my learning english experience

this timelime tells about the story of my first time like english

and also all the struggles I've to dealt with.

2013-02-06 13:58:32

the first time I hear an english song

almost all my classmate used to sing "baby" song by justin bieber out loud , i envied to them so I tried to look for the lyric

2013-02-15 13:58:32

I found the lyric

after I begged to my family and friends, finally I got it and tried to memorize it. it hard at first because english isn't my native language, but i eunthusiast

2013-06-06 04:30:00

started obsessed with justin bieber

i'm in love with the whole lyrics and the way justin bieber pronounce every single words

2013-06-17 03:43:58

studied about grammar at junior highschool

started to learn 16 tenses without apply it through my everyday conversation

2013-08-17 03:43:58

stared to give up 1

when was second class of junior highschool i learn almost whole tenses with past perfect continous which stressed me out at that time.

2013-10-05 20:18:05

give up part 2

i didn't as interested as before to study english because i thought that i had devote my time on it, but still cant speak fluently

2013-12-25 22:32:08

give up part 3

i thought english is confusing because it didint worth my sacrifice. i've devoted my time to learn grammar but still cant state it correctly

2013-12-31 03:54:40

at senior highschool

i had put english away to my life in addition, i took social major which didn't need good english skill. i just need accounting skll during economic class

2014-03-14 06:47:14

take SBMPTN and choosed english major as the second choice

i clearly remember when I came online and confirm that I was fail on my first choice, but succeed at the second choice. I shocked and cheers at the same time

my learning english experience

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