Reformation has amazing Revivals. Pick MORE to get those stories!
Zurich city council insisted that all newborn infants be baptized, which was a serious matter since Grebel’s group believed water baptism was not for infants, but for believers only. And now that Grebel’s wife had just given birth to a new baby, what were they to do? The Grebels refused to baptize their baby. Other parents followed suit. Zwingli met secretly with Grebel’s group, hoping to talk them down off the ledge, but to no avail. Then Zwingli wrote an article accusing his own followers of causing rebellion and unrest. On January 17, 1525, the council sided with Zwingli, ordering anyone refusing to have their child baptized to be expelled. Four days later, on January 21, 1525, as Grebel’s group met at Felix Manz’s house, George Blaurock, a former priest, turned to Conrad Grebel and asked him to baptize him. The first adult water baptism was performed, and the first free church (free from state rule) in modern times was born. The Catholic Church called them Anabaptists, meaning “rebaptizers,” to label them as heretics and begin the process of persecution. They resented the title, preferring simply “Baptists.” After all, since the ceremonial sprinkling of infants was unscriptural, theirs was not a rebaptism but the only baptism. In 1526, the Zurich city council released a mandate stating that anyone who rebaptized another did so under penalty of death by drowning. Evidently if these heretics wanted water, they decided to let them have it! In less than two years, Felix Manz, the man in whose house the first Anabaptist meeting took place, became the first Anabaptist martyr. George Blaurock fled east and was burned at the stake. Within four years, between 4,000 and 5,000 of the Swiss Brethren were executed by fire, water, or sword. Others fled to Germany, Austria, or Moravia, where sympathetic and tolerant princes remained. --except from autho Jeff Oliver's book
The largest group would follow the path of the Pilgrims. They founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony and succeeded in creating the “Shining City On A Hill”, laying the foundation for the United States of America.
He founded what would be 100 year prayer that sent missionaries that founded revivals and Awakenings in many nations
John Wesley was an Anglican cleric and theologian who, with his brother Charles and fellow cleric George Whitefield, founded Methodism. Catch on fire with enthusiasm and people will come for miles to watch you burn. Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can. Beware you be not swallowed up in books! An ounce of love is worth a pound of knowledge
In a period of days and in five principalities in Silesia now part of Poland, children began praying three times a day. There was no assigned leader and the children were between four to twelve years of age, depending on the sources sharing. Up to 1000 children met in places and their prayers netted revivals that lasted for 20 years. The book Kinderbeten is one source that put a lot of work into exploring this amazing revival. What is also amazing is children from this revival formed the core of what we would later describe as the "Moravians" and the 100-year prayer
George Whitefield was an English Anglican Cleric. He was born in his parents pub and from those auspicious starts, he went onto change the world.
David Barton explains about George Whitefield's role in the Revolutionary War preparation
Audio of the sermon Marks of a true conversion. This is one sermon that would be repeated thousands of time. While his delivery was that of an actor drawing the listeners into each discussion, people simply reading the words of the messages were also touched.
George Whitefiled thought outside the box. He let nothing stop getting the message out and he was very savvy getting to the people whose hearts would be touched. One trip he rode 5,000 miles preacing more than 350 times Basically by 1870, it would be said virtually no one living in America had missed hearing him speak. He was "their" missionary and fellow worker.