Alice Peña Bulos Community Center
The Westborough Recreation Center was rededicated as the Alice Peña Bulos Community Center to honor the contributions and achievements of Peña Bulos,...
MoreJuan Rodriguez Cabrillo claims California
Sir Frances Drake lands on the California Coast, it is not certain if the site is Ana Nuevo or Point Reyes
Gaspar de Portola Expedition, led by Father Junipero Serra, explores upper California & discovers SF Bay.
Before the arrival of the Spanish in 1769, the Ramaytush Ohlone totaled approximately 1500 and lived in the area of the San Francisco Bay south to Monterey
Mexico earns independence from Spain, seeing California's adoption into Mexican statehood.
Mexico grants Jose Antonio Sanchez, a noted soldier and Indian fighter, 15,000 acres of land from Millbrae to Colma in 1853. Jose Antonio Sanchez, maintained his casa grande in what will become Millbrae, until he dies in 1843. At his death, it is divided equally among his 10 sons and daughters.
Mexico cedes territories to the United States as a result of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, entering California into American statehood.
Chinese immigrants begin arriving in California, seeking opportunities through the Gold Rush and building of the transcontinental railroad.
The Twelve Mile Farm was built in 1850
1,500 acres of the Rancho Buri Buri is sold by Isidro Sanchez to Aldred Edmonson.
The Westborough Recreation Center was rededicated as the Alice Peña Bulos Community Center to honor the contributions and achievements of Peña Bulos,...
MoreEugene Mullin, who had served the community through his long career as an SSF High School teacher, City Council member and Mayor of SSF, and...
MoreOn October 16, 2020, a massive fire engulfed much of Sign Hill, destroying or damaging over 1,000 trees and leaving the landscape charred and broken.
MoreThe population in 2020 was 66,105. Over 40% of the residents are Asian and more than 32% are Hispanic or Latino.
MoreThe City of SSF switched to online and remote support of most services in response to the COVID-19 pandemic with most services resuming in person by...
MoreGenentech collaborated with the South San Francisco Unified School District (SSFUSD) to create Futurelab to support science, technology, engineering,...
MoreSSF Scavenger Company is the first California facility to convert food scraps and yard waste into fuel. Working with the City of South San Francisco,...
MoreAfter 107 years, this iconic family owned business closed it's doors for the last time in October 2016.
MoreThe Grand Avenue Library is a “Carnegie Library” that opened in 1916 celebrates its 100th Anniversary and grand reopening after a remodel which added...
MoreResidents and visitors to South San Francisco have a new way of getting around – a free transit bus called the South City Shuttle, providing a...
MoreFormer SSF resident Jim Fregosi, Major League Baseball player, manager, scout, and six-time All-Star, passed away. Jim played 11 seasons as the Angels...
MoreThe Ferry Terminal at Oyster Point in South San Francisco opened in 2013, providing a commute option for employees from SF and the East Bay.
MoreThe completion of the Miller Avenue Parking Garage brings 254 parking spaces, including 4 electric vehicle charging stalls, to downtown with easy...
MoreCentennial Way is completed, providing commuters, bicyclists, joggers and walkers with a safe and serene means to get from the South San Francisco...
MoreConstructed in 2008, the Joseph A. Fernekes Building is an award-winning facility located in Orange Memorial Park in South San Francisco. Situated...
MoreThe Historical Society museum moves to Chestnut Avenue, and a ribbon cutting is held November 6.
MoreThe 100 year anniversary celebration of the City of South San Francisco begins with a Gala on January 1, and continues through the year with various...
MoreThe SSF BART station opens and becomes an immediate asset to the community. The interior includes barrel vault roofs reminicent of San Bruno...
MoreGenentech has become one of the city's largest employers with 4,500 employees. South San Francisco is home to over 80 biotech companies.
MoreThe CLC, a program of the SSF Public Library dedicated to improving resident's lives through educational opportunities opens at 520 Tamarack Lane.
MoreSSF is home to 40 biotech companies and the Millennium sculpture, created by James T. Russell, on Westborough Boulevard and dedicated on November...
MoreThe 1st Day in the Park at Orange Memorial Park inculdes a car show, entertainment, and exhibits. Created by Councilman Fernekes it is sponsored by...
MoreSign Hill is placed on the California Registration of Historical Resources and National Register of Historical Places.
MoreThe Plymire-Schwarz Museum, at 519 Grand Avenue, is a restored 1905 colonial revival style house located at 519 Grand Avenue. This historic home was...
MoreU.S. Steel, previously Western Pipe & Steel, closes its SSF plant after almost 70 years of service. The steel industry that had dominated the city and...
MoreThe Basque Cultural Center was established in SSF after groundbreaking began in 1981. The Center includes a member hall and handball courts, and...
MoreThe Historical Society of South San Francisco is incorporated to preserve local history and opens the Historical Society Museum in 1988, located in...
MoreSouth San Francisco has been a member of Sister Cities International since 1978, when the city first partnered with Lucca, Italy. Since then, South...
MoreRobert Swanson & Herbert Boyer founded Genentech in a warehouse, as the first biotech company, many more companies would be created and attracted to...
MoreBy 1975, 325 full time employees work for the City of South San Francisco. The population rises by 49,393 by 1980.
MoreKaiser Permanente Medical Center moves from the building at Grand & Spruce to a modern facility at 1200 El Camino Real.
MoreThe population of South San Francisco has risen to 47,700. Voters choose to retain Sign Hill, which the City estimates would cost $40,000 to remove.
MoreSwift and Company, formerly Western Meat Company, closes down after 74 years.
MoreThe new Main Library, located on West Orange Avenue, is dedicated in the memory of Rue Clifford. The construction cost $865,000. The population is...
MoreA 92 foot steel sculpture designed by Aristides Demetrios is unveiled on a hilltop in the 7,600 acre industrial park.
MoreAll Souls Catholic Church is destroyed in a major fire. Rebuilding begins in 1965 and is dedicated in 1969.
MoreInauguration of new Morelos Society meeting hall at 209 Miller, where it still stands today as a venue for weddings, meetings, and other receptions.
MoreCabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park is announced; F.W. Woolworth, Graybar Electric, Infant Specialty , Monterey Cheese, and Thompson Industries...
MoreThe WP Fuller Paint Plant merged with Hunt Foods, and in 1967 merged again with O'Brien Varnish to become Fuller O'Brien.
MoreOyster Point Marina opened with facilities fo 286 small craft. This would later be expanded to hold over 400 boats by the 1970's. The Marina included...
MoreNewly constructed El Camino High School opens on the former Reichardt Duck Farm on Old Mission Road to serve the rising population of 39,418...
MoreBuri Buri Playground, gifted to the City by J. Frank Barrett and Harry H. Hilp, is dedicated in August.
MoreChinese immigrant Sing Sheng and his family attempted to move into the all-white Southwood neighborhood, but faced racial discrimination after he...
MoreSouth San Francisco's population is 19,351. Utah Construction, with City support, developed an "industrial park", by blasting away a 150' rock hill...
MoreThe City Manager/City Council form of government was adopted, but it wasn't until 1954 that the new system was in full operation. The first City...
MoreThe #40 streetcar line, an important form of transportation between the Village of Baden and San Francisco, stopped running.
MoreVoters approved funding for a modern fire station and training facility and the City Council approved funding to hire paid, trained firefighters.
MoreThe Starlite Drive-In Theater opened with the entrance located on Linden Avenue, bounded by Spruce Avenue and Canal Street.
MoreAround 1,600 local men joined the military and some 20 did not return. VJ Day was celebrated with wild joy at the Fraternal Hall on Grand Avenue with...
MoreBy July 1944, 15,594 men and women are employed. Ships built are unique in that all 48 are constructed without rivets, instead welding the seems. A...
MoreLindenville, a problematic federal housing development, is created with 720 units housing 4,200 people. In 1943, the Peninsula Chapter of the NAACP...
MoreWestern Pipe & Steel lays first keel under government contract for ships during WWII. There are 250 men working on the ways. Liberty Fleet Day is...
MoreEster Navarro was the first queen elected for Morelos Society's annual Independence Day celebration.
MoreAn extensive program of housing was initiated under the Federal Housing Act providing new homes for the factory employees of the industrial plants....
MoreSouth San Francisco has grown to a population of 6,290. 5,000 people are employed at various factories, including Swift & Company (previously Western...
MoreThe Morelos Society (La Sociedad Mutualista Mexicana Morelos) was established in 1933 in SSF.
MoreThe State Theater, located at the corner of Linden and Baden Avenue opened in 1931. Western Meat Co. became Swift and Co. in 1932, and by the...
MoreAugie Terrango becomes SSF's first motorcycle police officer, nicknamed the Phantom of the Bayshore, reports up to 8 accidents a day at the...
MoreSign Hill, the signature image of SSF, becomes permanent. $4,845 is spent to plant "South San Francisco the Industrial City" in sixty foot cement...
MoreJoe and Tisbe "Mama" Bertolucci opened Joe's Blue Room as a boardinghouse for steel mill workers in SSF, later became Bertolucci's Ristorante in 1962...
MoreSSF now has 36 industries and holds a groundbreaking for an underpass allowing Bayshore Highway traffic to pass beneath the Southern Pacific Railroad...
MoreIn 1924, San Bruno Road is changed to Hillside Boulevard, and in 1925 SSF Land & Improvement Co. donated 20 acres for Orange Park (3rd Street) & the...
MoreEight South San Francisco men begin collecting funds and organizing fiestas for the local Mexican community. These men would later form La Sociedad...
MoreThe Chamber promotes local businesses by publishing slogans such as "Think well of your town, speak well of it, remember you live here. Buy here....
MoreLouis Belloni, born in San Jose May 12, 1895, formerly a butcher for Western Meat Company, joins the SSF Police Department in 1922 and is appointed as...
MoreCity Hall, built for $125,000 with plans replicating Philadelphia's Independence Hall, is erected and dedicated. Thousands attended the dedication and...
MoreSSF General Hospital moves to a modern building at Grand and Spruce Avenues while the W.P. Fuller and Company ships about 200 tons of products to SF...
MoreSSF is considered part of the Port of San Francisco; pierheads and bulkhead lines are established by order of the War Department. Shipyard companies...
More1916 is a busy year in SSF with All Souls Church being dedicated, the City's first high school, Spruce Avenue High School, opening, the Italian...
MoreThe Italian American Citizens Club was established in South San Francisco.
MorePhilanthropist Andrew Carnegie granted the City $10,000 and provided the building plans. The Library, on the corner of Grand and Walnut Avenues, was...
MoreThe SSF Fire Department acquires a Seagrave pumper, the first motorized fire engine.
MoreDr. Harry Plymire converted his home, at the corner of Spruce and Grand Avenues, into a hospital.
MoreMetropolitan Hotel opens & houses many early businesses. It has a long association with commercial and community events.
MoreSanto Cristo Festa was celebrated in SSF by local Portuguese immigrants as early as 1914. In 1924, there was a Portuguese celebration including a...
MoreThe city block bounded by Grand, Walnut, Miller, and Maple Avenues is purchased by the City from the SSF Land & Improvement Co. for its future civic...
MoreSouth San Francisco High School District is organized and classes are temporarily held at the Grand Avenue Elementary School. Rue Randall Clifford...
MoreThe Society is formed and donors names are paved into the sidewalk at the corner of Linden and California Avenues. A house in SSF rents for $15 per...
MoreIt was reported that four Chinese owned and operated shrimp camps burned down in 1912 along the bay shore of South San Francisco. The origin was...
MoreIn 1908, Griffa and Sons, a family owned general store, opens on the 100 block of Grand and moves to 240 Grand in 1909. In 1909, Pacific Coast Steel,...
MoreIncorporation is granted by the County of San Mateo on September 3, and on September 19, the State of California designates South San Francisco a city...
MoreSSF is known as a company town, new industries include: Steiger Terra Cotta, Fuller Paint Company, 2 steel mills, a tannery, 2 brickyards, and a...
MoreHenry Miller orders butcher shops along the earthquake destruction swath to hand out free meats to earthquake victims for a period of 7 days.
MoreThe South San Francisco Women's Club was formed in 1905, and the South San Francisco General Hospital, at Grand and Maple Avenues, was established.
MoreThe Bank of South San Francisco was incorporated and opened for business in 1905.
MoreThe SSF Railroad & Power Co., aka "New Electric Line", begins streetcar operations along Grand Avenue to the waterfront in 1904, providing an easy...
MoreIn 1902, a Catholic church, later named All Souls Catholic Church, is built at Linden & California. St. Paul's Methodist Church began holding services...
MoreBy 1899, the old Charles Lux ranch becomes a popular picnic spot. Spectators come to watch cowboys hired to break wild horses for use as U.S. Cavalry...
MoreW.P. Fuller Oil & Lead Company relocates to SSF Land & Improvement Company property at Oyster Point after a fire in their San Francisco facility.
MoreA group of Chinese immigrants settled in Baden and ran a variety of businesses including a violet farm and shrimp camp near San Bruno Point.
MoreThe South San Francisco Lumber Company was established in 1898.
MoreAs of 1896, the Western Meat Company is slaughtering a weekly average of 700 cattle, 4,000 lambs & sheep, and 3,000 pigs. As of 1899, Western Meat...
MoreThe Enterprise, conceived by Ebenezer Cunningham and William Marting, begins publication and becomes SSF's second newspaper. One week after the...
MoreBaden School is constructed for $10,000 with 4 classrooms and a broad sidewalk so kids will not lose their boots in the mud getting from the hitching...
MoreSteiger Terra Cotta Pottery Works and Baden Brick Company are established in 1894.
MoreIncorporation of Western Meat Company, SSF's first major industry. Controlled by the "Beef Trust" Swift, Armour, Cudahy, & Morris. In 1894, Andrew...
MoreSouth San Francisco News, the town's first newspaper, begins publication in March, 1892 and continued publishing until September, 1893.
MoreMerriam Block (presently the northwest corner of Airport Boulevard and Grand Avenue) built.
MoreThe South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company was incorporated.
MorePeter Iler of Omaha, Nebraska was commissioned by Gustavus F. Swift to choose a location for a town and meat packing plant in California.
MoreGerman immigrants to California, Charles Lux and Henry Miller formed a partnership which at its height, owns an estimated million head of cattle and...
MoreGerman butcher & businessman, Charles Lux, purchases part of Rancho Buri Buri to fatten cattle preceding slaughter. This is the beginning of Baden...
More1,500 acres of the Rancho Buri Buri is sold by Isidro Sanchez to Aldred Edmonson.
MoreChinese immigrants begin arriving in California, seeking opportunities through the Gold Rush and building of the transcontinental railroad.
MoreMexico cedes territories to the United States as a result of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, entering California into American statehood.
MoreMexico grants Jose Antonio Sanchez, a noted soldier and Indian fighter, 15,000 acres of land from Millbrae to Colma in 1853. Jose Antonio Sanchez,...
MoreMexico earns independence from Spain, seeing California's adoption into Mexican statehood.
MoreBefore the arrival of the Spanish in 1769, the Ramaytush Ohlone totaled approximately 1500 and lived in the area of the San Francisco Bay south to...
MoreGaspar de Portola Expedition, led by Father Junipero Serra, explores upper California & discovers SF Bay.
MoreSir Frances Drake lands on the California Coast, it is not certain if the site is Ana Nuevo or Point Reyes