Henry Flagler Timeline

Henry Morrison Flagler (January 2, 1830 – May 20, 1913) was an American industrialist and a founder of Standard Oil. He was also a key figure in the development of the eastern coast of Florida along the Atlantic Ocean and was founder of what became the Florida East Coast Railway. He is known as the father of Miami, Florida and also founded Palm Beach, Florida.

Henry Morrison Flagler (January 2, 1830 – May 20, 1913) was an American industrialist and a founder of Standard Oil. He was also a key figure in the development of the eastern coast of Florida along the Atlantic Ocean and was founder of what became the Florida East Coast Railway. He is known as the father of Miami, Florida and also founded Palm Beach, Florida.

1818-11-18 01:59:33

Stephen V. Harkness born

Stepehen V. Harkness born in Fayette, NY to Dr. David Harkness

1820-01-08 02:21:36

Martha Cook Harkness dies

David Harkness' wife Martha dies.

1820-05-08 02:21:36

Dr. David Harkness to Milan Ohio

Dr. David Harkness moves to Milan Ohio to practice medicine.

1821-01-08 02:21:36

Dr. David Harkness marries Elizabeth Caldwell

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1822-09-26 07:58:38

Daniel M. Harkness born

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1825-11-21 08:51:54

Dr. David Harkness dies

Dr. David Harkness dies and Elizabeth is left to care for Stephen V. and Daniel M. and returns to Hopewell(Salem?), New York where she marries Rev. Isaac Flagler.

1828-01-01 08:48:18

Andrew Jackson elected President

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1828-09-15 06:28:22

Isaac Flagler marries Elizabeth Harkness

Rev. Isaac Flagler marries Elizabeth Morrison Caldwell Harkness in Romulus NY.

1830-09-17 16:30:28

Henry Flagler born in Hopewell, NY

Henry Flagler was born in Hopewell, New York in the Finger Lakes region of New York. Henry was the son of Elizabeth Caldwell Morrison Harkness and the Rev. Isaac Flagler, a Presbyterian minister. His mother was the widow of Dr. David Harkness of Milan, Ohio who had been a widower when they married. David Harkness and his first wife were the parents of Stephen V. Harkness whose business success enabled him to later invest substantially with Henry and J.D. Rockefeller in the Standard Oil company. David and Elizabeth had a son Daniel M. Harkness who is Henry's half-brother

1831-01-01 08:48:18

Flagler family moves to Hammondsport NY

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1833-01-01 08:48:18

SV Harkness starts harness making apprenticeship

S.V. Harkness starts his apprenticeship in harness making in Water, NY at the age of 15

1833-11-21 08:51:54

Dr. LG Harkness settles in Bellevue, OH

1835-10-27 01:07:53

Texas declares independence from Mexico

1836-06-08 11:41:21

Stephen V Harkness returns to Bellevue

Stephen V. Harkness at the age of consent(18) returns to Bellevue, OH to seek his fortune

1836-06-24 16:21:14

Flaglers relocate to Toledo, Ohio

Isaac Flaglers relocate temporarily to Toledo, Oh where Isaac runs a parish. Isaac Flagler marries an interracial couple and starts a temperance movement.

1837-01-06 21:58:16

Martin Van Buren elected President

Martin Van Buren President

1838-06-08 11:41:21

Dan Harkness moves to Bellevue, Ohio

Dan Harkness leaves family to live with his uncle Lamon in Bellevue, Ohio

1839-08-26 00:44:32

Stephen V. Harkness moves to Bellevue, OH

Stephen Harkness moved to Bellevue, OH after his harness making apprenticeship in New York to work with his his Uncle Lamon G. Harkness. He worked in the general store and eating establishment.

1841-01-06 21:58:16

William Henry Harrison elected President then assasinated

William Henry Harrison, an American military officer and politician, was the ninth President of the United States (1841), the oldest President to be elected at the time. On his 32nd day, he became the first to die in office, serving the shortest tenure in U.S. Presidential history.

1841-02-06 21:58:16

John Tyler succeeds to Presidency

John Tyler became the tenth President of the United States (1841-1845) when President William Henry Harrison died in April 1841. He was the first Vice President to succeed to the Presidency after the death of his predecessor.

1842-10-27 15:24:05

Stephen V. Harkness marries Laura Osborne

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1844-09-17 16:30:28

Henry travels to Republic, OH

Henry graduated the 8th grade and went out to find his fame and fortune. He decided to go to Ohio to work with his half-brother Daniel M. Harkness in Lamon .G. Harkness' general store in Republic. He spent 3 years in the Republic store before moving on to Bellevue, OH

1845-02-06 21:58:16

James Polk elected President

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1845-07-02 08:57:23

Irish Potato Famine

Irish Potato Famine

1845-07-18 13:37:15

Dan Harkness moved to Bellevue Store

Dan Harkness asked to move to Bellevue to work with the Chapman Harkness business from there

1846-05-12 13:37:15

US Declares war on Mexico

US Declares war on Mexico

1849-03-17 17:58:22

Henry called to Bellevue Harkness Store

Henry called to Bellevue, salary increased to $400 per year. He roomed with half-brother Dan Harkness.

1849-08-23 04:22:35

Dan Harkness marries Isabella Harkness

1850-01-06 20:37:05

Lamon V. Harkness is born to Stephen V. Harkness in Bellevue

Lamon V. Harkness is born to Stephen V. Harkness and Laura Osborne in Bellevue

1850-08-26 00:44:32

Henry Flagler meets Stephen V. Harkness

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1851-02-01 00:00:00

Kier - Kerosene Light from Refined Oil

In 1851, Samuel Martin Kier began selling kerosene to local miners, under the name "Carbon Oil". He distilled this by a process of his own invention from crude oil. He also invented a new lamp to burn his product.[12] He has been dubbed the Grandfather of the American Oil Industry by historians.[13] Since the 1840s, Kier's salt wells were becoming fouled with petroleum. At first, Kier simply dumped the useless oil into the nearby Pennsylvania Main Line Canal, but later he began experimenting with several distillates of the crude oil, along with a chemist from eastern Pennsylvania.[14]

1852-01-06 20:37:05

Laura Harkness Dies

August - Stephen Harkness’ wife Laura dies and is buried in Bellevue, Ohio.

1853-11-09 00:00:00

Henry marries Mary Harkness in Bellevue OH

Henry marries Mary Harkness in Bellevue, OH - she is the niece of S.V. Harkness and the daughter of L.G. Harkness

1854-01-21 17:03:25

Stephen Harkness marries Anna Richardson

Widower Stephen V. Harkness marries his second wife Anna Maria Richardson from Dalton, Ohio (East of Canton, OH and about 1hr from Caledonia today)

1855-02-01 00:00:00

Henry's Parents move to Bellevue, OH

1855-03-18 10:20:57

Henry and Mary's first child Jennie Louise born

1855-11-18 01:59:33

Stephen V. Harkness opens grain business and a distillery in Monroeville, OH

1856-03-31 23:46:41

Henry Bessemer invents mass steel production

Henry Bessemer invents process that allows mass production of steel;

1858-06-18 10:20:57

Second Child Carrie Born

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1858-08-08 00:00:00

William L Harkness born

William L. Harkness was born to Daniel M. and Isabella Harkness in Bellevue, Ohio

1859-02-01 14:05:16

Rockefeller and Clark form produce commission business

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1859-08-27 00:00:00

OIL! Drakes Well Strike

Drake Well strikes Oil in Titusville, PA

1861-04-12 14:05:16

Civil War starts

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1861-12-07 10:20:57

Daughter Carrie dies at 3 yrs old

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1862-02-01 00:00:00

Rockefeller invests in Oil Refining

J.D. Rockefeller and M. B. Clark invest in Samuel Andrews(chemist who improved the refining process) as he starts a small refinery in Cleveland. This targeted primarily the production of Kerosene for use in Oil Lamps.

1862-02-01 18:07:24

Henry starts salt business in Michigan

Henry an brother in law go into the salt business in Saginaw Michigan. There is a significant demand for salt to support the Civil War.

1865-02-01 00:00:00

Rockefeller and Andrews formed

Rockefeller and Andrews buy out Clark and form Rockefeller and Andrews refining company in Cleveland OH

1865-04-09 14:05:16

The Civil War Ends

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1865-05-01 18:07:24

Flaglers Salt Business Fails

With the end of the Civil War the demand for salt is diminished. Flaglers business fails and he returns to Cleveland Ohio $100,000 in debt.

1865-09-02 00:00:00

Cleveland has 30 Refineries

Cleveland has become the oil refining capital of the world with 30 refineries.

Henry Flagler Timeline

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