Kabbalist book was used to explain how the power of mystical letters and numbers can create golem.
"My bone was not hidden from Thee, when I was made in secret, and formed in the lowest part of the earth. Thy eyes did see my golem; for in Thy book all things are written: the days also in which they are to be fashioned and for it too there was one of them." The Hebrew Scriptures, Harold Fisch
The Christian monk and promoter of science was fascinated by Greek and Arabic "automata" of real beings. A popular apocryphal story is that Bacon had made a talking head.
Very similar to golem story.
The great expressionistic film has had the most influence on public awareness about the golem.
Golem! Avatars of a clay legend. At MahJ, Museum of the History and the Art of Judaism
Who—or what—is in control of technologies? The danger lies not in machine becoming more like man … but in man becoming more like machine.
Silicon Valley's AI Golem.:Chat(Golem)PT? Video Discussion of book at the American Enterprise Institute