Enhancers: The "Other" Regulatory Region

Promoters and UTRs seemed to have grabbed the better part of the limelight in recent years, but let's not overlook enhancers. These mysterious pockets of regulatory potential are full of surprises. Read all about the epigenetic breakthroughs in the understanding of enhancers.

2009-06-09 11:01:49

DNA Methylation: Thinking Outside the Promoter to Determine Lineage

It turns out that the methylation status of enhancer regions is cell-type specific, suggesting that enhancers might be big shots when it comes to cell fate

2010-03-30 11:01:49

Transcription Enhancers Have an Oprah Moment

Researchers show that an unstable nucleosome sitting smack dab in the center of an enhancer can get kicked off to make way for transcription factors and gene expression.

2010-12-10 11:01:49

H3K27ac Marks the Spot of Active Enhancers

A team of researchers at the Whitehead Institute have found that the histone mark H3K27ac identifies active enhancers and predicts a cell’s developmental state.

2011-03-30 11:01:49

Chromatin States Get On the Map

New work published begins the process of creating chromatin state roadmaps to help point epigenetics researchers down the right path. To make that journey a little smoother, a research group took on the project of mapping chromatin states in nine human cell types. In each cell-line they tracked nine different chromatin marks via ChIP-seq, which they then analyzed to look for regulatory elements, functional roles and cell-type specificities.

2011-05-18 11:01:49

Decoding the Epigenetic Role of Non-coding RNAs

More functional categories of ncRNAs have recently been identified, and you can be sure that more are on the way. Trying to keep microRNAs (miRNAs), Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs), small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) , not to mention the subgroup, large intergenic non-coding RNAs (lincRNAs), the newly described enhancer RNAs (eRNAs) and promoter-associated RNAs (PARs) all straight can be quite daunting.

2011-09-11 11:01:49

Promoters Reach Out to Far -Away Elements

Researchers used chromosome conformation capture carbon copy (5C) to comprehensively study long-range interactions between promoters and “distal” elements.

2011-11-23 11:01:49

Chromatin Altering Enhancers Help Genes Escape lncRNA Silencing

Researchers report that some genes can escape from the stranglehold of silencing that long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) impose. And they do it with the help of enhancers that drive the chromatin to form acrobatic 3D structures.

2012-01-05 11:01:49

3D Chromatin Structure’s Special Effects on Transcription

The 3-dimensional structure of chromatin has some very special effects on the regulation of gene transcription.

2012-04-16 11:01:49

Colon Cancer Signs on the Dotted Line with Epigenomic Enhancer Signature

Researchers have evidence that they’ve identified a signature of enhancer histone modifications that points to colon cancer

2012-05-23 11:01:49

Enhancers Set the Stage for Stem Cell Differentiation during Embryogenesis

Researchers say that they have a better idea of how development happens—and enhancers are showing them the way by pointing out active genes.

Enhancers: The "Other" Regulatory Region

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