The Boomer Bust Timeline

The Boomer Bust timeline maps the U.S. and World events that occurred during the Baby Boomer years from 1945 to present and the impact that the boomers themselves will have on society in the future. This unique look at the Post WWII birth rate boom provides an insightful look at the effect that baby boomers have had on all aspects of society but most importantly, on small businesses in America. Trends in politics, lifestyle, healthcare, and small business have all been influenced by the Baby Boomers.

1945-01-01 20:42:07

The Baby Boom

1945 The Post-WWII Baby Boom begins.

1945-07-01 00:00:00

"Baby and Child Care"

Dr. Benjamin Spock publishes his famous book.

1947-01-01 05:37:57

U.S. Births Continue to Rise

U.S. Birthrate exceeds 3,500,000.

1947-07-01 05:37:57

Welcome to Suburbia

William Levitt begins construction of Levittown, NY, a planned community and the prototype for mass-produced suburbs.

1953-01-01 05:37:57

Color Television Debut

The Rose Parade was the first color television broadcast.

1954-01-01 05:37:57

U.S. Births Still Increasing

The Baby Boom is full swing but how much is 4 million really?

1955-01-01 05:37:57

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus

1956-01-01 13:22:53

Interstate Highway System

Congress authorizes the construction of the Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways.

1958-01-01 13:22:53

First Boomers Turn 13

A new generation of consumers arrives on the scene.

1959-01-01 06:12:06

U.S. Births Begin to Decline

U.S. births begin to slow from the all time high of 4.3 million per year.

The Boomer Bust Timeline

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