The Cause of World War 1

1879-10-07 00:19:54

The Dual Alliance

On August 8th 1879, Austria-Hungary and Germany formed an alliance called the Dual Alliance. The two countries promised each other support in case of attack by Russia. This alliance was easily created as the two countries had ethnic ties.

1881-01-01 12:27:00

France Occupates Tunisia

In 1881 France occupated Tunisia. This angered Italy as Italy had attempted to do the same before. The French wished to take control of Tunisia, and supress Italian influence.

1882-05-20 01:13:35

Triple Alliance is Formed

After Italy was angered by the French occupying Tunisia Italy decide to join Austria-Hungary and Germany for protection. This new alliance was now called the Triple Alliance. Each member country promised mutual support in the event of an attack by any other great power. The treaty meant Germany and Austria-Hungary would assist Italy if it was attacked by France. In return Italy would assist Germany if attacked by France. Although Italy would remain neutral in war between Austria-Hungary and Russia.

1904-04-08 00:00:00

Entente Cordiale

The Entente Cordiale was an alliance fromed between France and Britain in 1904. The Entente Cordiale marked the end of many years of conflict between the two powers. France also found some security against any German system of alliances. Britain was also concerned by the growth in the German Navy in 1904.

1906-01-01 11:05:57

The Pig War

Austria-Hungary dominated the Balkans economically. To try to reduce its dependence on Austria-Hungary, Serbia began to build trade links with France (1904) and Bulgaria (1905). Austria-Hungary reacted by banning all imports of Serbia pork and Serbia responded by selling its pork to France.

1907-08-31 04:55:53

The Triple Entente

Russia feared the growth of the german army, and fear of Austria-Hungary increasing the size of its empire because of this Russia joined France and Britain to form the triple entente. The Triple Entente members were not required to go on war if one of the countries did but they felt they were morally required.

1908-01-01 11:05:57

The Bosnia Crisis

Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia. The Serbs were furious, not just because Serbs lived there, nor even because they had hoped to conquer Bosnia themselves, but also because Austria stopped Serbian pork going through Bosnia. Serbia was forced to recognise Austria's right to Bosnia.

1914-06-28 10:02:55

The Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

The assassination of Franz Ferdinand is usually seen as the beginning of war when it really just is an event that happened to be the tipping point before war begun. Franz Ferdinand archduke of Austria-Hungary was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip. Many Serbians were furious about Austria's previous actions like the Pig War and The Bosnia Crisis and at the time Austria-Hungary was ruling Serbia. Princip was a Serbian nationalist like many others that were upset Serbia wasn't self-ruled. At nineteen years and a member of the black hand a secret Serbian society of the early 20th century, Princip decided to assassinate the heir to the Austrian throne.

1914-07-23 10:02:55

The Ultimatum

After Franz Ferdinand's assassination Austria-Hungary put an ultimatum unto Serbia. The Ultimatum was extreme on purpose, the Austrians hoped that the Serbs would reject it, giving them the excuse to invade. The Ultimatum: 1. Stop all publications attacking Austria, 2. Suppress the Black Hand and all other anti-Austrian terrorist groups, 3. Stop schools teaching anything that would make pupils hate Austria, 4. Dismiss any civil servants or army officers who were anti-Austrian, 5. help the Austria government suppress all anti-Austrian terrorist groups, 6. Allow Austrian police to help in an investigation of Serbia's links to Franz Ferdinand's assassination, 7. Arrest two officials who were believed to have helped plan the assassination, 8. Stop Serbs smuggling weapons from Serbia into Bosnia, 9. Stop criticising Austria, 10. Accept all the above points without delay.

1914-07-25 10:02:55

Serbia and the Ultimatum

Two days later after the ultimatum was proposed Serbia gave its response to Austria. Serbia’s response effectively accepted all terms of the ultimatum but one: it would not accept Austria-Hungary’s participation in any internal inquiry, stating that this would be a violation of the Constitution and of the law of criminal procedure.

1914-07-28 10:02:55

War Begins!

After Serbia's response Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, starting the first World War I. And within a week the triple entente, Belgium and Serbia had lined up against Austria-Hungary, Germany. Italy later joined in 1917.

The Cause of World War 1

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