had the tiniest pupils despite the mindbenders.

2016-09-06 19:54:22

Training blowjob

2016-09-08 06:27:33

Party fall

I found the underground parties.

2016-09-13 19:54:22

Video CV

My ultimate low

2016-09-18 19:54:22

Paintings with couchsurfer


2016-10-06 09:52:09

Handicraft cruise

I had great speed for weight loss. The drug dog was very interested, but I scratched him, and passed.

2016-10-19 06:27:33

High with myself times

Listening to In Trnace 95 and Hori Julkkonen.

2016-10-23 09:52:09

Flights to Ibiza

Tantra festival with Mick. Didn't go because of fatness and gonorrhea.

2016-11-10 06:27:33

In contact with shaman

Blomko Jou. He gave me his thoughts and some exercises about "grounding".

2016-11-13 19:54:22

First LSD trip

I took 3.

2016-11-20 19:54:22

Steinelgefass after

At mine. Played him lots. I thought an event picture was hinting about this. They still have this in their picture. I thought the dude might be Pespa. Pespa is hotter!

Psychosis and Return

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