Lippert Family Timeline

This timeline tracks the Lippert Family genealogy events from about 1800 to 1969 in McKeesport and Mt Oliver, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania

John T Lippert immigrated from Germany in 1894 where he joined his brother, Leonard, and eventually moved to the Pittsburgh, PA area.

1818-02-09 00:00:00

Birth-Death Michael Lippert (John T Lippert’s Father)

Michael Lippert and Gertrude Mueller were the parents of John T Lippert, the patriarch of the Lippert Families of McKeesport and Mt Oliver, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.

1830-01-13 00:00:00

Birth-Death Gertrude (Mueller) Lippert (John T Lippert’s Mother)

Gertrude (Mueller) Lippert was the mother of John T Lippert, the patriarch of the Lippert Families of McKeesport and Mt Oliver, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.

1870-03-23 00:00:00

John T Lippert Birth

“T” is for Theodor. Attached is John T’s 1910 Passport Application, which documents his birthdate.

1873-06-03 00:00:00

Clotilda Schmidt Birth (future wife of John T Lippert)

Her name was also spelled Klotilda in records. Their marriage was believed to be 1895.

1893-07-05 00:00:00

Passport Application - Leonhart (Leonard) Lippert

This record documents the date and place of birth of Leonhart (Leonard) Lippert, the brother of John T and George Lippert and son of Gertrude and Michael Lippert. His birthdate was 29 Mar 1862 near Aschaffenburg, Bavaria (Germany). He worked as an Ironworker and lived in McKeesport, PA since 1880. Leonard is the person who will meet his brother, John T in 1894 upon John’s arrival in the Port of Philadelphia.

1894-08-15 00:00:00

Johann (John) T Lippert leaves Sailauf, Germany to sail to America

Johann (John) identifies his residence as near Sailauf, Germany on the ship’s log (SS Pennsylvania). Sailauf is approximately 25 miles southeast of Frankfurt, Germany. Continue on to refer to 28 Aug 1894 for more information on his journey to Philadelphia to join his brother, Leonard, with a final destination, McKeesport, PA

1894-08-28 00:00:00

John T Lippert arrives in Philadelphia from Germany

Here is a photo of the SS Pennsylvania. This ship document was key to identifying that John T lived near Sailauf, Germany as a whitewasher. Attached is a copy of the ship’s record. He traveled to Philadelphia to meet his older brother, Leonard, where they went to McKeesport, PA.

1896-03-23 00:00:00

Birth of Edward L Lippert (eldest son of John T Lippert)

Born in McKeesport, PA and baptized at St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Click on the link to view his Baptismal record. Edward L Lippert is father to Edward and Leonard Lippert who both perished serving the United States in The Second World War. He was married to Marie (Kraus) Lippert and fathered three more children: Dorothy, Norbert, and Dale.

1897-10-01 00:00:00

John T Lippert Naturalization

John T Lippert becomes a naturalized citizen in US District Court, Western District of Pennsylvania

1899-08-10 00:00:00

Clotilda Sails from Germany with Two Kids

Clotilda, with children Eddie and Mary, returns from a trip to Germany into New York ... purpose and length of trip unknown, on the ship “Furst Bismarck” departing from Port of Hamburg on August 10 and arriving in New York August 31, 1899. See attached passenger list.

Lippert Family Timeline

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