NCTM – Looking Back, Moving Forward

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) is proud to celebrate its 100th year and its rich history as one of the world’s largest and most influential organizations dedicated to mathematics education. From its founding in 1920 and beginnings as a department within the National Education Association in Washington, D.C., to its creation and development of a Center for Educational Associations campus in Reston, Virginia, NCTM has been committed to a mission of supporting teachers and advocating for high-quality mathematics teaching and learning for each and every student. For this occasion, we have compiled this Centennial Timeline to reflect on NCTM’s contributions and accomplishments, and place them in a broader historical, educational, and mathematical context. As we celebrate our centennial, we not only look back at our achievements but forward to what we can and must do given how far we’ve come and all we still want and need to accomplish.

Robert Q. Berry III;xNLx;NCTM President, 2018-2020

1901-09-06 07:33:02

First National Organization for Mathematics Teachers

The Central Association of Science and Mathematics Teachers, the first national organization for mathematics teachers, is established along with its publication of its journal, "School Science and Mathematics." Later the association changed its name to School Science and Mathematics Association to align its organizational name with the name of its journal.

1903-07-01 18:23:28

Regional Beginnings

The year is a banner one for the formation of two regional mathematics teacher associations—The New England Association for Mathematics Teachers and the Association of Teachers of Mathematics in the Middle States and Maryland.

1904-07-01 20:49:13

The "Annual Bulletin"

The Middle States and Maryland association publishes its first "Annual Bulletin" in July. The "Annual Bulletin" was a precursor to "Mathematics Teacher."

1908-08-01 05:12:27

"Mathematics Teacher" is Born

"Mathematics Teacher" (MT) journal begins publication.

1915-11-01 09:31:05

Establishment of MAA

The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) formally establishes itself as the world's largest community of mathematicians, students, and enthusiasts. The mission of the MAA is to advance the understanding of mathematics and its impact on the world.

1917-04-06 03:42:51

America Enters World War I

April 2, 1917, President Wilson asks Congress to declare war against Germany. The Senate votes to declare war on April 4, 1917, and the resolution passes the House on April 6, 1917.

1918-01-01 14:18:09

The Value of Mathematics in School

The Commission on the Reorganization of Secondary Education is appointed by the National Education Association (NEA). The opening salvo of their report questions the value of including school mathematics as part of the standard curriculum. “The Problem of Mathematics in Secondary Education” follows in 1920.

1919-03-01 21:00:33

Thinking Big

Charles M. Austin leads an effort initiated by the Men’s Mathematics Club of Chicago to determine whether other regional groups would be interested in forming a national organization of mathematics teachers.

1920-02-24 14:18:09

NCTM is Officially Formed

At a meeting to coincide with the annual National Education Association meeting, 127 mathematics teachers from 20 states form the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) on February 24, 1920, in Cleveland. Charles M. Austin is elected NCTM’s first president and states its purpose as the following: "First, it will at all times keep the values and interests of mathematics before the educational world. Instead of continual criticism at educational meetings, we intend to present constructive programs by friends of mathematics. We prefer that curriculum studies and reforms and adjustments come from the teachers of mathematics rather than from educational reformers." With the establishment of NCTM, the high school and college mathematics education community consolidates its resources into one national voice for the profession.

1921-05-01 02:12:40

NCTM Acquires "Mathematics Teacher"

The Twenties are starting to roar as NCTM acquires "Mathematics Teacher" (MT), which will become one of NCTM’s most celebrated journals of all time. The acquisition comes from the Association of Teachers of Mathematics in Middle States and Maryland, where MT was published quarterly (and now will advance to eight issues annually). MT becomes a pioneer publication as it provides its audience a forum for sharing activities and pedagogical strategies. Over time, MT will go on to win numerous awards, including honors from Association Media & Publishing.

NCTM – Looking Back, Moving Forward

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