The Hawai'i Betsuin BWA was founded through the efforts of many Buddhist leaders; both men and women. Through this timeline you can see how the BWA evolved from two founding groups, Fujinkai and Upasika society. In 1889, the Fujinkai was the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawai'i's first bishop; Bishop Honi Satomi.
Bishop Yemmyo Imamura arrived with wife, Mrs. Kiyoko Imamura. In January, 1906, Mrs. Kiyoko Imamura was elected as the first President Photo from “Hosha: A Pictorial History of Jodo Shinshu Women in Hawaii” - Published by HFBWA, 1989
Mrs. Kayo Kuchiba was Fujinkai's 2nd president with the longest recorded term of 12 years. She was president during a traumatic historical time for Japanese in Hawai'i and globally...the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the beginning of WWII with Japan.
Mrs. Aiko Fujintani served as Fujinkai's 3rd president for 5 years. She was the wife of presiding Bishop Kodo Fujitani who dealt with many unknowns and adjustments post WWII.
Mrs. Dorothy Miura is selected the 1st Upasika president A reception was held at the Bishop Fujitani's residence to welcome Lady Yoshiko Ohtani in March, 1953 under her leadership.
Mrs. Jane Nishimoto was Upasika's 2nd president.
Mrs. Suki Aoki became the 4th Hawai'i Betsuin Fujinkai president. She continued leadership along side the Upasika presidents.
Mrs. Florence Shishido was Upasika's 3rd president.
Mrs. Ruth Fujikami was Upasika's 4th president.
Miss. Margaret Makino was Upasika's 5th president.