St. Anselm's College

1862-11-01 15:39:30

Outwood House Built

1931-11-01 15:39:30

Outwood House Purchased

1933-09-19 15:39:30

St. Anselm's College Opens

Main building was built at a cost of £20,000

1934-10-12 15:39:30

The Ridings purchased for £1500

1938-05-01 00:00:00

Sports Day

1938-06-01 00:00:00

Tennis Final

1938-06-01 15:39:30

First College Inspection

Recognised as an 'efficient' school.

1942-12-01 17:24:53

Rugby Squad

1945-04-01 10:18:39

College SVP Society Launched

St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) St Anselm’s College SVP continues its role as the longest running Youth Conference in the country. Started in 1945 by Bob Stevenson, the SVP principle of care for those in need is still loyally and energetically carried on by pupils of the College.

1946-11-01 15:39:30

Redcourt Purchased

St. Anselm's College

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