ASM Through the Decades

This timeline presents a visual history of ASM. It chronicles significant moments and people, as well as highlighting celebrations and events that are an integral part of the culture at ASM. This timeline includes 'slices of life', giving a real sense of how ASM has evolved over time and become the leading educational institution that it is today.

1960-04-01 00:00:00

The Founders of ASM

In the Spring of 1960, a group of American businessmen and officers of the United States Embassy, led by Lawrence Bell, from General Electric, Norman Johnson, First Secretary at the United States Embassy, and Peter Danos, from Minnesota Mining, got together and started working on opening a non-profit American school in Madrid of the highest academic standards.

1961-05-09 00:00:00

The First Board of Trustees

First row, left to right: Richard R. Bagney, Edward H. Kreisler, Kellie Gardner (Headmaster), Peter Danos, and Frank Howell. Second row, left to right: Ross A. Ross, Kenneth M. Crosby, Norman F. Johnson, Lawrence E. Bell, Robert K. Parker, Daniel H. Lowell, Virgil B. Baldi, and Jacob Canter.

1961-09-18 00:00:00

L. Kellie Gardner

The first headmaster of the American School of Madrid was L. Kellie Gardner, 1961-1963. Mr. Gardner had been teaching mathematics, physics, and science in the American School of Paris prior to being appointed Headmaster at ASM. He was 32 years old when he moved to Madrid with his wife, Arlette, and their four children. Mr. Gardner, who had written four books, had a A.B. degree in English Literature and a Master's Degree in English Literature and Writing from Indiana University. He came to Madrid with the highest personal and academic references from his past employers, teachers and co-workers.

1961-09-18 20:50:54

First Day of School

After a year and a half of planning and preparation, the American School of Madrid finally became a reality and first welcomed students on September 18, 1961, at 9 A.M.

1962-06-02 05:35:08

The American Culture at ASM

American cultural expressions, such as Graduation, Halloween, the Girl Scouts, and theatrical productions, are early features of student life at ASM.

1963-09-01 00:00:00

El Clarín

El Clarín was the name the ASM yearbook during the first years of the school. It is a typical American-style publication of its time.

1964-09-01 00:00:00

A Look at the Students

Notice the way students look and dress, the way photos are posed, and learning spaces are devised.

1964-09-01 00:00:00

John Schereshewski

John Schereshewski was the headmaster from 1964 to 1966.

1965-03-06 05:16:27

Scenes from downtown Madrid

ASM was located in three different streets in downtown Madrid. The first building was located in Calle Joaquín Costa number 13 and it was for Kinder up until Grade 1. The second building was in Calle Pinar, near Castellana, and it was for Grade 2 up until Grade 6. The third building was in Calle Dr. Fleming where ASM rented to floors for Grades 7 through 12.

1966-01-01 00:00:00

Fundraising at the Ritz Hotel

With the support of the United States Ambassador, The Hon. Angier Biddle Duke, the Board of Trustees organized a gala dinner at the Ritz Hotel in September 1966 to launch the fundraising campaign for the new Aravaca campus.

ASM Through the Decades

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