Using Tiki-Toki in the classroom can be rewarding for both you and your students, but how can you get the most out of the experience? Depending on the age of your students, we recommend different approaches. You can use Group Edit to collaborate on a timeline or use student accounts so students can create their own timelines. If you sign up for a teacher account, you can switch between the two as you see fit.
• Group Edit functionality: Group Edit (available with any premium accounts) allows you to set a secret word for a timeline that you create. You give this secret word and the web address of the timeline to your students. They can then contribute to your timeline (without having to get their own account) by opening it in a browser, and entering their name and the secret word in the Group Edit box that appears on your timeline. You can find out more about Group Edit on our FAQs page, and see a Group Edit timeline in action here.
• Student accounts: If you sign up for a teacher account (currently US$150 a year), you get 50 Bronze accounts for use by your students (if you need more than 50 accounts, please contact us!). These allow students to create their own timelines. They can send you the URL to their timelines or you can access the timelines from your list of students on your main account page, but you have limited control over their accounts. Students would need their own email address to get a Tiki-Toki account.
Group Edit is probably best with younger students. It is a quick and easy way of getting students involved in creating a timeline as they don't need their own Tiki-Toki account or email. We recommend you regularly change the secret word to prevent students deleting content. Student accounts would be suitable for more mature students who have their own email address.
If you have any questions about using Tiki-Toki in the classroom, or would like to tell us about your experience, please get in touch with us at
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