History of CALL

1960-01-01 20:03:25

Definition of CALL

CALL is started there since 1960 .Newly emerged learning using computers. Which are called Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL): The use of computer for language teaching and language learning. And after that emerged several phases in stages.

1960-01-03 12:10:55

The first phase Behavioristic

The first phase that can be called Behavioristic.This phase using drill and practice methods and uses the computer as a tutor or plato as learning.such as pronunciation and grammar.

1970-01-01 12:10:55

The second phase "Communicative"

Began to appear e-mail as a learning communication tool. This phase rejects the previous theory of the behavioristic phase

1990-10-01 16:15:34

The third phase Integrative

this phase can also be called multi media. In this year has emerged the term internet already there is video, 3d images and so on. The students can learn to make 3-dimensional images, communicate, and also use drill method. Like using internet based applications 3d imvu.

History of CALL

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