Ancient History Timeline project

I am an eighth grade ancient history scholar and I wanted to share my ancient history timeline with the world. I will at more to my timeline as we go along in the year and learn more about ancient history and we will at images to visualize the information we learn. I will be able to understand better the different ways of a culture with religions, customs, and practices. By the end of the year we will be able to know all of the history that we learned from the beginning to the end.

1200 BC-12-01 00:00:00

Easter Island

Easter Island is in the Pacific ocean. People on the Island made 900 statues as a symbol that the statue is protecting them. Chile owns Easter Island. Each statue is 13 feet and 13 tons. The name Easter Island comes from when the dutch came in 1722.

12000 BC-10-01 00:00:00

Mesolithic Age

Shortest stone age period- Ice Ages ending Climate warms and glaciers melt, leaving more fertile land available. Sets the stage for the invention of farming!

1500000 BC-10-03 11:40:17

Paleolithic age

Homo erectus- name means "upright Man" -Believed to be first to use fire -developed more technology for specific tasks -skillful hunters -spoken language -believed to be first to move out of africa

2000000 BC-10-06 14:40:24


hominids- early homo sapiens Hunters/Gatherers Stone tools specific to job nomadic-had to follow migration of herds and ripening of wild grains made fire hunted in groups spoken language buried their dead cared for injured and sick survived Ice Age extinct or inter-breeding with Cro-magnon

2500000 BC-09-27 11:38:08

Paleolithic age begins (OLD STONE AGE BEGINS)

begins with first simple stone tools Homo habilis probably first hominid to make and use stone tools (name means "man of skill")

40000 BC-10-01 00:00:00


Hominids Early homo sapiens hunters/gatherers nomadic- had to follow migration of herds and ripening of wild grains made fire cave paintings-stationary art tools, jewelry, and Venus statues- portable art skeletons the same as modern humans new specialized tools survived Ice Age

4000000 BC-09-27 11:28:52

First Hominids

"Australopithecines- early bipeedal hominid "Mary leakey finds bipedal footprints of australopithecines " Don Johanson finds lucy

4400000 BC-12-07 15:54:35

Who was the first Hominid before Lucy

Ardi was the first hominid before Lucy because she is supposed to be 4.4 million years old and Lucy is only 4 million years old. She was discovered in the arad badlands in Ethiopia. She was supposed to be 110 pounds and 4 feet tall. She was discovered by Yohannes Haile-Selassie. Her diet consisted of nuts and fruits. no one knows if she was bipedal or not.

5300 BC-10-01 00:00:00

Metal working-Otzi

Otzi the Ice Man found with copper ax archaeologists had to set back the date of metal working by over 5,000 years oldest and best preserved mummy in the world Neolithic Homo sapien

8000 BC-10-01 00:00:00

Neolithic Age

Neolithic Revolution Invented farming and domesitcation of animals No longer nomadic- could stay in one place due to crops and domesticated animals began to make villages surplus food allows trade to begin specialization of labor better technology

Ancient History Timeline project

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