GWP 25th Anniversary timeline

1992-01-26 00:00:00

Dublin-Rio statements later provide GWP with guiding principles for water management

The International Conference on Water and the Environment published the Dublin Statement on Water and Sustainable Development with associated guidelines, the Dublin Principles.

1992-06-03 00:00:00

Earth Summit in Rio calls for public participation in IWRM

UN conference on Environment and Development called for effective implementation and coordination mechanisms to promote IWRM based on public participation.

1995-02-03 09:38:18

UNDP and World Bank invited to develop a Global Water Partnership

1996-01-01 00:00:00

Interim Steering Committee established

Interim Steering Committee established; this formed the Technical Committee in June, tasked with creating an analytical framework for the water sector to promote sustainable water resources management.

1996-05-23 10:28:17

GWP Southern Africa Technical Committee established

The GWP Technical Committee holds a meeting in Windhoek, Namibia and establishes the GWP Southern Africa Regional Technical Committee.

1996-08-01 09:38:18

GWP inaugurated in Stockholm, Sweden

GWP was inaugurated in Stockholm, Sweden in August. A Secretariat was established in the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) in Stockholm. Sida remains a core donor to GWP.

1997-01-20 17:25:17

First GWP strategy adopted

The strategy focused on conceptual development of IWRM concepts and advocacy for IWRM approaches towards sustainable water resources management. (The 1999 document is the same as the 1997 strategy, just a nicer cover.)

1997-06-01 05:06:31

Southeast Asia Regional Technical Committee established

GWP Technical Committee holds third meeting in Manila, Philippines and establishes the Southeast Asia Technical Committee The Regional Water Partnership is established November 6, 2004.

1997-09-26 00:00:00

Creation of the Network of Regional Technical Committees

They would advocate change and promote knowledge exchange on better water management. Drive for membership/partners began.

1998-01-01 00:00:00

GWP Central and Eastern Europe Technical Advisory Committee established

The Regional Water Partnership is fully established in 2002.

GWP 25th Anniversary timeline

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