Our etwinning project unfolds within a school year.It involved 4 teachers and 22 students from Greece & Spain.

2015-10-05 14:42:51

Students present themselves,their schools- towns

Through a variety of interactive activities students use the information provided to present their partners and their partners' schools- towns.

2015-11-02 14:42:51

Logo design -voting for the best logo

Students design the logo of the project and vote for the logo they liked best.

2015-11-23 14:42:51

Exchange of Christmas wishes,cards and carols on line.Cards and treats sent by post.

Students prepare their Christmas cards fill them with wishes and send them to their partners.Spanish students sing Christmas carols in Greek!!!

2016-01-11 14:42:51

Webquest about the British Isles& further activities

Students respond to a webquest activity about the British isles , prepare questions for their partners and answers in QR codes.Theyalso complete activities and quizzes designed with learningapps. and photopeach. Record all information gathered and share it with their school community.

2016-01-11 22:58:18

Legend 1: The Legend for the Unicorn

Inspired by the story students answer questions in the forum, present and match magic creatures with their magic powers,describe their magic creature and invite their partners to draw it. They also create an interactive gallery with the magic creatures they find on the web.

2016-02-15 22:58:18

Legend 2: Gelert

Students read the second story and exchange information about their pets or favourite pets to have and talk about famous dogs in the forum.

2016-03-01 22:58:18

Legend 3: A Royal Secret

Students talk about secrets in their life and exchange hidden messages and riddles with their partners either following suggested ciphering methods or inventing their own. Coded Riddles and History questions are sent by post and students are asked to decode them.

2016-03-28 22:58:18

Collaborative story writing

Storybird platform is used and students create their own legends collaborating with their partners.They vote for the story they like best.

2016-03-29 22:58:18

Legends from our countries

Students present legends/myths of their countries to their partners ,prepare comics and invite their partners to games to check their knowledge.

2016-04-19 22:58:18

Project Evaluation -Farewell messages.

Students evaluate the project answering individual evaluation questionnaires as well as using answergarden. They also exchange farewell messages with their partners.

2016-05-10 14:42:51

Dissemination of our work

Legends' etwinners present the project to the school and local community.


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